News from the Fields’ – September 2020

The first 2 weeks of the semester were…

pretty interesting!

Things are starting to settle down a little and we may soon be starting to feel a rhythm.

Because of Covid, the students aren’t able to meet in groups in the school building, but only outdoors. So since our family has a big enough yard, we have invited students over for us to get to know them, and even for them to get to know each other. We had 50 show up for our bonfire night and they really enjoyed getting to actually be together without masks and just hang out.

The next weekend we had a game night held outside. We underestimated how many people would show up and after the 3 tables were full we had to start up a bonfire for the rest of the people. We can see how they love being together and are really looking for opportunities to spend time together.

Please pray for the students as it gets cold outside to find ways to be able to spend time together as groups. A huge part of Bible School is community and they are trying to make a way, but it sure looks different in these Covid restrictions.

Staff can only have a couple students in our home at a time. Please pray for good ideas and ways to reach out and connect with the students who are really needing it.

1. Dave is teaching Bibliology, where the Bible came from, and the students are learning about the reliability and authority of God’s Word. This is HUGE! They are asking so many questions and meeting with Dave everyday!

2. Dave really enjoys his Hebrews teacher at seminary and is learning so much! He will be using what he is learning in classes here, and also at a church he will be speaking at these next few Sundays.

3. I love spending time with my mobilization team and they make me feel valued and appreciated! We are starting quite a few new initiatives, and it is exciting being in on the action right from the beginning!

4. Clark really likes his welding teachers at college and is acing his work!! He looks forward to going to class and is learning tons! He’s also doing well in his regular 12th grade classes!

5. Reece is busy at buses and taking care of all “his school kids” in masks.

Thank you so much for praying for us in these first 2 weeks! We are each settling into a routine and so thankful to be here, even if this semester looks pretty different with masked faces! God has GOOD GOOD plans for each of us!!!

Partnering with you,
Dave, Kim, Reece & Clark Field



News from the Fields – Ethnos 360 – September 2020

Today students are arriving!

175 in our student body!

Over the last week, a group of our student leaders have spent time learning what God’s Word says about imitating Christ in being humble servant-leaders and preparing for the rest of our student body to arrive this weekend.

This year  is unique for each of us.
Dave: He will be teaching a class of students who have masks on! He will need to learn to read their understanding in a new way! The classes are also divided in half, so he will teach one class and then go to the next group and teach the same material.
Kim: I am joining the mobilization department! I am excited to be a part of the team as they try new ideas of online efforts to invite prospective students to come visit. I am really looking forward to learning so much this year!
Reece: We are thankful we get to have him back at home for this year. He will be working full-time and waiting to see what the Lord has for him next.
Clark: He is a senior in high school! He is enrolled in community college and taking welding classes to get his certificate by the end of the year!

Students: There are quite a few covid-changes: like only 2 people per table in the cafeteria, only 2 people per dorm room, and classes divided for smaller sizes. However, all the amazing classes remain the same! In 2 years they will have been taught the Bible from front to back with an emphasis on God’s heart for our walk with Him and for those who don’t know Him.

Another thing that has not changed is how we staff get to have students in our home and there is no distancing or masks required!
We are super excited for this Sunday when we get to start off the semester!! Dave is one of the main speakers for the kick off, so please pray for him Sunday evening as everyone will be sitting in the grass on the school lawn for social distancing. Please pray that the squirrels and birds and mosquitoes would all disappear for a couple hours.

Thank you for supporting us with your love and partnership as we begin our 12th year here at Bible School!
Dave, Kim, Reece and Clark Field

News from the Fields – May 2020

Saturday was really special because

Reece Graduated from Bible School!

We invited all the other seniors who live nearby and we had such a special day together! We watched the ceremony, had lunch and a cake, pictures and of course enjoyed catching up, since this was the first time we could meet as a group!

Thank you for praying for Reece during his 2 years here at Bible School! We couldn’t be more proud of him! His plan is to live at home and work for this next year as he waits for the Lord to show him what HIS next plan is .

