“Praise be to our Great God” from the Lenz’ – February 2021

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Dear Friends,

For nearly 4 years we’ve been asking you to pray for our friend Stephen in regards to a land dispute which also directly affects the church as well. We just received word from our co-workers that the court has finally made a decision and it is in Stephen’s paper. Yesterday, Stephen went to the court to get the written document declaring him as the official land owner. This has been a long, costly ordeal for Stephen and his family and he wants to thank all of you who have been praying for them through this. Please continue to pray, though, that the opposing family will accept the decision.

Thank you for praying,

Levi & Robyn Lenz

Serving the North Wahgi people of Papua New Guinea


Facebook: Lenz’s View

From the Fields – February 2021

What has happened this week?

A brand new semester has started!


This week has been a blur, but let me highlight a few things that happened:

1. We had a grand semester opening with all of the students and staff in one room, singing to our heart’s delight! It was a fantastic way to begin the new semester!

2. Covid restrictions are lightening up! We have been able to have a group of students over for game night, and also a football game this week! Sweet fellowship is beginning to return!!

3. Dave is teaching a class on the main story of scripture and what it means for us. Students are popping with questions and extra interest, so we may need to have an open house for those who don’t get enough in class.

4. Dave is also taking another class at seminary for his New Testament degree. Every semester he takes one class, and every semester we ask God to provide the payment for the class. This semester God provided one day before his class started! God likes it when we trust Him happily! We send a huge thank you shout-out to our friends at Grace Bible Church in Portage for allowing Dave this amazing privilege of studying God’s Word so he can keep teaching faithfully!!

5. Clark is finishing up 12th grade and taking a welding course at  community college. We love watching him be a shining light for the Lord among his classmates and teachers!!! Please pray for him as he is now at a point that he can start applying for welding jobs. His plan is to come to Bible school in 1 year. God has wonderful plans for Clark and we trust Him to put everything together for him!

If you are looking for a way to help us financially, Clark has some dental needs. His jaw is not aligned so he can’t chew on one side. He needs 4 molars pulled and braces to align everything up. We don’t have dental insurance, so if you are looking for a way to help, we would appreciate any help.

Okay, this is getting too long! Next newsletter I’ll fill you in on how missions week turned out here in Feb. On my to-do list for that event is getting permission from the covid-safe team for students to eat a Thai meal together on mats on the floor. We shall see…

Your financial partnership and your prayers and your friendship are all gifts from the Lord, and keep us here in ministry.

Thank you ever so very much!!!

Dave, Kim, Reece & Clark Field

News From The Hautle’s – December 2020

December 2020

Dear praying friend,

“And His name shall be called … Wonderful Counselor … Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6

There is nothing more fitting than these words right now. To have a Counselor who hears our prayers and heals our hearts and to have a Prince of Peace who brings comfort during trials.
COVID finally caught up with us. While Jen and the kids had little or no symptoms of it, Brent was hit very hard, and it ended up turning into pneumonia.
When Brent was at his worst, we received word his brother Jeff passed away suddenly—what a shock. Jeff’s wife passed away nearly two years ago and we mourn especially for their children. But we’re grateful—Jeff is with his Savior! That takes so much of the sting away, and the Prince of Peace has certainly been our peace.
We hope that this Christmas, you’ll experience the peace of Immanuel—God among us!


  • Even though we couldn’t travel to the funeral, we were able to watch a live stream of Jeff’s service—and the Gospel was clearly presented.
  • Brent is recovering well.
  • Jen and the kids recovered quickly.
  • The final Multimedia Summit session went very well, with lots of participation and enthusiasm.
  • The latest Good News Club® resource pack was completed and distributed.
  • Amy was able to lead a child to Christ at AWANA.



  • For Jeff’s children Hannah (and her husband Josh) and Collin as they face life without their parents. Please pray for all the legal issues they face and that they would continue relying on God to be their strength.
  • For us and my parents as we continue to grieve.
  • We are still looking for a house to purchase in the Millersburg area.
  • Creativity in several large projects.
  • Please pray as we continue to adjust as a family to our new surroundings. Pray especially that Amy and Christopher can make friends with other believers.

Our mailing address is:

Brent and Jen Hautle

1154 State Route 25

Millersburg, PA 17061

News From the Fields – December 2020

What a strange year!

Finding the blessings in 2020.

The Lord kept all these students safe all semester! They got to study the Word every day and grow and stretch through all the good and tough parts of this semester!

God has also stretched each one in our family as we navigated the disappointments that came with all the Covid restrictions. We found a new normal as we trusted Him to grow us and take care of all our needs.

The Lord has been so faithful in all of the lows and highs of this year! When we ask Him to show us the blessings in this day, He opens our eyes to how incredibly many incredible gifts He has placed all around us! He’s given us salvation and a new home with Him waiting for us…we have everything to be thankful for.

God has been so good to our family and our hearts are full this Christmas season!

  • He’s given us health and sweet family time.
  • He allowed students to be here for the entire semester!
  • He has grown and stretched us as we trust Him with every part of our lives.

We thank you from our hearts for supporting our family during this crazy year! We send you our love and warm Christmas greetings!!!

Merry Christmas!
Dave, Kim, Reece and Clark Field

From the Lenz’ View

Are we there yet???

What a year this has been! First and foremost, we want to thank you all for your continued support through this year of unusual events. God has continues to bless us and meet our needs.

