“Sharing the Life of God” Sunday Service (9:30 AM in the A/C Gym and 9:50 AM Live Stream)

You are invited to experience, view or listen to our Sunday morning sermon in one of 5 ways.
1) Participate in our onsite worship service in the Air Conditioned Gym which begins at 9:30 AM, SUNDAY at 3757 Mill Street.
2) Watch live on the church Facebook page at 9:50 AM, SUNDAY by going to: facebook.com/srcmarion  Please “like” our Facebook page for future notifications.
3) Watch the same recording later on Facebook at a time more convenient for you: facebook.com/srcmarion
4) Watch the same recording later on our newly created YouTube channel. Just type in “Second Reformed Church of Marion” when you go to youtube.com  Or you can click on this link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo3ZNP8OgRarSQXfqzGcn-Q
5) Listen to the audio recording and see sermon outline on our church website: sermons.srcmarion.org

Title: Sharing the Life of God

Text: I John 1: 1-10

Theme: God offers eternal life, the life of God, in His son, Jesus Christ.

  1. __________________
    1. John related Jesus’ glory:  He is Eternal Life in Person, vv. 1-2
    2. Our saving fellowship with God hinges on our Lord’s glory—in His being Eternal God & historic Man in on Person, the Life of God come in the flesh.
  2. ____________________
    1. God reveals Eternal Life thru eyewitness testimony concerning His Son
    2. God also reveals Eternal Life by those He commissions.
  3. ____________________
    1. In making Christ known, God seeks to bring sinners into saving fellowship, v. 3.
    2. God’s ultimate goal in making Christ known is JOY, v. 4.
    3. Joy for all eternity.


Questions for Study

According to Scripture, what is eternal life?  Is it a quantity or a quality or…

What is the connection between Jesus Christ & the life…made manifest, I John 1:2.

When do believers first come into possession of eternal life?  See John 5:24.  

How is the eternal life Jesus gives believers not only a possession, but also power?  How, for example, do the Fruit of the Spirit, Galatians 5:22-23, and the gifts of the Spirit, I Corinthians 12, relate to eternal life?

Grace Covenant Ministries – August 2020



Grace Covenent Ministries/Annville Institute

PO Box 340

Annville, KY  40402

Phone:  606-364-5151

Dear Prayer Warrior,

Things seem to be changing all the time, yet things seem to stay the same.  The everchanging news/guidelines seem to have the same theme of uncertainty.  We read in Psalm 43 of living in discouraging times and having hope at the same time.  It is reassuring to have our foundation built upon the Rock during these times of storm (Luke 6:48)

At the present time Annville Christian Academy is scheduled to open on our campus in a classroom setting on August 18 while the public school will probably start with online classes a week later.   This could change by the time you read this email and that makes for frustrations in planning youth programs.  We are also excited to explore the possibility of offering a camp highlighting God’s blessing to us through nature.

The trade stores continue to be open two days a week.  Residents are thankful for the opportunity to “shop in a smaller venue” and “appreciate that everyone is wearing a mask”.    The schedule does allow for a deeper cleaning between open days and customers have thanked the staff for their diligence.  We are grateful for the gifts of used clothing and miscellaneous items that continue to arrive at the stores.  Your gifts also have allowed us to help area families as they face unique challenges.

Our Board of Directors met last week.  While present conditions contain many operational trials, they are also thankful to see your ongoing support for our efforts.  They also are thrilled about the gifts towards the Lincoln Hall Restoration Project that are allowing us to proceed with the project. Architect drawings have been approved and the next phase of the project will be put out for bids.  This phase includes handicap accessibility to all floors, along with restrooms for the building.  This phase should also make the first floor useable again.

Your support is helping us to make a difference in our community.  “We give thanks to God always for you all, making mention of you in our prayers.”  (1 Thessalonians 1: 2)  If you have any questions or have concerns you want to express, please contact us.  We are also available via video conferencing if you so desire.

Your Partner in Missions,

Jake Moss, Director of Development

The Bible League – August 2020

Text Box: eNews August 2020

Seeing God in Everything

Longpre longs for people in her village to know the hope that she has found in God’s Word. This 23-year-old wife and mother lives with her family in a remote area of southern Bangladesh. There are no vehicles and no public transportation. She must walk two hours to reach the closest market.For years, Longpre and her family worshipped nature.

