The Marion Community Food Pantry continues to serve our town from our location in the SRC Education Building behind Second Reformed Church. The address is 3757 Mill Street. Hours are Thursdays 6-7PM, and Saturdays 9-10AM. No referrals are needed, but you must be a resident of Marion. Please bring bags if you have them (It’s okay if you don’t). Masks and social distancing are required at this time per the Governor’s direction.
Author: mikemc
SRC “Live Stream” Worship Service (9:25AM, Sunday, April 26)
The April 26th Sunday sermon entitled “One of the Hardest Hard Providences” will be “live streamed” at our normal worship service time of 9:30AM Sunday. However, we encourage you to login at 9:25AM to get settled in and enjoy the piano prelude music. Once again, you are invited to view or listen to our Sunday morning sermon in one of 4 ways.
1) Watch live on the church Facebook page at 9:30AM, SUNDAY by going to: Please “like” our Facebook page for future notifications.
2) Watch the same recording later on Facebook at a time more convenient for you:
3) Watch the same recording later on our newly created YouTube channel. Just type in “Second Reformed Church of Marion” when you go to:
4) Listen to the audio recording and see sermon outline on our church website:
Title: One of the Hardest Hard Providences
Theme: The Lord is God of all comfort.
Text: Psalm 46
I. No matter HOW He answers our prayers, God is still our present & future _________________ & _________________.
A. Psalm 46 confesses a fresh demonstration of that truth.
B. Though our perception be otherwise, our reality is we’re not alone.
II. Faith’s _____________ in us.
A. One preacher believes sermons should end with amen, but therefore.
B. Another implied therefore, v. 10.
Questions for Study
II Kings 19; Isaiah 37-38 give the back story to Psalm 46.
When children are frightened or hurting, what comfort do they most want? Are we any different? What does loving parental presence signify for a fearful or hurting child? How then might one use Psalm 46 to comfort grieving people?
How does our Lord’s incarnation, His becoming Emmanuel, particularly fulfill Psalm 46:1?
How is Jerusalem’s complete inability to rescue herself from an overwhelming enemy a picture of our human condition?
Beyond an underground conduit bringing water within Jerusalem’s walls that Hezekiah had dug, to what might the river whose streams make glad the city of God point? Hint, John 7:37-39. This “Stream” comes up again in Revelation 22.
How does Revelation 21 relate to Psalm 46, especially its central truth as found in 46:1?
Timely Billy Graham Sermon Clip Goes Viral
Timely Billy Graham Sermon Clip Goes Viral
By Aaron Earls
As uncertainty becomes the new normal, many people are finding comfort in the familiar. One such place is a Billy Graham sermon.
While Graham died just over two years ago, his words from this classic sermon still bring comfort and reassurance to the Christian today.
Hundreds have shared this short clip from Billy Graham on social media.
Video Player
Habakkuk said, “Lord please tell me what you’re doing.” And God said, “No, I’m not going to tell you, Habakkuk. Because if I told you what I was doing you wouldn’t believe it.”
If God today told us what He’s doing in the world, we wouldn’t believe it.
Don’t you think God’s given up, and God’s abdicated, and God’s left the throne. He hasn’t.
He’s still on the throne. And those of us that know Him put our trust in Him and Him alone.
I don’t put my trust in Washington. I don’t put my trust in the United Nations. I don’t put my trust in myself. I don’t put trust in my money.
I put my trust in the Lord Jesus Christ.
When all the rest of it fails and crumbles and shatters, He’ll be there.
SRC “Live Stream” Worship Service (9:25AM, Sunday, April 19)
1) Watch live on the church Facebook page at 9:30AM, SUNDAY by going to: Please “like” our Facebook page for future notifications.
2) Watch the same recording later on Facebook at a time more convenient for you:
3) Watch the same recording later on our newly created YouTube channel. Just type in “Second Reformed Church of Marion” when you go to:
4) Listen to the audio recording and see sermon outline on our church website:
Title: Resurrection Repercussions
Text: Psalm 2
Theme: Jesus, Eternal God & our Elder Brother remains enthroned and reigning.