I think one of the top rules for a missionary is “be flexible”. Well, this year of logistical limbo has put our flexibility to the test in a number of ways but we’ve seen God’s hand in it all! As we have not made it back to Papua New Guinea in June or August, as we’d hoped, we projected our next attempt for the end of this month. That too has changed. For multiple reasons, it has become evident that we need to wait to try and get back to PNG until the end of the current school year. The kid’s school needs and travel logistics are certainly a part of the equation; however, more importantly, God has provided the opportunity and means for us to tend to some personal needs in our family in order to make sure we are all in a healthy place to return to PNG whenever that door does open up for us. In a sense, we need to pause to secure our own oxygen mask before assisting others.

Our hearts’ desire is to be PNG continuing on in the North Wahgi church-planting ministry and our commitment has not changed in that area. I, Levi, will continue to work on projects that directly benefit our church plant—but for the short-term I’ll be doing this from here in the US. This is not a change in ministry, but a short-term change in ministry location. We are thankful for your continued support which enables me to continue being in full-time ministry without having to seek out and balance outside employment with this ministry role.


Bloom where you’re planted…

This fall Robyn started substitute teaching at the Christian school where our kids attend. This has been a blessing and a confidence booster for her to be able to teach various age levels of students. Through this time, God has provided some awesome opportunities for Robyn to share the Gospel with some of her young students and to be an encouragement to the other staff at the school.

Back in Wahgi land…

Some of you may recall us asking for continued prayer for one of our Bible teachers, Stephen, and an ongoing land court issue. This case has been dragged out for the last few years. The latest word on this is that the verdict of the case has been made, but it has not yet been revealed. Stephen has been told to come pick up the official ruling papers, but each time he goes to do this, the necessary people aren’t there. Please continue to pray for peace and patience for him and his family.
This week there will be a 3-day youth conference held in our village in which youth from 7 other NTM-planted churches in the neighboring province will attend. This will be our church’s first time hosting this event. Please pray for safety for all who travel for the event. Pray that our believers will work in unity with one another as they host the conference. And finally, pray that God will be glorified in all that goes on during the conference.

Thank you again for your love, encouragement, and support.

Levi, Robyn, Michael, Daniel, Matthew, and Krystiana Lenz

Hautle’s – November 2020

November 2020

Dear praying friend,

With all the changes this year—for us personally, in our ministry and everything going on in the world—we’re making one more change. We’re hoping to be able to keep in touch better through regular Hautle Prayer Points emails.
We do want to take the time to say “thank you” for lifting us up in prayer to our Heavenly Father. We greatly appreciate it!


  • Our office has been set up and we’re able to communicate effectively with the rest of the team in Europe.
  • For two online Multimedia Summit meetings, with dozens of participants from across Europe, and for successful presentations we helped to create for it.
  • We finished the layout of a new teaching tool which is now undergoing testing.
  • For virtual clubs taking place across Europe that are reaching thousands of children during the quarantine.
  • For an openness to the Gospel that has come about because of COVID-19.
  • We have been able to start serving at church in the praise team and AWANA.


  • We are still looking for a house to purchase in the Millersburg area.
  • For the final Multimedia Summit taking place next week.
  • We’re in the final stages of completing another Good News Club® resource pack. Please pray for its timely completion and as it gets translated.
  • Creativity in several large projects.
  • Virtual Christmas Clubs will be taking place all across Europe. Please pray many unchurched children will sign up and for the Gospel to be clearly explained. Please pray for many children to come to faith in Christ.
  • Please pray as we continue to adjust as a family to our new surroundings. Pray especially that Amy and Christopher can make friends with other believers.

Brian & Donna Renes – October 2020

Update from Brian and Donna Renes – October 2020

Dear Friends,

You know the expression, “that’s Greek to me.”  Even though you hear something spoken, you do not understand it or do not learn the language, so you have no clue what was said. These types of phrases (idiomatic expressions) are sometimes very different in other languages. If you speak to someone in Spanish and want to express the same sentiment, you need to say, “That’s Chinese to me.”

I have seen many Chinese lately. Every day my computer screen has been filled with various sets of Chinese Bibles in different scripts. This morning in my email inbox, a colleague wrote, saying, “In your report to churches, you must write down.., working for an audience of 1.4 billion this month!” So here goes a glimpse of translation (and Bible) work in China.

The main languages of China have had a translation of the full Bible for many years. Last year more Bibles were distributed in China than in the United States. In recent years, all reports indicate that the church is growing, especially in the rural areas of China. Like in many contexts throughout the world and history, translation and revision of the Bible is an ongoing process, especially for a thriving church. One aspect that reflects growth and maturity is the desire for study material in the language.  This past month I have been working on numerous Study Bibles in Chinese. There are excellent Study Bibles in various languages, and those can be used as models for new work. I have helped new projects get a running start by mirroring the published content to their latest projects. Translators still need to do a lot of work to adapt the study material, but the time to do so is reduced.

With the United Bible Societies and many other organizations, our primary goal is to make the Bible available to everyone in the language and format they desire. For some, that means we start a translation project in a language that has never had the Bible, and for others, it means providing a Study Bible. The Bible is indeed useful for teaching… and training in righteousness. (2 Timothy 3:16-17)
On a more personal note, I keep very busy helping teams from our home in Iowa. Even though travel is not yet allowed, remote work is possible, and we are progressing. These past weeks have focused on Chinese Study Bibles, but most months, it has helped teams prepare for publishing – many of which are in Africa. Pray for those translation teams that were hoping to finish this year. Final edits and agreement on precise wording require many meetings. From east to west, north, and south, no better time than now for God’s Word to be shared.
Partners with you in mission.

Brian and Donna Renes