CompassCare – September 2020

When Childbearing is Divorced from Marriage…

As goes marriage, so goes society. Marriage is society’s prime institution, first in history and first in importance. Predating government, the union of a man and a woman has happened in all societies for all time. Marriage is the thread of society’s fabric. A marriage is a micro-society. When a man and a woman marry, a new family is born. And when a child arrives, the future of society is sealed.

Since marriage is the skeletal system of civilization, how it is engaged acts as a thermometer to the health of the body politic. Marriage rates1 in the U.S. have plummeted to 34% since 1990 and those who do marry push it off to later2 in life. Today,3 a minority of young adults 18-34 are married (30%), while just 40 years ago a strong majority were (nearly 60%). Sex is divorced from marriage and marriage from childbearing, with now 40% of all babies born to unmarried4 women and most young couples choosing to cohabit rather than tie the knot. Despite studies proving children born into single-parent homes do worse in school, are more prone to behavior problems, are six times as likely to be poor, and whose daughters are three times more likely to be unwed mothers themselves, marriage continues to diminish. But worse than setting up children for failure is the destruction of those children. For every 100 babies born in the U.S., 19 are aborted.

Yet, statistics can only tell us what has happened, not why it has happened. They confirm that society’s belief about the purpose of marriage shifted. Nothing underscores this changing view of marriage more than the Supreme Court’s 2015 ruling legalizing same-sex marriage (Obergefell v. Hodges). The Court’s majority insisted that the purpose of marriage is the well-being of the individuals who choose to marry. But Justice Alito, dissenting from the majority, pointed to the cultural pendulum swing saying, “This understanding of marriage which focuses almost entirely on the happiness of persons who choose to marry…is not the traditional one. For millennia, marriage was inextricably linked to the one thing that only an opposite-sex couple can do: procreate.”

Is Justice Alito’s take on marriage and childbearing biblically grounded? God through the prophet Malachi links faithfulness in marriage through childbearing to faithfulness to Him, saying: “Did he not make them one, with a portion of the Spirit in their union? And what was the one God seeking? Godly offspring. So guard yourselves in your spirit, and let none of you be faithless to the wife of your youth” (Mal. 2:15).

God made marriage the primary human relationship because it is key to man’s purpose to reflect His image: “Then God said, ‘Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness…’ God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them” (Gen. 1:26a, 27).

Mankind is to reflect God’s glory back to Him. Sin cut us off from God, blinding our eyes to our purpose, miring us in the mud of selfishness. Jesus, God in the flesh, came to heal us and set us on the right path again through the cross. Now, as disciples of Christ, we are charged with fulfilling that ancient goal of glory once again as Peter says: “Like the Holy One Who called you, be holy yourselves in all your behavior” (1 Pt. 1:15).

If man is made in God’s image and His relationship with the world is Creator and Sustainer of all life, then how does marriage factor in? Marriage stands apart from all other types of human interaction precisely because it carries the possibility of creating and sustaining new life. In fact, God directly links man’s image-bearing purpose to procreation saying, “And God blessed them; and God said to them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth, and subdue it…’” (Gen. 1:28a). As society dodders off the path of this ancient wisdom, we see in our behavior a reversal of those commands. Instead of subduing the earth, we subdue ourselves, letting the earth run wild.

The marital act is a unique picture of God demonstrating the power of a total giving of one to another with an openness to the life that may result. Divorcing the marital act from marriage or even to continually sterilize it within marriage fails to reflect the fullness of God’s image. Not only is the spouse in danger of becoming an object of pleasure, but the goal of future childlessness becomes a means to self-gratification. There are many reasons Christian couples give for not having more children: finances, loss of personal time, interference in their career or school plans, relationship pressures, and even the number of existing children. Should we be alarmed that these are exactly the same reasons women use for justifying their abortion?

Marriage and the intrinsic marital act reflect a good God, sacrificial and faithful. Godly marriage is hopeful believing that together with God, there is enough grace, enough strength, enough of everything needed to provide for the fruit self-sacrifice begets. There is no clearer picture of heaven on earth than a godly marriage. To the extent culture divorces marriage from childbearing, abortion will remain a tortuous reality. It is the Church that has the light of God’s purpose for civilization – not government, education, or medicine. The church alone can lead culture back to health with godly marriages courageously lived according to biblical beliefs. Future civilization hinges on a pro-family church.

Transforming fear into confidence,

Rev. James R. Harden, M.Div.