Thank you for your love and prayers!!
Dave, Kim, Reece & Clark

Reece Field Graduates – May 2020

Can you believe it?

Three more days until Reece graduates!

We hope you can join us on-line watching Reece and his classmates graduate!

There is a team who has been working hard to make this service special for the graduates. Dave will be giving the sermon as well!

Please join us in celebrating this awesome class! 11:00 am (Central time)  this Saturday.!!


Thank you for supporting Reece these past 2 years with your love and prayers!
Dave & Kim Field


Dave and Kim Field – April 2020

Dave, Kim, Reece & Clark Field

We are SO thankful to each of you and your faithfulness to God and this ministry.
This time is so uncertain and we sincerely thank you for continuing to support our family in this time.
We know for many of you it may not be easy and we truly thank you for relying on Christ in this time.

Wisconsin stay-at-home order was extended to May 26. But with it pouring rain every day, it is easy to stay inside. Plus our grass is emerald green! However, it hasnt stopped raining in 3 days straight and our old stone-walled  basement has water leaking in from the walls and floors since we are at the bottom of the hill. We have a squeegee and 2 de-humidifiers running non-stop.


In just a few days, May 16, is graduation for our senior class of EBI. Leadership has decided to have the  graduation ceremony via on-line since it would be too difficult to gather everyone back from around the country/world at a later date for a graduation.

We have been here for 15 graduations, and we never dreamed our son’s graduation would be at home. There have been quite a few disappointments like this, but one by one we take the Lord’s strength and peace for each of them.

The good news is that Dave was voted by the class to be the grad speaker! That is such an honor! Please pray for him as he depends on the Lord and prepares his message, that it would be exactly what the students need to hear during this difficult time for them.

Please also pray for the team who is working on preparing the graduation ceremony right now. They are putting together a thousand little pieces to make the ceremony honoring to the class. I’m not sure how they manage to piece together the worship team, class speakers, awards, message, etc. but there are a bunch of smart people working hard on it right now and we are thankful.

Thank you for partnering with us here at Ethnos Bible School.
Dave, Kim, Reece & Clark Field

I don’t know why I only thought of this now, but I’d like to introduce you to the Senior class project! Every Senior class raises funds for a missionary family and the dollar amount raised is announced at graduation.

Here is the missionary family Reece’s class chose!

Jordan and Jessica Martin

This family recently graduated from here and is now raising support to work among Inuit people groups of Northern Canada!

Reeces’ class was able to do a few fundraisers before they all had to go home, so were able to raise $900. If anyone is interested in donating a gift to this family, just let us know and we will give you the online donating directions.

Dave and Kim Field’s News – April 2020

How has April been for you?


Dave studies from our home office. He is taking a heavy class online at Trinity this semester, and just finished a very big paper! It is really awesome having him right here at home and I love it!

Reece studies from our living room. He listens to his Bible school classes which are live, on-line. He has a routine down that looks as close as possible to his Bible school morning schedule. 3 more weeks till virtual graduation!

Clark studies 11th grade online classes from his room. Clark has always had virtual online school, so he hasn’t had any school changes. He sure misses his youth group friends and activities, but loves having his brother around!

This month Clark turned 17 and Reece turned 21 !!! We are so thrilled with how they are bringing their thoughts and struggles to the Lord through this Covid time. Like most everyone, they each have lost some irreplaceable things.  Reece has lost a lot of his Senior semester, which he can’t have back. Clark has lost a missions trip, but both of them are walking close to the Lord and trusting Him in the middle of it all.

I have SO enjoyed having us four together, enjoying family meals, family church, Easter, evening fire pit, great conversations, laughter, and knowing this is such a sweet time we get to be together that God carved out for us! I’ve been cherishing each day and soaking it all in! Who knew the 4 of us would get to live together again??

We join you in trusting the Lord in the middle of this time, and look forward to seeing how He will make everything turn out for good and His glory!