But when her daughter got sick, a local pastor—and Bible League-trained church planter—began to comfort her family. “Pastor told us that Jesus would heal our daughter, and I believed him,” she says. “Miraculously, she was healed.”

The pastor continued to visit the family, teaching them God’s Word. Longpre began to worship God, and she saw major changes in her life. “We had many struggles in our family. Our marriage was not very easy,” she says. “Now, we have a lot of peace and understanding between us.”

She credits the change to her family’s time in the Word. “Jesus has transformed my life and my character,” she says. “My neighbors did not like me, as I was known to pick fights for small issues. But God taught me peace.”

Longpre no longer worships nature, but the one true God. “My house is just below the mountains and is made of bamboo. We do not have electricity; only the sun gives us light. When I look at the mountains, the hills, the sky, and everything, I know that God created it all.”

Her hope for the future is that people in her village could know Jesus. “This really is a changed life,” she says. “Many women like me in the village are struggling. My prayer is that Jesus changes their lives as He changed mine.”


Overcome with God’s Love

Woman in Armenia Accepts Jesus

July 13, 2020

Metaqsya, pictured with her children, was born and raised in Armenia. She remembers growing up in a prayer-filled household. She explains, “When I was still a kid, my parents became believers. I remember my father and mother would read passages from the Bible every night, after which we prayed together as a family.”

As she got older, she began to neglect her faith. Then she fell hard for a boy. She reveals, “As a teenage girl, I fell in love with a boy who was not a believer. My parents weren’t happy about that. I neglected their advice and married him. I was blinded by love; I thought my boyfriend was the perfect man. But I was wrong.”

After having two children of her own, Metaqsya discovered her husband was not the kind man she thought. He became physically violent with her. Eventually, he left the family for another woman. A friend heard about the situation and came to see her. “I have a close friend who is a believer,” she says. “When she heard about what happened to me, she tried to visit me several times, but I refused to listen.” In her frustration and despair, Metaqsya fell to her knees and cried out, “Oh God, please help me!”

She says right at that moment her friend showed up. “She told me about Jesus Christ,” Metaqsya says. “Then she invited me to join something she called ‘Choose Life,’ a Project Philip Bible study. The name of that program sounded so attractive to me. I decided to participate. I loved it!”

She goes on to share how she realized she’d been against the Lord for years. She says softly, “I felt how God gave me peace. Day after day, I experienced God helping me. I’m telling you, it’s because of the study group that I am growing in my Christian life. Thanks to all of you who are supporting the Bible League ministry in Armenia!”

The family doing a Bible study.


Imprisonment Brought Freedom

Man accepts Christ through Prison Ministry

July 6, 2020

Peter (left) had a good life. At 26 years old, he owned a welding business and had a working farm in his village in Zambia. He and his wife had children and they were building a house.

One day, as he was returning home from work, Peter was attacked by three men. In an act of self-defense, Peter hit one of the attackers with a pole, killing him. Peter was arrested and sentenced to two-and-a-half years in prison.

During his sentence, Peter decided to join a Project Philip Bible study for inmates. “I found most of the inmates being so serious with the Word of God, studying nearly every day. I decided to be born again and gave my life to Jesus Christ before I was released,” he says.

Peter learned so much about the Bible through discussions in his Project Philip group and the lessons in the Your Journey to Freedom Prison Bible he received. “It was really interesting to meet as a group and discuss the questions together as a team,” he says. “We could help each other and agree in conclusion after each topic. I thank God for such arrangements.”

Peter was released after eight months in prison. But he didn’t receive the welcome home he had hoped. His wife had remarried and his children were now living with her and her new husband. “I was in shock and fell into depression,” he remembers. “My farmland and house were being occupied by someone else and nothing was left.”

But Peter kept hope. “I am grateful and inspired, having received a free copy of the Bible from Bible League during my imprisonment. It was my tool and weapon to overcome such challenges in life,” he says. “I learned not to repay evil with evil, but good for evil. I am now using the same Bible to share the love of God with other people and my family. I am now a changed person and thank Jesus for setting me free through Project Philip.”

