News from the Fields – January 2022

May I please have 4 minutes of your time?

Teamwork makes the dreamwork.

Do you want to see something that you are a part of? Click the blue button below and you will be blown away by what

God is doing, and what you and we get to be a part of!

If you have another 4 minutes, please read this part:
The three missionary couples in this tribe were mobilized for missions during their time at college.
Then they came here to Bible School to build a foundation in God’s Word.
Then they went to missionary training school together for a couple years.
Then they raised support.
Then they headed to PAPUA NEW GUINEA
Then they moved into a tribal location together…
built relationships, learned their language, taught them to read and write, and lived side by side with the people until one day they…
Taught the story of God from beginning to end in their own language for the very first time!!
Now they are starting the teaching over from the beginning, this time mentoring the new believers to church leadership, teaching and eventually the missionaries will move out leaving behind a mature church.
Oh, and the missionaries are also translating the Bible into their own language!

One of the missionaries from this team spoke to us staff here at Bible School yesterday. He had tears in his eyes as he shared that one day we will get to celebrate in heaven with our new brothers and sisters in Christ.
This is a big deal!
This is the BIGGEST deal!
Thank you for being partners in global missions!!!.
One day we will all be together celebrating!
Dave, Kim, Reece & Clark Field

The Field’s – November 2021

I just had the privilege of taking 60 students to

Ethnos Training Center in Missouri.

We got to learn about the next step of missionary training after Bible School.

We joined their classes for 2 days led by the staff there who have each spent years overseas. We heard about:

  • God’s heart for the world and our part in HIS story.
  • The teacher’s field experiences.
  • The importance of learning the heart language and building relationships.
  • Evangelism starts with learning about their world view.
  • The big picture from our sending church to planting a mature church.
  • The process of learning an unwritten language.
  • How to live off the grid.
  • Learning about conflict resolution.
  • The importance of team discipleship and unity.
  • …and much more!

Our group was blown away by the incredible training provided for anyone planning to minister in a different culture and language.

Click here to see a day in the life of a missionary training student.

Our hearts are FULL!
We all got to hear about the righteousness of God, His love for every human, and our responsibility of proclaiming His name to the ends of the world. We can’t thank the Lord enough that His children get to be involved in God’s heart for the world!

Dave & I thank you; sending church, friends and partners for your partnership in what the Lord is doing here at Bible School and around the world!
Dave & Kim Field

News from the Fields – October 2021

Do you know anyone who would like to study the Word for 2 years?

We love this school because of the community here. The students love each other well.

We love it because the students learn the Word verse by verse.

We love this school because the teachers and staff love the students and are a part of their lives.

We love this school because all of the staff are supported by churches and friends, not by any tuition from the students.

We love to see the students study the Word and have their lives changed by it.

We love this school because students get to hear through the story of scripture Gods heart for every human to hear about Him .

We love this school because of who the students are when they enter the school, and then who God transforms them into by graduation day.

We love being a part of the students learning who they are in Christ, and then because of their love for Him, desiring to serve Him for their whole life.

I’m going to stop my list here because you won’t believe me if I keep adding to it:) Is it too good to be true? Come and see, and bring your family and friends!:)

October 28-29
December 2-3
February 10-11
March 10-11

Campus Visit Weekend is a free event where for 2 days you can live the life of a student. You will go to classes, eat in the cafeteria, stay in the dorms, visit with staff in their homes, have a tour, enjoy a fun event with the students, and hear all about God’s heart for His world. It’s a win win!

Click on the blue button below for more info and to register.
Can’t wait to see you here, or if you can’t come, please pray for us next weekend as we host 40 visitors!

Love to you al!
Dave & Kim Field

Click here to see more info or register


Fields’ Report – Ethnos 360 – August 2021

130 Freshmen and the rest of the students are arriving today!!!

Here is a speedy hi-light update.

Dave & I celebrated our 25th anniversary this summer!! We were able to enjoy an incredible summer that had margin to rejuvenate, and prepare for this new semester that is starting this weekend!!

We have enjoyed spending more time with our church family! Dave has been given opportunities to preach the message for the Sunday service! He will be giving the message this Sunday on Acts 15. I have enjoyed being on the mission’s team, and Reece is on the security team. It’s a great family!

