“Gospel Grace Part II” Sunday Worship Service (9:30 AM in the Gym and 9:45 AM Live Stream)

You are invited to experience, view or listen to our Sunday morning sermon in one of 5 ways.
1) Participate in our onsite worship service in the Gym which begins at 9:30 AM, SUNDAY at 3757 Mill Street.
2) Watch live on the church Facebook page at 9:45 AM, SUNDAY by going to: facebook.com/srcmarion  There are announcement slides and music at the start of the stream while we wait for the right time to join the service in progress.  Please “like” our Facebook page for future notifications.
3) Watch the same recording later on Facebook at a time more convenient for you: facebook.com/srcmarion
4) Watch the same recording later on our newly created YouTube channel. Just type in “Second Reformed Church of Marion” when you go to youtube.com  Or you can click on this link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo3ZNP8OgRarSQXfqzGcn-Q
5) Listen to the audio recording and see sermon outline on our church website: sermons.srcmarion.org

“Jesus’ Gospel Detour, Part II” Sunday Worship Service (9:30 AM in the A/C Gym and after 9:45 AM Live Stream)

You are invited to experience, view or listen to our Sunday morning sermon in one of 5 ways.
1) Participate in our onsite worship service in the Air Conditioned Gym which begins at 9:30 AM, SUNDAY at 3757 Mill Street.
2) Watch live on the church Facebook page at 9:45 AM, SUNDAY by going to: facebook.com/srcmarion  There are announcement slides and music at the start of the stream while we wait for the right time to join the service in progress.  Please “like” our Facebook page for future notifications.
3) Watch the same recording later on Facebook at a time more convenient for you: facebook.com/srcmarion
4) Watch the same recording later on our newly created YouTube channel. Just type in “Second Reformed Church of Marion” when you go to youtube.com  Or you can click on this link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo3ZNP8OgRarSQXfqzGcn-Q
5) Listen to the audio recording and see sermon outline on our church website: sermons.srcmarion.org

“The Seeking Shepherd” Communion Service (9:30 AM in the A/C Gym and after 9:45 AM Live Stream)

You are invited to experience, view or listen to our Sunday morning sermon in one of 5 ways.
1) Participate in our onsite worship service in the Air Conditioned Gym which begins at 9:30 AM, SUNDAY at 3757 Mill Street.
2) Watch live on the church Facebook page at 9:45 AM, SUNDAY by going to: facebook.com/srcmarion  There are announcement slides and music at the start of the stream while we wait for the right time to join the service in progress.  Please “like” our Facebook page for future notifications.
3) Watch the same recording later on Facebook at a time more convenient for you: facebook.com/srcmarion
4) Watch the same recording later on our newly created YouTube channel. Just type in “Second Reformed Church of Marion” when you go to youtube.com  Or you can click on this link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo3ZNP8OgRarSQXfqzGcn-Q
5) Listen to the audio recording and see sermon outline on our church website: sermons.srcmarion.org

“Life Orienteering – Learning and Teaching” Sunday Service (9:30 AM in the A/C Gym and after 9:45 AM Live Stream)

You are invited to experience, view or listen to our Sunday morning sermon in one of 5 ways.
1) Participate in our onsite worship service in the Air Conditioned Gym which begins at 9:30 AM, SUNDAY at 3757 Mill Street.
2) Watch live on the church Facebook page at 9:45 AM, SUNDAY by going to: facebook.com/srcmarion  There are announcement slides and music at the start of the stream while we wait for the right time to join the service in progress.  Please “like” our Facebook page for future notifications.
3) Watch the same recording later on Facebook at a time more convenient for you: facebook.com/srcmarion
4) Watch the same recording later on our newly created YouTube channel. Just type in “Second Reformed Church of Marion” when you go to youtube.com  Or you can click on this link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo3ZNP8OgRarSQXfqzGcn-Q
5) Listen to the audio recording and see sermon outline on our church website: sermons.srcmarion.org

“Working and Walking With God” Sunday Service (9:30 AM in the A/C Gym and after 9:45 AM Live Stream)