I. Mankind in ______________.
A. The powerful set themselves…against the Lord & against His anointed
B. The rebellion is in our blood; it continues today.
II. The Lord in ______________.
A. Vv. 4-7 declare what God did despite all attempts to stop Him.
B. An exhortation to drive home the Psalm’s central comfort.
Questions for Study
How do we know that Psalm 2 is talking about Jesus’ exaltation (His resurrection, ascension & Heavenly session at the Father’s right hand)?
Scripture interprets Scripture: see Acts 4:24-28;13:32-33; Hebrews 1:3-5; 5:5; Romans 1:1-4 .
How are you personally reminded that our Lord rules all things?
How is your thinking about our troubled society different because of this truth?
How are your personal values affected by this truth?
How does the fact that our Lord rules all things help you cope with hardships?
Here are some texts related to Psalm 2’s event that bring comfort when read & reflected upon: Daniel 7:13-14; Revelation 1:4-6; 5:1ff.
Easter Sunday “Live Stream” (9:25AM, Sunday, April 12)
The EASTER Sunday April 12th sermon will be “live streamed” at our normal worship service time of 9:30AM Sunday. However, we encourage you to login at 9:25AM to get settled in and enjoy the piano prelude music. Due to coronavirus restrictions our Maundy Thursday Supper, Good Friday Gatherings, Sunrise Service in the Park, and Easter Service in the church have been cancelled. Once again, you are invited to view or listen to our Sunday morning sermon in one of 4 ways.
1) Watch live on the church Facebook page at 9:30AM, SUNDAY by going to: Please “like” our Facebook page for future notifications.
2) Watch the same recording later on Facebook at a time more convenient for you:
3) Watch the same recording later on our newly created YouTube channel. Just type in “Second Reformed Church of Marion” when you go to:
4) Listen to the audio recording and see sermon outline on our church website:
“He is not here, for He has risen, just as He said. Come, see the place where He was lying.” (Matthew 28:6)
Title: Executed by Man, Exalted by God
Text: Psalm 118:19-24
Theme: God exalted Jesus to supreme preeminence; He is Lord of all.
I. The __________ that the builders rejected.
A. See how this plays out in the NT, which repeatedly references our text
B. People still prejudice themselves against Him, His Word & works.
II. This ___________ has become head of the corner.
A. In raising Jesus from the dead, God exalted Him as LORD (Owner & Ruler of all) as well as the One in Whom all things hold together.
B. God tells us this is His doing, vv. 23-24.
For study & reflection: Here are a few Scriptures related to and which comment upon our Psalm 118:22-24 text: Matthew 21:42; Mark 11:9-10; Luke 20:17; Acts 2:22-36; 3:13-16; 4:11; 13:26-41; I Peter 2:7; Philippians 2:5-11; Ephesians 1:15-23
Sermon Discussion Questions
“Builders” refers to OT Church leaders (prophets, Levites, priests, elders of the people), which prior to the Jews’ captivity in Babylon included the kings of Judah (Deuteronomy 17:14-20). What were they building? How were they building? Hint: Deuteronomy 6:1-9; Ezra 7:1-10; Malachi 2:4-7; I Corinthians 3:5-15. Who are the “builders” today?
Besides being its first Citizen, in what way is Jesus the Cornerstone of the New Heavens & Earth?
Genuine Christians, true believers are in Christ, grafted into Him, the True Vine, forever joined to Him legally/federally & spiritually. When God exalted Him to the highest place, to glory, honor & power, how does that affect the daily life of those joined to Him? See Romans 8:28-39; Colossians 3:1ff; I Peter 1:3-9; 2:4-10.
We lament what we’re hindered from doing presently. Still, when God closes a door or doors, He opens others. How do corona virus challenges offer unique opportunities to honor & exalt our Lord? What are some of them?
Palm Sunday “Live Stream” with Prelude (9:25AM, Sunday, April 5)
The Palm Sunday April 5th sermon will be “live streamed” at our normal worship service time of 9:30AM Sunday. However, we encourage you to login at 9:25AM to get settled in and enjoy the piano prelude music we are adding this week. Due to coronavirus restrictions are regular Palm Sunday worship service in the church has been cancelled, as well as Maundy Thursday Supper, Good Friday Gatherings, Sunrise Service in the Park, and Easter Service in the church. Once again, you are invited to view or listen to our Sunday morning sermon in one of 4 ways.
