“Not A Fan” Sermon Series

Date Speaker Not A Fan Text
10-Mar Don White Not a Fan 1- Fan or Follower? Luke 9:23; John 6:1ff
17-Mar Don White Not a Fan 2- The Open Invitation Luke 9:23
24-Mar Mike McOrmond Not a Fan 3- Choosing Intimacy Luke 7:36-50
31-Mar Don White Not a Fan 4- Comfortable Cross? Luke 9:23; I Corinthians 1:18-31
7-Apr Mike Sicienski Not a Fan 5- More Than Rules John 8:1-11
14-Apr Don White Not a Fan 6- Is Jesus Enough? John 6:22-71

Power Restored So Morning Worship Service is Back On

We apologize for the confusion, but since the power just came back on, we will be having our Sunday morning worship service. We realize that some may have already made alternative arrangements but we will still worship the Lord with whoever can make it.

Worship Service, Sunday School & Refuge Cancelled (2/24/19)

Due to POWER OUTAGE this morning and HIGH WIND WARNING, the leaders of SRC have decided to cancel our morning worship service, Sunday School and Refuge today. Please consider an at home family worship time or attending a service at another church that you have always wanted to visit.

Worship Service, Sunday School & Refuge CANCELLED! (Sunday, January 20)

SRC leaders have just made a prudent decision to cancel all activities at church tomorrow. This includes morning Worship Service, Sunday School, Refuge Youth Group and the Evening Gathering. Hopefully our church members will take some time to privately worship God while being snowed in at our own homes.

Snowstorm and Worship Service?

The leaders of SRC are monitoring the weather forecast and potential impact on our Sunday morning worship service.  We will publicize a decision whether or not to proceed with the Sunday worship service no later than 7:30AM Sunday morning. Stay tuned.

10 Reasons Church Members Don’t Invite Others to Church

SRC Family- From time to time throughout 2019, as your pastor with a focus on church revitalization, I will be sharing resources to encourage and equip us for our work together. Here’s a video and article that will hopefully serve as a reminder for us to “Pray, Invest and Invite” in 2019. Pastor Mike


10 Reasons Church Members Don’t Invite Others to Church

  1. “I just don’t think about it.”
  2. “I’m afraid I’ll be rejected.”
  3. “The music isn’t that good.”
  4. “The preaching isn’t strong.”
  5. “We’ve got too many church problems right now.”
  6. “Our church is already too crowded.”
  7. “Nobody ever challenged me to invite anyone.”
  8. “I don’t know how to start the conversation.”
  9. “It’s the Spirit’s job—not mine—to bring people to church.”
  10. “It’s too far for people to come.”

Some highlights from today’s Rainer Report:

  • When you invite someone to church with whom you have a relationship, they often will accept the invitation.
  • Relationships is the number one factor for someone accepting an invitation to visit a church—not the music style.
  • Introversion is no excuse to disobey the Great Commission.
  • When church members invite others to church, it creates a culture of inviting and builds momentum in the church.

“Attributes of God” Sermon Series (begins January 13)

Date Speaker Attributes of God Text
13-Jan Don White Attribute 1- His Holiness Exodus 15:11
20-Jan Don White Attribute 2- His Self-Existence & Self-Sufficiency John 5:26
27-Jan Don White Attribute 3- His Incomprehensibility Deuteronomy 4:12, 15
3-Feb Don White Attribute 4- His Omnipotence Psalm 115:3, Luke 1:37
10-Feb Don White Attribute 5- His Love I John 4:7-12
17-Feb Mike McOrmond Attribute 6- His Wisdom Proverbs 3 & 8
24-Feb Mike Sicienski Attribute 7- His Justice & Mercy
3-Mar Don White Attribute 8- His Immutability Psalm 102:25-28, Hebrews 13:8

New “Group” for Women (Starts Tuesday, Sept. 25)

Name: “Group” for Women

Description: A community group for women. Join us as we eat great snacks, discuss the sermon and pray for each other. God never intended for us to follow Him in isolation; we need others to encourage us in the journey.

Leader: Tammy McOrmond

Gender: Women

Age Range: 16 Years and Older

Time: 7:00 – 9:00 PM

Day: Tuesdays

Frequency: Weekly (9/25 through 11/13)

Childcare: No

Location: TBD (in Marion at church or someone’s home)

Contact: Tammy McOrmond

“Why Men Hate Going to Church” (11AM, Sunday, July 15 & 29)

With the encouragement of the Worship Work Group and Revitalization Team, Mike McOrmond will be leading a 2 week training session using a DVD by David Murrow on Sunday July 15 and July 29 from 11AM-12Noon for teens and adults in the SRC air conditioned gym.

July 15- WHY DO MEN HATE GOING TO CHURCH? 1) Men think church is for women, wimps, and weirdos. 2) Men think that church is a waste of time. 3) Christian culture leans increasingly toward the feminine. 4) It’s hard for a man to win at church.

July 29- 10 WAYS TO MAN UP YOUR CHURCH (without scaring women away) Fast-growing churches have one thing in common: they’re full of enthusiastic men. This fast-paced session will help us identify ten roadblocks to male involvement and give us practical tools to help our congregation attract and engage men and boys.

CM CARES Religious Scholars Program

We’re giving the religious leaders of tomorrow a helping hand today.

The CM CARES Religious Scholars Program is offering 50 scholarships of $5,000 each for a total of $250,000 for the 2017-18 academic year. The scholarship is for religious scholars to use towards the completion of their academic year. Continue reading “CM CARES Religious Scholars Program”