Peter reflects on the personal changes he’s seen since accepting Jesus as his Savior. “Previously I was short-tempered, even when I was in jail. But after receiving the Word of God, I am now a changed person and my temper is gone.”

He’s using his knowledge of Christ to share the Gospel with others, including his children and family. “What is different now in my life is that I have managed to bring back my children and I am moving on with my new life,” he says. But he’s not stopping there.

“I feel that God is leading me to minister with His Word to many people. I would like to take part in the prison ministry so that I can help inmates as well,” he says. “By spreading the Good News about Jesus and what He did in my personal life, I can contribute towards growing His kingdom.”


Bringing God’s Word to Japan

Young people in Japan have embraced the print and digital versions of the bilingual (Japanese and English) Alive New Testament easy-to-read translation. This generation is learning that their heavenly Father loves them and wants a relationship with them. Watch the video to see how this translation is transforming lives.

“Who is Jesus?”

Today, if you were to ask that question of people in Japan, especially young people, few would have a clue. Some might say, “Is He an American? Is He a movie star?”

For many years, Jesus and the Bible felt distant and stern to the Japanese people, especially among the younger generations. The only Japanese Bible translation available made Jesus seem to be a strict teacher or drill sergeant who commands people.

Today, young people in Japan have embraced the print and digital versions of the bilingual (Japanese and English) Alive New Testament easy-to-read translation, released in 2017. This generation is learning that their heavenly Father loves them and wants a relationship with them.

Now, our team is working on the Old Testament translation so that the people of Japan can have a complete Bible in a language they can understand. Believers in Japan are eager for the Old Testament.

Your support will help complete the Old Testament so that the full Bible will be available to all Japanese people. Help bring the Word of God to Japan.


Join friends around the world in prayer! Click here to download the August prayer calendar.

Additional Prayer Requests

Praise God that in the Correctional Services of South Africa, some Project Philip Bible study leaders will be able to resume their prison ministry programs. While only few will be able to start now, the rest will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Pray for the health of all involved, that the rest of the programs could start soon, and that God would use these Bible studies to change lives.

Pray for the online Project Philip training in the Philippines with 50 people starting soon. Pray for stable internet and for Pastor Eli who is conducting the training.

Thank you for your prayers and financial support. Your gifts to Bible League International help provide Bibles and training to a world in need.

This email was sent by: Bible League International, 3801 Eagle Nest Drive Crete, IL, 60417, US


“Christ Above All” Sunday Service (9:30 AM in the A/C Gym and 10:00 AM Live Stream)

You are invited to experience, view or listen to our Sunday morning sermon in one of 5 ways.
1) Participate in our onsite worship service in the Air Conditioned Gym which begins at 9:30AM, SUNDAY at 3757 Mill Street.
2) Watch live on the church Facebook page at 10:0AM, SUNDAY by going to: facebook.com/srcmarion  Please “like” our Facebook page for future notifications.
3) Watch the same recording later on Facebook at a time more convenient for you: facebook.com/srcmarion
4) Watch the same recording later on our newly created YouTube channel. Just type in “Second Reformed Church of Marion” when you go to youtube.com  Or you can click on this link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo3ZNP8OgRarSQXfqzGcn-Q
5) Listen to the audio recording and see sermon outline on our church website: sermons.srcmarion.org

Title: Christ Above All

Text: I Kings 18:17-40

Theme: By decisively defeating the powers of darkness on their own turf, the Lord reveals Himself as God alone.

  1. The Lord _______________
    1. v. 21a.
    2. God sent Elijah to reason with & woo back His unrepentant people.


  2. The Lord ______________
    1. Elijah gave Baal’s prophets every advantage to show he’d not rigged the contest.
    2. While Baal was revealed as a nothing, the Lord revealed His glory.


  3. The Lord ______________
    1. Israel confessed her faith publicly, openly before the world, v. 39.
    2. Elijah “asked for the order”.



Questions for Study

How does our first core value place us in direct opposition to this world’s values & aims, as well as in direct opposition to our old human nature?