P.S. In these inhumane times, together let us deepen our commitment to that which truly lasts.

1 Erin Duffin, “Marriage rate in the United States from 1990 to 2018,”, January 2, 2020,
2 U.S. Census Bureau, Decennial Censuses, 1890 to 1940, and Current Population Survey, Annual Social and Economic Supplements, 1947 to 2019,
3 Benjamin Gurrentz, “ Living with an Unmarried Partner Now Common for Young Adults,” Census Bureau, November 15, 2018,
4 Joyce Martin, “Births: Final Data for 2018,” National Vital Statistics Reports, November 27, 2019,

“I’m Not Getting Rid of Them…”

Jen’s life is filled with new pressures because of COVID-19. As she adjusts to life as a first-time mom while struggling financially, she discovers she is pregnant again. Sleepless nights ensue as Jen considered what to do about this new life within her. Finding CompassCare online, she called for an appointment.

In the exam room, Jen tearfully shared the overwhelming fear she is experiencing as a new mom. She admitted she would feel more confident not aborting if her boyfriend supported her. But due to his lack of commitment, she sees abortion as her only choice. Yet, even as Jen told CompassCare’s nurse that she feels she is bearing the weight of her decision alone she revealed, “I won’t abort a baby with a heartbeat!”

Because Jen is in the early days of her pregnancy, her ultrasound only exposed a tiny gestational sac with no discernable heartbeat. Her boyfriend, now in the room, seemed disengaged. When her nurse asked how she is feeling, Jen replied, “Killing my baby is hard.” She went on to explain that the baby is part of her and it is hard to even think of “getting rid of it.”

Jen allowed her nurse to pray for her. After prayer, Jen said, “God allows things to happen for a reason, but I just don’t know what to do.” She scheduled a return appointment for test results and another ultrasound to confirm viability.

A few days later, Jen’s nurse called to see how she is doing. Jen told her she is determined to abort because of how overwhelmed she feels. She appreciated the call and agreed to keep her follow-up appointment at CompassCare.

Jen came for her second appointment and received another ultrasound, her pregnancy had progressed to the point where her nurse could see, not one, but two healthy babies growing inside her! Feeling resolved now to carry her pregnancy to term and raise her children, Jen said, “I’m not getting rid of them! Besides I’ve always wanted twins.”

Her nurse shared the Gospel with her in that moment and Jen prayed to receive Christ. Jen told her nurse that with God’s help, she knows she can be a good mother to her twins.

Disclaimer: Names and details have been changed to protect patient confidentiality.


The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act provides a massive increase in tax deductions for charitable giving. Leverage your gifts in 2020 to save even more lives! Go to to learn more.

Mission Results

Scoreboard: 01/01/20 – 07/31/20

Vision Tours are 75-minute educational events designed to give pro-life Christians an opportunity to understand how CompassCare reaches and serves women seriously considering abortion. You will have a chance to meet the leadership, hear firsthand accounts of women served and babies saved from a CompassCare nurse, and learn more about the mission to “erase the need for abortion by transforming women’s fear into confidence.” Light refreshments are provided and children of all ages are welcome to attend.

Guests can choose to attend the Vision Tours virtually or in-person.


Tours occur monthly on the 2nd Thursday (7:00 PM – 8:15 PM) and 4th Saturday (9:30 AM – 10:45 AM)


Tours occur monthly on the 1st Saturday (9:30 AM – 10:45 PM) and 3rd Thursday (7:00 PM – 8:15 PM)

Join hundreds of fellow believers in prayer for women seriously considering abortion. Sign-up to receive regular prayer requests from the exam room by clicking below.

Buffalo PrayerNet     Rochester PrayerNet

Leverage your time and talent to serve women and save lives by joining the CompassCare team as a volunteer.  Click below to contact the Buffalo or Rochester office.

Volunteer in Buffalo       Volunteer in Rochester

$570 helps one woman seriously considering abortion have her baby.

(All gifts are tax-deductible. If giving through United Way use ID #1169.) 