1) Watch live on the church Facebook page at 9:30AM, SUNDAY by going to:
2) Watch the same recording later on Facebook at a time more convenient for you:
3) Watch the same recording later on our newly created YouTube channel. Just type in “Second Reformed Church of Marion” when you go to:
4) Listen to the audio recording and see sermon outline on our church website:
Please “like” our Facebook page for future notifications. We purchased another microphone this week that should help improve sound quality. We will be adding a Prelude and Benediction. Thank you to our Live Steam Ministry Crew (Pastor Don, Preacher; Dave & Denise Skidmore, Facebook Live Stream & YouTube; Shawn Burditt, Website Audio Recording; Judy White, Pianist). We hope that this virtual sermon will encourage you to walk closely with the Lord Jesus and stay connected with your church family during these challenging days.
Sermon Title: The Shout of Victory
Text: John 19:23-30
Theme: Jesus pronounced His people’s redemption accomplished.
I. He speaks as God’s Chief ____________ & __________________.
A. His Word, It is finished speaks on God’s behalf.
B. It is finished declares all that was written was as good as accomplished.
II. He speaks as our God-appointed ___________ __________ _________.
A. It is finished testifies He accomplished His incarnation’s goal.
B. God confirmed it by signs on Good Friday, Easter, Pentecost & our 2nd birthday.
III. He speaks as all-conquering _____________ _____ _______________.
A. Our Lord & Law-Giver’s declaration means He fulfilled all righteousness.
B. Our King has crushed the Serpent’s head, broken Satan’s power.
Questions for Study
How might those hearing Jesus’ declaration It is finished have interpreted what He was saying? Might some such as His enemies have ironically heard it as lamenting a failed mission or frustrated life plan?
At the time, did His friends understand what He meant? See: Luke 24:21; John 2:18-22; 12:16.
What is His 6th Word’s effect on God’s many promises to forgive believers’ sins, properly bury our regrets over our sinful pasts? How can we use His Word It is finished when we or one we’re encouraging is plagued with false guilt or regret over their past? How does His Word tie in with Micah 7:18-20?
Succeeding generations can be quite adept at destroying the noble work of previous generations, witness generations-long attempts to overthrow our constitutional republic & discredit historic figure long revered for their work. Can Jesus’ work on the Cross ever be undone? See Hebrews 7:27; 9:12, 26; 10:10, 12.
How does John 17:1ff reflect on Jesus’ 6th Word?
How is Jesus’ finished work of redemption reflected in the change of Memorial Meal/Sacrament, from Passover to the Lord’s Supper?
Online Giving & Other Giving Options
During the quarantine, while worship services are only being offered online, those who seek to worship the Lord through giving offerings are invited to contribute in 1 of 4 ways:
1) ONLINE GIVING- A virus free way to contribute is through our “EasyTithe” online giving platform at: (Rick Kelley would gladly assist anyone who needs some coaching on how to get started.)
2) BANK BILL PAY- Arrangements can be made directly with your bank to automatically send checks to the church office. This service is usually free to use with no postage charges.
3) MAIL- Checks can be mailed to Second Reformed Church, P.O. Box 32, Marion, NY 14505.
4) DROP OFF- Our church office will be open from 8:30AM-12:30PM and 1:30-3:30PM Monday through Thursday.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call the church office at 315-926-4235.
SRC “Live Streaming” Sermon (9:30AM, SUNDAY, March 29)
Please note that we will be “live streaming” at our normal worship service time of 9:30AM Sunday. Due to coronavirus restrictions are regular worship service has been cancelled. Once again, you are invited to view or listen to our Sunday morning sermon in one of 3 ways.
1) Watch live on the church Facebook page at 9:30AM, SUNDAY by going to:
2) Watch the same recording later on Facebook at a time more convenient for you:
3) Listen to the audio recording and see sermon outline on our church website:
Please “like” our Facebook page for future notifications and be patient as we work out the technicalities of our live broadcasts. We purchased a special microphone this week that should help improve sound quality. Thank you to our Live Steam Ministry Crew (Pastor Don, Preacher; Dave & Denise Skidmore, Facebook Live Stream; Shawn Burditt, Website Audio Recording). We hope that this virtual sermon will encourage you to walk closely with the Lord Jesus and stay connected with your church family during these challenging days.
Title: The Call of Distress
Theme: Our Savior Testified “I thirst.”