I have decided to go to community college! Pretty crazy, right? I will only be taking one class at a time so that I can keep up with home life, EBI life, church life and college life. Okay, if it doesn’t work, I’ll stop, but I want to at least try. 🙂 One 3 hour classroom period per week plus online homework.  I will be taking classes for a leadership development associate degree. You should see the list of classes, they fit PERFECTLY into exactly what I do in the mobilization department here at EBI. I have already had one class period…I absolutely ate it up, and it immediately helped me understand my role better. My class was on the difference between managers and leaders, and ineffective and effective leadership. Yes, this will be one awesome class. If anyone feels like helping pay my tuition, I wouldn’t say no.:) The total associates degree including tuition, textbooks and all costs will be  $12, 000.

Today my job here in mobilization was to set up the lobby and prepare and manage the room leaders to meet all their roommates when they arrive. The room leaders will greet them, give them a tour, a free drink at the coffee shop, set them up for registration tomorrow, acquaint them with the opening days schedule, unload their car and help them move in. We have 50 of the most amazing student leaders in the whole world, happily loving every person who enters the building.

TOMORROW is registration. Each student has signed up for a 15 minute window, and I am one of the many people helping register students tomorrow. This is new for me, and not officially part of mobilization per say, but all of us staff are busy using our gifts to help wherever we can during this first super busy week.

SUNDAY NIGHT is grand opening!! Worship and the service are on the front lawn! Dave is one of the speakers for the evening!!
Come one, Come all !!!

THANK YOU for supporting our family financially and in prayer as we begin our THIRTEENTH Bible School kick-off!! We appreciate you so very much!!!

Here we go!
Dave, Kim, Reece & Clark Field


Dave and Kim Field News – May 2021


May is a month here at Bible School where every single day has an event!

Everything is all leading up to today, which was graduation!
Here are a few snapshots…

We had a blast serving a pancake breakfast to a group of students

I am on the mobilization team, so we had the whole bunch over for a bonfire!

The mobilization team hosted a perspective student visit with a group of 15!

Our sons also had a transition…Clark finished his welding  year at community college, and Reece began at the same college for trucking.

And TODAY was graduation for our BIBLE SCHOOL SENIOR CLASS!
Nearly 100 students completed studying through the Bible in 2 years and are headed out ready to serve Him!

We thank the Lord for allowing us to be a part of these students’ lives!

We also thank you, our supporters and teammates, for partnering with us for another wonderful year!

Thankful for May, and  for all the Lord has done,
Dave, Kim, Reece & Clark Field

News from the Fields – Ethnos 360

Covid restrictions are over around here!

What is different?

  1. We are allowed to have groups in our home!! This weekend we had a group over for a hot dog supper and game night and fire and its all back to normal!! Thank you Lord!
  2. We as staff are once again invited to eat with the students in the dining hall! This is a big deal as mealtimes are a huge opportunity to build relationships!! Thank you Lord!!
  3. We on the mobilization department were given the green light to host a whole day to a group of 20 perspective students! This day includes a tour, time with staff in their homes, sitting in on classes, eating in the dining hall and going out for coffee downtown. This is our very first opportunity for a group event for this whole year! Thank you Lord!
  4. The students are now allowed to have group events. There are only 3 weeks left in the semester, and I bet they probably have one event per day planned to catch up after a whole year. 🙂 Today I went to a baby shower in a room full of people without masks and we got to really visit. Thank you Lord!!
  5. Masks are off and now Dave gets to see which faces go with which voices in his classroom:) Thank you Lord!
    The sky is blue, the grass is green, the plum trees are white with flowers, and the students are all around and quite upbeat.

    Oh, by the way another 2 praises…Clark just turned 18 and Reece just turned 22, and both of our sons are walking with the Lord and trusting Him. Thank you Lord!!

    Just wanted to let you know how we are all doing here at Bible School.
    Praising the Lord for always being good, and always carrying us in our storms,
    Dave, Kim, Reece & Clark Field

News from the Fields – February 18, 2021

We are in the middle of mission’s week!

The students ate together!