CompassCare Pregnancy Services

Buffalo Office

1230 Eggert Rd

Buffalo, NY 14226


Rochester Office

2024 W. Henrietta Rd, Suite 6D

Rochester, NY 14623

585.232.2350 |


Grace Covenant Ministries – August 2020



Grace Covenent Ministries/Annville Institute

PO Box 340

Annville, KY  40402

Phone:  606-364-5151

Dear Prayer Warrior,

Things seem to be changing all the time, yet things seem to stay the same.  The everchanging news/guidelines seem to have the same theme of uncertainty.  We read in Psalm 43 of living in discouraging times and having hope at the same time.  It is reassuring to have our foundation built upon the Rock during these times of storm (Luke 6:48)

At the present time Annville Christian Academy is scheduled to open on our campus in a classroom setting on August 18 while the public school will probably start with online classes a week later.   This could change by the time you read this email and that makes for frustrations in planning youth programs.  We are also excited to explore the possibility of offering a camp highlighting God’s blessing to us through nature.

The trade stores continue to be open two days a week.  Residents are thankful for the opportunity to “shop in a smaller venue” and “appreciate that everyone is wearing a mask”.    The schedule does allow for a deeper cleaning between open days and customers have thanked the staff for their diligence.  We are grateful for the gifts of used clothing and miscellaneous items that continue to arrive at the stores.  Your gifts also have allowed us to help area families as they face unique challenges.

Our Board of Directors met last week.  While present conditions contain many operational trials, they are also thankful to see your ongoing support for our efforts.  They also are thrilled about the gifts towards the Lincoln Hall Restoration Project that are allowing us to proceed with the project. Architect drawings have been approved and the next phase of the project will be put out for bids.  This phase includes handicap accessibility to all floors, along with restrooms for the building.  This phase should also make the first floor useable again.

Your support is helping us to make a difference in our community.  “We give thanks to God always for you all, making mention of you in our prayers.”  (1 Thessalonians 1: 2)  If you have any questions or have concerns you want to express, please contact us.  We are also available via video conferencing if you so desire.

Your Partner in Missions,

Jake Moss, Director of Development

The Bible League – August 2020

Text Box: eNews August 2020

Seeing God in Everything

Longpre longs for people in her village to know the hope that she has found in God’s Word. This 23-year-old wife and mother lives with her family in a remote area of southern Bangladesh. There are no vehicles and no public transportation. She must walk two hours to reach the closest market.For years, Longpre and her family worshipped nature.

But when her daughter got sick, a local pastor—and Bible League-trained church planter—began to comfort her family. “Pastor told us that Jesus would heal our daughter, and I believed him,” she says. “Miraculously, she was healed.”

The pastor continued to visit the family, teaching them God’s Word. Longpre began to worship God, and she saw major changes in her life. “We had many struggles in our family. Our marriage was not very easy,” she says. “Now, we have a lot of peace and understanding between us.”

She credits the change to her family’s time in the Word. “Jesus has transformed my life and my character,” she says. “My neighbors did not like me, as I was known to pick fights for small issues. But God taught me peace.”

Longpre no longer worships nature, but the one true God. “My house is just below the mountains and is made of bamboo. We do not have electricity; only the sun gives us light. When I look at the mountains, the hills, the sky, and everything, I know that God created it all.”

Her hope for the future is that people in her village could know Jesus. “This really is a changed life,” she says. “Many women like me in the village are struggling. My prayer is that Jesus changes their lives as He changed mine.”


Overcome with God’s Love

Woman in Armenia Accepts Jesus

July 13, 2020

Metaqsya, pictured with her children, was born and raised in Armenia. She remembers growing up in a prayer-filled household. She explains, “When I was still a kid, my parents became believers. I remember my father and mother would read passages from the Bible every night, after which we prayed together as a family.”

As she got older, she began to neglect her faith. Then she fell hard for a boy. She reveals, “As a teenage girl, I fell in love with a boy who was not a believer. My parents weren’t happy about that. I neglected their advice and married him. I was blinded by love; I thought my boyfriend was the perfect man. But I was wrong.”

After having two children of her own, Metaqsya discovered her husband was not the kind man she thought. He became physically violent with her. Eventually, he left the family for another woman. A friend heard about the situation and came to see her. “I have a close friend who is a believer,” she says. “When she heard about what happened to me, she tried to visit me several times, but I refused to listen.” In her frustration and despair, Metaqsya fell to her knees and cried out, “Oh God, please help me!”

She says right at that moment her friend showed up. “She told me about Jesus Christ,” Metaqsya says. “Then she invited me to join something she called ‘Choose Life,’ a Project Philip Bible study. The name of that program sounded so attractive to me. I decided to participate. I loved it!”