How was Jezebel’s campaign to silence God’s prophets/Word bearers & supplant them with her Baal & Asherah prophets a general practice since Satan first approached Adam & Eve in the Garden of Eden?

How is every moral decision we make ultimately a matter of who we truly confess as lord/Lord, as the Ultimate Authority?

Boil it all down, we have two choices of whom we shall serve. Who are they?

How is the decision to believe & trust the Gospel ultimately a matter of believing who is God; of who is True & final authority?  I John 1:5-10.

“Transitions” Sunday Service (9:30AM in A/C Gym & 10:00AM LiveStream)

You are invited to experience, view or listen to our Sunday morning sermon in one of 5 ways.
1) Participate in our onsite worship service in the Air Conditioned Gym which begins at 9:30AM, SUNDAY at 3757 Mill Street.
2) Watch live on the church Facebook page at 10:0AM, SUNDAY by going to: facebook.com/srcmarion  Please “like” our Facebook page for future notifications.
3) Watch the same recording later on Facebook at a time more convenient for you: facebook.com/srcmarion
4) Watch the same recording later on our newly created YouTube channel. Just type in “Second Reformed Church of Marion” when you go to: youtube.com  Or you can click on this link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo3ZNP8OgRarSQXfqzGcn-Q
5) Listen to the audio recording and see sermon outline on our church website: sermons.srcmarion.org

Title: Transitions

Text: Hebrews 11:31-12:2

Theme: Keep Looking to Jesus, the Pioneer & Perfecter of Our Faith

I. Providence

A. Growing, maturing __________s’ lives are often hard; by God’s design

B. Race…set before us = the Christian life.

II. Patience/_____________

A. Simplifying our life:  let us lay aside every weight & sin which clings…

B. Identify:  since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses…

C. Our great Example, Surety & Sponsor:  looking to Jesus…

Questions for Study

Often possessions we buy to enrich our lives bring with them a lifestyle & maintenance we didn’t plan on.  To rightly use the possession we enter the lifestyle that goes with it, complicating our lives further.  What is one weight, one spiritual hindrance, one life simplification you could, with the Lord’s help, lay aside?  How will you keep from backfilling the freeing vacancy?

Are there any sins/sin habits that we allow to own us, our thinking & energy?  Are we at least fighting back against them, inwardly condemning them as wrong, offensive to God?  Are we praying for Him to deliver us?

II Timothy 2:4, while written especially for church leaders, furnishes every believer a motivation to simplify.  What is that motive?

How has the Covid 19 crisis and rulers’ responses made this harder?  Easier?

One simple way to set a day’s tone & trajectory of looking unto Jesus is to greet Him & talk to Him even before we get out of bed, then seek Him in His Word before we begin our day’s work.  What are some prompts we can build into a day to remind us to keep looking up to Him?

How can our church’s leaders help SRC to live out our text?  How can we help them help SRC to live out our text?

“The Lord Bless You” Sunday Service (9:30AM in A/C Gym & 10:00AM LiveStream)

You are invited to experience, view or listen to our Sunday morning sermon in one of 5 ways.
1) Participate in our onsite worship service in the Air Conditioned Gym which begins at 9:30AM, SUNDAY at 3757 Mill Street.
2) Watch live on the church Facebook page at 10:0AM, SUNDAY by going to: facebook.com/srcmarion  Please “like” our Facebook page for future notifications.
3) Watch the same recording later on Facebook at a time more convenient for you: facebook.com/srcmarion
4) Watch the same recording later on our newly created YouTube channel. Just type in “Second Reformed Church of Marion” when you go to: youtube.com  Or you can click on this link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo3ZNP8OgRarSQXfqzGcn-Q
5) Listen to the audio recording and see sermon outline on our church website: sermons.srcmarion.org



I. Introduction

A. “God Bless You” Cliché

B. Flower City Work Camp to Flower City Outreach

II. Purpose- We can experience the genuine blessing of the Lord when parting company by practicing the 3 C’s.


  • “Oh give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever!” (Psalm 118:1)
  • T-shirt Memories
  • Significant Stats