In our last newsletter, our prayer request was for the covid-safety team to allow the students to attend an event in one room, and the answer was YES! Thank you Lord!

They were taught about the religion of Buddhism as they sat by mats full of Thai food. They were able to eat together while they heard how to better understand the Buddhist mind and how we can reach them with the gospel.

That was one of the many special events this week that the students are attending. We pray for their hearts to be open to the Lord, asking Him how He would like to use their lives, today, and every day.

This week our son Clark got a welding job!

This is an answer to prayer! He has worked only 3 days and has already met plenty of men who don’t have a relationship with the Lord. This is what we pray for our sons:

  • That they will renew their mind daily in the Word.
  • That they will remember who they belong to.
  • That they will everyday be available for the Lord to use them with the people around them.

We have the best news in the world, plus we have Jesus living inside of us…life is an adventure full of opportunities to let Him shine through us in an infinity amount of ways.

A prayer request for Clark: We will hear soon if he will indeed have a high school graduation ceremony. We are praying he does get one. Reece missed his Bible School graduation like so many others, but it sure would be nice if Clark didn’t need  to.

So thankful to be serving the Lord together with you,
Dave, Kim, Reece & Clark

Our Mailing address
Dave & Kim Field
915 N. Hartwell Ave.
Waukesha, WI  53186


From the Fields – February 2021

What has happened this week?

A brand new semester has started!


This week has been a blur, but let me highlight a few things that happened:

1. We had a grand semester opening with all of the students and staff in one room, singing to our heart’s delight! It was a fantastic way to begin the new semester!

2. Covid restrictions are lightening up! We have been able to have a group of students over for game night, and also a football game this week! Sweet fellowship is beginning to return!!

3. Dave is teaching a class on the main story of scripture and what it means for us. Students are popping with questions and extra interest, so we may need to have an open house for those who don’t get enough in class.

4. Dave is also taking another class at seminary for his New Testament degree. Every semester he takes one class, and every semester we ask God to provide the payment for the class. This semester God provided one day before his class started! God likes it when we trust Him happily! We send a huge thank you shout-out to our friends at Grace Bible Church in Portage for allowing Dave this amazing privilege of studying God’s Word so he can keep teaching faithfully!!

5. Clark is finishing up 12th grade and taking a welding course at  community college. We love watching him be a shining light for the Lord among his classmates and teachers!!! Please pray for him as he is now at a point that he can start applying for welding jobs. His plan is to come to Bible school in 1 year. God has wonderful plans for Clark and we trust Him to put everything together for him!

If you are looking for a way to help us financially, Clark has some dental needs. His jaw is not aligned so he can’t chew on one side. He needs 4 molars pulled and braces to align everything up. We don’t have dental insurance, so if you are looking for a way to help, we would appreciate any help.

Okay, this is getting too long! Next newsletter I’ll fill you in on how missions week turned out here in Feb. On my to-do list for that event is getting permission from the covid-safe team for students to eat a Thai meal together on mats on the floor. We shall see…

Your financial partnership and your prayers and your friendship are all gifts from the Lord, and keep us here in ministry.

Thank you ever so very much!!!

Dave, Kim, Reece & Clark Field

News From the Fields – December 2020

What a strange year!

Finding the blessings in 2020.

The Lord kept all these students safe all semester! They got to study the Word every day and grow and stretch through all the good and tough parts of this semester!

God has also stretched each one in our family as we navigated the disappointments that came with all the Covid restrictions. We found a new normal as we trusted Him to grow us and take care of all our needs.

The Lord has been so faithful in all of the lows and highs of this year! When we ask Him to show us the blessings in this day, He opens our eyes to how incredibly many incredible gifts He has placed all around us! He’s given us salvation and a new home with Him waiting for us…we have everything to be thankful for.

God has been so good to our family and our hearts are full this Christmas season!

  • He’s given us health and sweet family time.
  • He allowed students to be here for the entire semester!
  • He has grown and stretched us as we trust Him with every part of our lives.

We thank you from our hearts for supporting our family during this crazy year! We send you our love and warm Christmas greetings!!!

Merry Christmas!
Dave, Kim, Reece and Clark Field