She goes on to share how she realized she’d been against the Lord for years. She says softly, “I felt how God gave me peace. Day after day, I experienced God helping me. I’m telling you, it’s because of the study group that I am growing in my Christian life. Thanks to all of you who are supporting the Bible League ministry in Armenia!”

The family doing a Bible study.


Imprisonment Brought Freedom

Man accepts Christ through Prison Ministry

July 6, 2020

Peter (left) had a good life. At 26 years old, he owned a welding business and had a working farm in his village in Zambia. He and his wife had children and they were building a house.

One day, as he was returning home from work, Peter was attacked by three men. In an act of self-defense, Peter hit one of the attackers with a pole, killing him. Peter was arrested and sentenced to two-and-a-half years in prison.

During his sentence, Peter decided to join a Project Philip Bible study for inmates. “I found most of the inmates being so serious with the Word of God, studying nearly every day. I decided to be born again and gave my life to Jesus Christ before I was released,” he says.

Peter learned so much about the Bible through discussions in his Project Philip group and the lessons in the Your Journey to Freedom Prison Bible he received. “It was really interesting to meet as a group and discuss the questions together as a team,” he says. “We could help each other and agree in conclusion after each topic. I thank God for such arrangements.”

Peter was released after eight months in prison. But he didn’t receive the welcome home he had hoped. His wife had remarried and his children were now living with her and her new husband. “I was in shock and fell into depression,” he remembers. “My farmland and house were being occupied by someone else and nothing was left.”

But Peter kept hope. “I am grateful and inspired, having received a free copy of the Bible from Bible League during my imprisonment. It was my tool and weapon to overcome such challenges in life,” he says. “I learned not to repay evil with evil, but good for evil. I am now using the same Bible to share the love of God with other people and my family. I am now a changed person and thank Jesus for setting me free through Project Philip.”

Peter reflects on the personal changes he’s seen since accepting Jesus as his Savior. “Previously I was short-tempered, even when I was in jail. But after receiving the Word of God, I am now a changed person and my temper is gone.”

He’s using his knowledge of Christ to share the Gospel with others, including his children and family. “What is different now in my life is that I have managed to bring back my children and I am moving on with my new life,” he says. But he’s not stopping there.

“I feel that God is leading me to minister with His Word to many people. I would like to take part in the prison ministry so that I can help inmates as well,” he says. “By spreading the Good News about Jesus and what He did in my personal life, I can contribute towards growing His kingdom.”


Bringing God’s Word to Japan

Young people in Japan have embraced the print and digital versions of the bilingual (Japanese and English) Alive New Testament easy-to-read translation. This generation is learning that their heavenly Father loves them and wants a relationship with them. Watch the video to see how this translation is transforming lives.

“Who is Jesus?”

Today, if you were to ask that question of people in Japan, especially young people, few would have a clue. Some might say, “Is He an American? Is He a movie star?”

For many years, Jesus and the Bible felt distant and stern to the Japanese people, especially among the younger generations. The only Japanese Bible translation available made Jesus seem to be a strict teacher or drill sergeant who commands people.

Today, young people in Japan have embraced the print and digital versions of the bilingual (Japanese and English) Alive New Testament easy-to-read translation, released in 2017. This generation is learning that their heavenly Father loves them and wants a relationship with them.

Now, our team is working on the Old Testament translation so that the people of Japan can have a complete Bible in a language they can understand. Believers in Japan are eager for the Old Testament.

Your support will help complete the Old Testament so that the full Bible will be available to all Japanese people. Help bring the Word of God to Japan.


Join friends around the world in prayer! Click here to download the August prayer calendar.

Additional Prayer Requests

Praise God that in the Correctional Services of South Africa, some Project Philip Bible study leaders will be able to resume their prison ministry programs. While only few will be able to start now, the rest will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Pray for the health of all involved, that the rest of the programs could start soon, and that God would use these Bible studies to change lives.

Pray for the online Project Philip training in the Philippines with 50 people starting soon. Pray for stable internet and for Pastor Eli who is conducting the training.

Thank you for your prayers and financial support. Your gifts to Bible League International help provide Bibles and training to a world in need.