  • “And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.” The second is this: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” There is no other commandment greater than these. (Mark 12:30-31)
  • “Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock.” (Matthew 7:24-27)
  • Gentle Exhortations Rooted in Themes of Ministry


  • Finally, brothers, rejoice. Aim for restoration, comfort one another, agree with one another, live in peace; and the God of love and peace will be with you. (2 Corinthians 13:11)
  • And when they came to him, he said to them: “You yourselves know how I lived among you the whole time from the first day that I set foot in Asia, serving the Lord with all humility and with tears and with trials that happened to me through the plots of the Jews; how I did not shrink from declaring to you anything that was profitable, and teaching you in public and from house to house, testifying both to Jews and to Greeks of repentance toward God and of faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. (Acts 20:18-21)
  • Reassurance of Love for You

III. Conclusion

A. Summary

B. Application

  • Specific Prayer Requests
  • 1) FCWC to flourish in post-Covid world
  • 2) Deepen & broaden FCO church support base
  • 3) New ministries so “that the city might see Jesus”
  • Commissioning Prayer by SRC Elders
  • “The Blessing” Song
  • The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace. (Numbers 6:24-26 ESV)
  • Cake Reception

The Lenz’ View – July 2020

Oh Rats…

About a month ago while we started the process of sorting and packing for our return to Papua New Guinea, our co-workers discovered and notified us that our house in the village had been overtaken by rats in our absence. At the last count, I believe they have killed over 30 rats in our house (and that number was slowly rising). We are very grateful for their efforts to eradicate the rat population. We’ve been told that the trespassers have done substantial damage, but the full amount of damage is still to be determined. From photos, it almost looked as if an earthquake had shaken items off the shelves, but nope, that was the rats knocking things over and of course chewing on all of it in the process. Our co-workers have organized a team from our support base to come in to the village next week in order to do a thorough cleaning and also put metal siding on our house to replace the woven pitpit siding. We hope this step will keep them from invading like this again in the future. We hope to have a better assessment of what all was damaged after this next week.




News from the Village…

In early June another 13 Wahgi believers were baptized. What is more exciting is that these people were led to the Lord and baptized by other members of the Wahgi church. This was done while our co-workers were out of the village. We are thankful for Stephen and Wirol who have kept Bible studies and Sunday Bible teaching going. Now that our co-workers have returned to the village, they will be working to further train and encourage these men to continue Bible teaching rather than taking that role again themselves. We have been longing for the day when the church would stand strong on their own feet and the Word of God. It looks as if God is using COVID to help bring that about. Please be praying with us for continued unity in the church and more faithful men and women of God take on responsibilities in the church.

Four young Wahgi believers (Dipa, Kayeye, James, & Lus)

Now What…

We just had a great time visiting my (Levi) family in Missouri. Now that we’re back in Michigan, we will resume packing things to send over to PNG. We still do not have our kids’ passports back. The passport processing centers are still slowly reopening. We were recently advised that once we receive our the new passports, we need to send them off to the PNG Embassy in Washington, DC to have the entry permits transferred over to the new passports. In the past we’ve been able to travel with both old/new passports in hand, but we’re being encouraged not to do that this time around. Please be praying with us for patience as we wait on God’s timing and travel documents.


Thank you for your continued prayers and support,


Levi & Robyn Lenz

Serving the North Wahgi people

of Papua New Guinea


Facebook: Lenz’s View




“The Song of Serenity” Sunday Service (9:30AM in A/C Gym & 10:00AM LiveStream)

You are invited to experience, view or listen to our Sunday morning sermon in one of 5 ways.
1) Participate in our onsite worship service in the Air Conditioned Gym which begins at 9:30AM, SUNDAY at 3757 Mill Street.
2) Watch live on the church Facebook page at 10:0AM, SUNDAY by going to: facebook.com/srcmarion  Please “like” our Facebook page for future notifications.
3) Watch the same recording later on Facebook at a time more convenient for you: facebook.com/srcmarion
4) Watch the same recording later on our newly created YouTube channel. Just type in “Second Reformed Church of Marion” when you go to: youtube.com  Or you can click on this link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo3ZNP8OgRarSQXfqzGcn-Q
5) Listen to the audio recording and see sermon outline on our church website: sermons.srcmarion.org
Title: The Song of Serenity

Text: Luke 23:44-49

Theme: Having accomplished the work the Father gave Him, Jesus has closure; He goes home; He enters into His rest.