You are invited to experience, view or listen to our Sunday morning sermon in one of 5 ways.
1) Participate in our onsite worship service in the Air Conditioned Gym which begins at 9:30 AM, SUNDAY at 3757 Mill Street.
2) Watch live on the church Facebook page at 9:45 AM, SUNDAY by going to: facebook.com/srcmarion  There are announcement slides and music at the start of the stream while we wait for the right time to join the service in progress.  Please “like” our Facebook page for future notifications.
3) Watch the same recording later on Facebook at a time more convenient for you: facebook.com/srcmarion
4) Watch the same recording later on our newly created YouTube channel. Just type in “Second Reformed Church of Marion” when you go to youtube.com  Or you can click on this link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo3ZNP8OgRarSQXfqzGcn-Q
5) Listen to the audio recording and see sermon outline on our church website: sermons.srcmarion.org

“A Gospel Miniature” Sunday Service (9:30 AM in the A/C Gym and after 9:45 AM Live Stream)

You are invited to experience, view or listen to our Sunday morning sermon in one of 5 ways.
1) Participate in our onsite worship service in the Air Conditioned Gym which begins at 9:30 AM, SUNDAY at 3757 Mill Street.
2) Watch live on the church Facebook page at 9:45 AM, SUNDAY by going to: facebook.com/srcmarion  There are announcement slides and music at the start of the stream while we wait for the right time to join the service in progress.  Please “like” our Facebook page for future notifications.
3) Watch the same recording later on Facebook at a time more convenient for you: facebook.com/srcmarion
4) Watch the same recording later on our newly created YouTube channel. Just type in “Second Reformed Church of Marion” when you go to youtube.com  Or you can click on this link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo3ZNP8OgRarSQXfqzGcn-Q
5) Listen to the audio recording and see sermon outline on our church website: sermons.srcmarion.org

Title: A Gospel Miniature

Text: Philemon 1-25

Theme: Christ’s Servant Paul exemplifies gracious communication.

  1. __________________
    1. Paul’s letter overflows sincere & loving thankfulness for & to Philemon
    2. Paul’s example here calls to us in two ways.
  2. ____________________
    1. Jesus transformed a criminal into a beloved brother & son in Christ.
    2. Paul’s description of Onesimus displays Christ’s transformation of Paul
  3. ______________________
    1. Paul’s appeal displays how God wants any gift given or favor done: voluntarily.
    2. Paul’s example is also illustrative.

Questions for Study

Have you ever read Paul’s letter to Philemon before?  What grabbed your attention & why?

From what you read in Philemon, how does knowing Christ affect human relationships?

According to our 21st Century sensibilities, does Paul seem forward and bold in his requests to Philemon?

With the exception of the “you owe me” section (v. 19), how does Paul’s boldness with Philemon model how God wants us to approach Him?   See Hebrews 4:14, “Let us come boldly before the Throne of Grace…).

How does Paul’s intercession for runaway but repentant slave Onesimus illustrate Jesus’ our Great High Priest’s intercession for us?  See especially v. 17b.

“Enrolled in the School of Christ” Sunday Service (9:30 AM in the A/C Gym and after 9:45 AM Live Stream)

You are invited to experience, view or listen to our Sunday morning sermon in one of 5 ways.
1) Participate in our onsite worship service in the Air Conditioned Gym which begins at 9:30 AM, SUNDAY at 3757 Mill Street.
2) Watch live on the church Facebook page at 9:45 AM, SUNDAY by going to: facebook.com/srcmarion  There are announcement slides and music at the start of the stream while we wait for the right time to join the service in progress.  Please “like” our Facebook page for future notifications.
3) Watch the same recording later on Facebook at a time more convenient for you: facebook.com/srcmarion
4) Watch the same recording later on our newly created YouTube channel. Just type in “Second Reformed Church of Marion” when you go to youtube.com  Or you can click on this link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo3ZNP8OgRarSQXfqzGcn-Q
5) Listen to the audio recording and see sermon outline on our church website: sermons.srcmarion.org

Title: Enrolled in the School of Christ

Text: Acts 11:19-30

Theme: Under God, SRC exists to equip His people for His service.

  1. ______________ expectation
    1. Trace that out in the unfolding of events at Antioch.
    2. Barnabas urged them to be intentional about disciple making
  2. _______________ expectation.
    1. SRC always sought to disciple & equip believers for the Lord’s service.
    2.   Our present experience isn’t so strong.

Questions for Study

What is a disciple?  Can you give a rough description from what we read in Acts 11:19-30?  See also Matthew 4:18-22; 5:1-2; John 6:60-66.  Can someone be a Christian yet not be a disciple of Christ?

What is a local church’s responsibility to disciples?  What is a disciple’s responsibility to the local church?

Someone described an older Christian he knew, as one year old in the Lord twenty times over.  What do you think he meant by that?