This email was sent by: Bible League International, 3801 Eagle Nest Drive Crete, IL, 60417, US


The Lenz’ View – July 2020

Oh Rats…

About a month ago while we started the process of sorting and packing for our return to Papua New Guinea, our co-workers discovered and notified us that our house in the village had been overtaken by rats in our absence. At the last count, I believe they have killed over 30 rats in our house (and that number was slowly rising). We are very grateful for their efforts to eradicate the rat population. We’ve been told that the trespassers have done substantial damage, but the full amount of damage is still to be determined. From photos, it almost looked as if an earthquake had shaken items off the shelves, but nope, that was the rats knocking things over and of course chewing on all of it in the process. Our co-workers have organized a team from our support base to come in to the village next week in order to do a thorough cleaning and also put metal siding on our house to replace the woven pitpit siding. We hope this step will keep them from invading like this again in the future. We hope to have a better assessment of what all was damaged after this next week.




News from the Village…

In early June another 13 Wahgi believers were baptized. What is more exciting is that these people were led to the Lord and baptized by other members of the Wahgi church. This was done while our co-workers were out of the village. We are thankful for Stephen and Wirol who have kept Bible studies and Sunday Bible teaching going. Now that our co-workers have returned to the village, they will be working to further train and encourage these men to continue Bible teaching rather than taking that role again themselves. We have been longing for the day when the church would stand strong on their own feet and the Word of God. It looks as if God is using COVID to help bring that about. Please be praying with us for continued unity in the church and more faithful men and women of God take on responsibilities in the church.

Four young Wahgi believers (Dipa, Kayeye, James, & Lus)

Now What…

We just had a great time visiting my (Levi) family in Missouri. Now that we’re back in Michigan, we will resume packing things to send over to PNG. We still do not have our kids’ passports back. The passport processing centers are still slowly reopening. We were recently advised that once we receive our the new passports, we need to send them off to the PNG Embassy in Washington, DC to have the entry permits transferred over to the new passports. In the past we’ve been able to travel with both old/new passports in hand, but we’re being encouraged not to do that this time around. Please be praying with us for patience as we wait on God’s timing and travel documents.


Thank you for your continued prayers and support,


Levi & Robyn Lenz

Serving the North Wahgi people

of Papua New Guinea

Facebook: Lenz’s View




Grace Covenant Ministries – June 2020

Grace Covenant Ministries/Annville Institute

PO Box 340
Annville, KY 40402
Phone 606-364-5151

June 12, 2020

Dear Prayer Warrior,

“Be strong and courageous, for I am with you always.” The words that God spoke to Joshua and
Israel as they were preparing to enter a new land are resonating with me as we seek to enter a
new normal. The political and social turmoil surrounding us sometimes seems like we are
journeying into a new territory. We hear a lot of stories of hopelessness and we have our
moments of frustrations. But we also know there is hope because our Savior is accompanying
us through this journey. It is this Good News that we want to share within our community and

Our plans for this summer are constantly being revised. We were planning to offer a virtual VBS
Camp in July complete with crafts. With the new guidelines just released there is a possibility
of having an on-campus VBS. (The terrain of our journey is changing all the time.) The
Veterans Outreach Committee is still planning for their health fair in September.
Last week our Trade Stores were able to reopen with some new restrictions. Also, a small work
group from Zeeland, Michigan is here this week helping to complete the community fitness
center and repair the campus tractor. We are thankful that the nursing home in Annville (that
endured the deaths of 13 residents due to the virus) has now been declared Covid-19 free.

Donations are lower this year which makes us very thankful for each gift as it arrives. It was
very heartwarming to receive a gift from a high school group. They were raising funds for their
trip to Annville this summer. With all the uncertainty and changing guidelines their trip was
canceled. When they were offered refunds for their trip deposit, each student responded to
have their deposit sent to us as a donation. The generous spirit of these students does offer
me hope for our future leadership.

We are available for virtual meetings with you to share our story. Thank you for your prayer
support and partnering with us as we journey together into the new normal. You are helping us
to make a difference in our community. Be strong and courageous for our Lord is with us!!

Your partner in missions,
Jake Moss, Director of Development
Annville Institute/Grace Covenant Ministries

News from the Fields – May 2020

Saturday was really special because

Reece Graduated from Bible School!

We invited all the other seniors who live nearby and we had such a special day together! We watched the ceremony, had lunch and a cake, pictures and of course enjoyed catching up, since this was the first time we could meet as a group!

Thank you for praying for Reece during his 2 years here at Bible School! We couldn’t be more proud of him! His plan is to live at home and work for this next year as he waits for the Lord to show him what HIS next plan is .