Main Text: John 19:23-29
I. I thirst testifies His _______________.
A. In two ways: it looks back, & it reflects His return.
B. I thirst—He’s speaking again, He’s back from the depths.
II. I thirst testifies His ________________.
A. Jesus spoke these words in order to fulfill Scripture.
B. I thirst testifies His submission in another way too.
III. I thirst testifies His ________________.
A. By this word our Lord begins gathering up strength to make His victory declaration.
B. I thirst testifies Jesus’ success in accomplishing salvation.
Questions for Study:
For what condition/situation does Scripture use the terms thirst, hunger?
What happens if/when we try to address our physical thirst with remedies not created/designed to address it? E.g., drink sea water when thirsty?
How does this aptly illustrate self-salvation attempts/secular counseling and the spiritual state of the person thereafter? What kind of thirsts do those in Hell endure? See Luke 16:16-31.
How is our Lord’s enduring of terrible thirst on the Cross redemptive for those who belong to Him? How can spiritual thirst be a good thing? See Psalms 42, 43, 63.
How does God make people thirsty through evangelism? How can we be instrumental in doing this? See: John 4:7-42; Acts 2:14-36, etc.
SRC “Live Streaming” Sermon (9:15AM, Saturday)
You are invited to experience a “first” time experience in the 110 year history of SRC. Due to the coronavirus cancellation of our Sunday morning worship service, we are going to “Live Stream” Pastor Don preaching “The Cry of Forsakenness” (Matthew 27:45-46). This is the next sermon in our series entitled “Christ’s Seven Last Words from the Cross.”
Facebook Live is a feature of the Facebook social network that uses the camera on a mobile device to broadcast real-time video to Facebook. Did you know that SRC has over 200 followers of our Facebook page? So, we are going to make good use of this tool to broadcast the sermon at 9:15AM, Saturday, March 21. We are offering you 3 options to view/hear the sermon:
1) Watch live on the church Facebook page at 9:15AM, Saturday by going to:
2) Watch the same recording later on Facebook at a time more convenient for you, for example Sunday morning:
3) Listen to the audio recording and see sermon outline on our church website:
Please “like” our Facebook page for future notifications and be patient as we work out the technicalities of our first live broadcast. We hope that this virtual sermon will encourage you to walk closely with the Lord Jesus and stay connected with your church family during these challenging days.
March 22 Worship Service Cancelled (but sermon will be online:-)
(Wednesday, 3/18/20) SRC Consistory passed a motion to cancel the Soup and Bread Supper on Thursday, March 19th; to cancel Sunday morning Worship on March 22nd and to continue to evaluate the situation and vote to cancel other events on an as needed basis. Our Easter Choir & Bell Choir practices are suspended for the present. Updated info on worship services will be posted as it becomes available.
We are planning to post an audio version of the March 22 sermon on the SRC website and Facebook page by Saturday evening. Additionally, we are making plans for our first Facebook “livestream” sermon around 9:15AM on Saturday.
For the present our church office will be open normal hours, 8:30AM-12:30PM, 1:30-3:30PM Monday through Thursday. For the latest information, please call the church office at 315-926-4235.
Those who would normally worship the Lord through giving their offerings during worship services are invited to either mail them in (Second Reformed Church
P O Box 32, Marion, NY 14505) or contribute through our church’s online giving platform at:
We encourage folks to make an effort to check on each other’s well-being via electronic media or phone.
One Scripture our congregation has often turned to in difficult times is Psalm 46. May our Lord comfort you through this and remind you that He is Lord, sovereign, and sovereignly working through the present distresses and challenges.
Psalm 46
1 God is our refuge and strength,
a very present help in trouble.
2 Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way,
though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea,
3 though its waters roar and foam,
though the mountains tremble at its swelling. Selah
4 There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God,
the holy habitation of the Most High.
5 God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved;
God will help her when morning dawns.
6 The nations rage, the kingdoms totter;
he utters his voice, the earth melts.
7 The LORD of hosts is with us;
the God of Jacob is our fortress. Selah
8 Come, behold the works of the LORD,
how he has brought desolations on the earth.
9 He makes wars cease to the end of the earth;
he breaks the bow and shatters the spear;
the burns the chariots with fire.
10 “Be still, and know that I am God.
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth!”
11 The LORD of hosts is with us;
the God of Jacob is our fortress. Selah