I. His 7th Word is a Word to His ____________.

A. It’s a quoted prayer from Psalm 31.

B. It’s also a kind of bedtime prayer.

II. His 7th Word is a Word for ____________.

A. It sets an example for Christians.

B. Believers already now taste eternal life.

Questions for Study

Deuteronomy 28:15ff describes God’s curses upon those who reject & rebel against Him.  VV. 25-35 especially depict un-rest, blighted efforts, fruitlessness, lack of closure.  How do we see these dark activities going on in our social & cultural events today, including the effects of the Covid Virus?

How is Jesus’ prayer here a statement of His Faith?

What gives a dying believer similar confidence?

If you were to die today, do you know for certain where you’ll be?

Some say Christians can’t know with certainty where we’ll be when we die; that we can only hope.  God & His Word remind us we can know:  See Jesus’ earlier Word from the Cross, to the dying, repentant criminal, Luke 23:39-43.  See also I John 5:12-13.

How is Jesus’ 7th Word related to His saying in John 12:24?  Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.

“Jesus’ Power Helps Us Be Good Friends” Sunday (9:30AM in A/C Gym & 10:00AM LiveStream)

You are invited to experience, view or listen to our Sunday morning sermon in one of 5 ways.
1) Participate in our onsite worship service in the Air Conditioned Gym which begins at 9:30AM, SUNDAY at 3757 Mill Street.
2) Watch live on the church Facebook page at 10:0AM, SUNDAY by going to: facebook.com/srcmarion  Please “like” our Facebook page for future notifications.
3) Watch the same recording later on Facebook at a time more convenient for you: facebook.com/srcmarion
4) Watch the same recording later on our newly created YouTube channel. Just type in “Second Reformed Church of Marion” when you go to: youtube.com  Or you can click on this link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo3ZNP8OgRarSQXfqzGcn-Q
5) Listen to the audio recording and see sermon outline on our church website: sermons.srcmarion.org
Title: Jesus’ Power Helps Us Be Good Friends

Text: Acts 2:42-47

Theme: Jesus’ power creates & cultivates Body Life, the Fellowship of Brotherly Love.

I. Common ____________ in Christ.

A. We have the same birthday as our risen Lord & so share in His new life.

B. It’s power that is ours in Christ as well.

II. Common ____________in Christ.

A. The newborn believers dedicated themselves to the Apostles’ teaching.

B. Contrast:  Biblical truth unifies, false teaching disrupts, fellowship.

III. Common ____________of Christ.

A. The breaking of bread & the prayers sum up other aspects of worship.

B. So is worshipful prayer, both private & corporate.

IV. Common ____________in Christ.

A. Together, learning of-, confessing-, worshipping through Christ fostered hands-on, Christ like compassion, vv. 44-46.

B. A witness of Christ in word, belongingness & charity drew others to Him

Sermon Based Discussion Questions:

How important is Christian fellowship to your walk with the Lord?  Were you ever away from Christian community for a time?  If so, did that make a difference in your spiritual life?  If so, what was different?

The VBS authors chose the phrase “Good Friends” as a means for explaining Christian fellowship & brotherly love to children, churched & unchurched.  How is that accurate?  How is it insufficient?

Word study:  koinwnia /koinonia, the original word rendered “fellowship” in our text, is rendered in other ways in Scripture.  Review the following texts which contain the original word in noun or verb form.  Is there a common element in the way they render the word?  Romans 12:13; 15:26-27; I Corinthians 10:16; II Cor. 9:13; Philemon 6; I John 1:3.

What is toxic to Christian fellowship?  See Romans 14:1-15:7; 16:17-18. Ephesians 4:25-31; II Timothy 3:1-5; 4:9-10.

What qualities & actions foster it?  See:  Ephesians 4:1-16; Philippians 2:1-5.  How, by grace, can we incorporate more of these things in our own life?