We send our love!
Dave, Kim, Reece & Clark Field

News from the Fields – March 2020


In one week so much has changed!

#1 Our family moved out of our apartment which was in the main building, and now live in a house at the bottom of the hill on the school property. You should’ve seen all the students who showed up to help us move, it was AMAZING! We love our new home and we have already hosted scads of students.

#2 Because of the virus, the classrooms closed and the students all watched the classes on-line in groups around campus. We got to have our living room full of students every morning this week. Dave taught to an empty classroom, but It was fun seeing Dave live on our tv while the students all watched.

#3 Today, because of the virus, the students are being asked to move home this weekend. The classes will continue to be live streamed every day on-line, but we are so sad to have the school shut down for the rest of the semester. Reece and his class-mates will be missing their banquet, senior project, graduation, and 2 months of Bible School amazing-ness.

#1 Everyone is scrambling to pack and quickly saying many good byes to dear friends.

#2 Many people are scrambling to know where they are actually moving to. We opened our home to a few international students who can’t get home, but dozens more are totally unsure of next steps. There have been Christians in the area who are offering their homes as places to stay.

#3 Everyone is numb with a layer of sadness over everything for all their loss. We all feel that, and know how to pray for them.

#4 Please pray for the students as they continue their classes on-line from home. Please pray for the teachers here as they continue to teach every day in front of a live camera in an empty classroom. Everyone needs prayer these days!

We know that God is so very good. He also does only good. Even though we are hurting, and don’t understand, we know He is always trustworthy, and will work this storm out for good. He alone can do that.

Our love,
Dave, Kim, Reece & Clark Field



News from the Fields-February 2020

In honor of Valentine’s Day tomorrow

Here are a few of our favorite things

This is right out of Dave’s notes that he will be teaching in class today. These truths about us are our top favorite things that we are so thankful for!

Justification: Christ’s “right-ness” applied to me.
Reconciliation: Brought back to original love.
Propitiation: Satisfaction with the performance of His Son.
Regeneration: New Creation – God is not working from the old.

My #1 favorite is my man! First of all, he is the best husband in the world and a very active and present dad in the lives of our 2 young men. He’s been juggling teaching the students 2 hours everyday, plus being a student at seminary and keeping up with his homework there! He still enjoys having students in for great conversations and fun events. Plus he is finding time to paint the place we will be moving into next month. Plus Plus…I have everything to be thankful for in this man of mine!

Here are a couple of my favorite things 😀
Reece is eating up being a student here at Bible School. He is growing like crazy and rooting His trust deep in the Lord. He loves taking guys out for coffee and using his gifts of listening and counseling.

Clark Is also turning into a man who knows who his guide and best friend is. He recently shared his testimony in front of his youth group of 150 high schoolers and was thrilled watching the Lord walk him through that important step of faith.

The students are also on our favorites list! Like the student I will be having coffee with this afternoon, or the student Dave is meeting with this afternoon. Also like the group who is coming over for game night tonight or the group we are going bowling with this weekend. We are among 200 of our favorite things and we are truly blessed.

And YOU!!!

Your prayers, your support, your encouragement… All mean the world to us! It takes a team for us to be here, and you are our dream team! Thank you, thank you, for your part in allowing us to serve here in the lives of these Bible School students!!

Dave, Kim, Reece & Clark Field







News from the Fields – January 2020

Monday, January 13, 2020

A new semester starts today!

Take a look at our guest speakers for opening day!

Colton and Shawna Williams are our guest speakers!

They were in the first class we met when we arrived on staff here 10 years ago!

Now they are missionaries in a tribe in Papua New Guinea where they have learned the language and are teaching and raising leaders in a brand new baby church!


We love it when our students return to shed a spotlight on the Lord and what He is doing through them!

Colton & Shawna are sharing with the students how much of their time has been difficult, yet they remind us how God is continually faithful and worth it in every way.

Thank you for partnering with us, for the Coltons and Shawnas sitting in the classrooms today.

Dave, Kim, Reece & Clark Field

Where Bible & Missions are one