From what one reads in Hebrews 5:11-14; II Peter 3:14-18, what is God’s expectation of Christians?

What are ways SRC seeks to make disciples?  To equip Christians for the Lord’s service?

Why is it getting harder to find disciple-makers?  Why is it getting harder to find Christians willing to be trained to serve?

“Sharing the Life of God” Sunday Service (9:30 AM in the A/C Gym and 9:50 AM Live Stream)

You are invited to experience, view or listen to our Sunday morning sermon in one of 5 ways.
1) Participate in our onsite worship service in the Air Conditioned Gym which begins at 9:30 AM, SUNDAY at 3757 Mill Street.
2) Watch live on the church Facebook page at 9:50 AM, SUNDAY by going to: facebook.com/srcmarion  Please “like” our Facebook page for future notifications.
3) Watch the same recording later on Facebook at a time more convenient for you: facebook.com/srcmarion
4) Watch the same recording later on our newly created YouTube channel. Just type in “Second Reformed Church of Marion” when you go to youtube.com  Or you can click on this link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo3ZNP8OgRarSQXfqzGcn-Q
5) Listen to the audio recording and see sermon outline on our church website: sermons.srcmarion.org

Title: Sharing the Life of God

Text: I John 1: 1-10

Theme: God offers eternal life, the life of God, in His son, Jesus Christ.

  1. __________________
    1. John related Jesus’ glory:  He is Eternal Life in Person, vv. 1-2
    2. Our saving fellowship with God hinges on our Lord’s glory—in His being Eternal God & historic Man in on Person, the Life of God come in the flesh.
  2. ____________________
    1. God reveals Eternal Life thru eyewitness testimony concerning His Son
    2. God also reveals Eternal Life by those He commissions.
  3. ____________________
    1. In making Christ known, God seeks to bring sinners into saving fellowship, v. 3.
    2. God’s ultimate goal in making Christ known is JOY, v. 4.
    3. Joy for all eternity.


Questions for Study

According to Scripture, what is eternal life?  Is it a quantity or a quality or…

What is the connection between Jesus Christ & the life…made manifest, I John 1:2.

When do believers first come into possession of eternal life?  See John 5:24.  

How is the eternal life Jesus gives believers not only a possession, but also power?  How, for example, do the Fruit of the Spirit, Galatians 5:22-23, and the gifts of the Spirit, I Corinthians 12, relate to eternal life?

“Christ Above All” Sunday Service (9:30 AM in the A/C Gym and 10:00 AM Live Stream)

You are invited to experience, view or listen to our Sunday morning sermon in one of 5 ways.
1) Participate in our onsite worship service in the Air Conditioned Gym which begins at 9:30AM, SUNDAY at 3757 Mill Street.
2) Watch live on the church Facebook page at 10:0AM, SUNDAY by going to: facebook.com/srcmarion  Please “like” our Facebook page for future notifications.
3) Watch the same recording later on Facebook at a time more convenient for you: facebook.com/srcmarion
4) Watch the same recording later on our newly created YouTube channel. Just type in “Second Reformed Church of Marion” when you go to youtube.com  Or you can click on this link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo3ZNP8OgRarSQXfqzGcn-Q
5) Listen to the audio recording and see sermon outline on our church website: sermons.srcmarion.org

Title: Christ Above All

Text: I Kings 18:17-40

Theme: By decisively defeating the powers of darkness on their own turf, the Lord reveals Himself as God alone.

  1. The Lord _______________
    1. v. 21a.
    2. God sent Elijah to reason with & woo back His unrepentant people.


  2. The Lord ______________
    1. Elijah gave Baal’s prophets every advantage to show he’d not rigged the contest.
    2. While Baal was revealed as a nothing, the Lord revealed His glory.


  3. The Lord ______________
    1. Israel confessed her faith publicly, openly before the world, v. 39.
    2. Elijah “asked for the order”.



Questions for Study

How does our first core value place us in direct opposition to this world’s values & aims, as well as in direct opposition to our old human nature?

How was Jezebel’s campaign to silence God’s prophets/Word bearers & supplant them with her Baal & Asherah prophets a general practice since Satan first approached Adam & Eve in the Garden of Eden?

How is every moral decision we make ultimately a matter of who we truly confess as lord/Lord, as the Ultimate Authority?

Boil it all down, we have two choices of whom we shall serve. Who are they?

How is the decision to believe & trust the Gospel ultimately a matter of believing who is God; of who is True & final authority?  I John 1:5-10.