Thank you for your love and prayers!!
Dave, Kim, Reece & Clark

Grace Covenant Minisitries – May 2020

Grace Covenant Ministries/Annville Institute

PO Box 340

Annville, KY  40402

May 14, 2020

Dear Prayer Warrior,

“Our help is in the name of the LORD, who made heaven and earth” (Psalm 124:8) is reassuring to us as we navigate through these uncertain times.  The news this past month about Covid – 19 has been discouraging.   For a short time, Jackson County was considered the hot spot for the virus in the state.  The nursing home in Annville had 52 cases of the virus confirmed among staff and residents and 12 of the residents have died from the virus.  According to the Lexington Herald Leader, the unemployment percentage in Kentucky is the highest in the nation.  As the rate of confirmed cases are now starting to drop, we are trying to prepare for the “new normal”.

Our plans for this summer are under revision.  Following state guidelines, we will not be offering our normal camp programs and the swimming pool will remain closed.  We are trying to work out details on how to offer a virtual VBS camp in July.  It does appear that we will be able to reopen our trade stores in June.   We are also looking for other opportunities to be of service as we enter the new normal.  We do have a couple of opportunities for small volunteer groups (6 – 8 members) to help with some on campus improvement projects.  With these projects we will strive to abide by health guidelines and limit the interaction outside of your group.  If you are interested in more information about these projects, please contact Tommy at the office number listed above.

We are also grateful for the financial gifts and the donations of used clothing and household items that are coming in during these uncertain times.  It is our desire to bring back our furloughed staff as soon as possible.  We thank you for your prayer support and partnering with us.  You are helping us to make a difference in our community.

Your partner in missions,

Jake Moss

Director of Development

Annville Institute/Grace Covenant Ministries

Reece Field Graduates – May 2020

Can you believe it?

Three more days until Reece graduates!

We hope you can join us on-line watching Reece and his classmates graduate!

There is a team who has been working hard to make this service special for the graduates. Dave will be giving the sermon as well!

Please join us in celebrating this awesome class! 11:00 am (Central time)  this Saturday.!!


Thank you for supporting Reece these past 2 years with your love and prayers!
Dave & Kim Field


The Lenz’ View – May 2020

Psalm 130:5

I wait for the Lord, my soul does wait, and in His word do I hope.

You’re Grounded…

Many people are asking us how the current state of affairs (aka COVID19) are effecting us and our return to Papua New Guinea this summer. We are thankful for your questions and prayers on our behalf.

First,  we are homeschooling our kids now and their school is doing a great job of sending assignments weekly and checking in with them throughout the week. They’ve only got two weeks of school left.

As it relates to our return to Papua New Guinea, we’re taking things one day at a time. As of April  22, 2020, PNG has had 8 confirmed COVID-19 cases in country. Some of these cases are in provinces where NTM has personnel. Centers in these locations are now at an elevated security level. Field & area leadership have put measures in place in these locations to ensure the safety & security of our members. To our knowledge, there have not been any more confirmed cases of COVID in PNG. It is an answer to prayer that the virus has not stricken PNG very hard. Please continue to pray for PNG and other developing countries with very limited medical resources.

Our flights have been canceled; we’ve been grounded. We are thankful that the airline has refunded our non-refundable tickets. Praise God for his provision in this way! We are currently in communication with our field leadership and are waiting for them to give us the go-ahead to return. Please pray for us to get our passports back. We sent the kids’ passports in for renewal before everything turned upside down and we are still waiting for them to come back. We don’t know if they’re currently processing passports at the moment or not.

Pray for closure for our kids. When stay-at-home orders started rolling out, our kids were taken away from their friends without the possibility of closure. We understand that this has happened to all the school kids across the nation; however, most of them will see each other once school starts again. It has been difficult for our children to think of not seeing their friends again at all. With our flights being canceled, we are hopeful that we can have time to orchestrate some kind of gathering for the kids to get together and have closure before we do leave for PNG.

From the Wahgi Church…

We’ve received some great, encouraging news from our co-workers who are currently in PNG. Though they’re not able to be in the village at this time, they are staying in contact with the church on a regular basis. There are two men who have been staying faithful in teaching the church and two ladies who are continuing to work with the youth. If I recall correctly, there are about 8 new believers who are currently going through the discipleship class.

As spring here emerges from the winter here in the US we start hearing talk about “hardening” your garden plants by gradually giving them exposure to the outdoors. This current time in the life of the Wahgi church is a bit of a hardening time where the church is exposed to life without the missionaries and must be reliant on the Lord and each other in order to stand strong. Please be praying for unity in the church and that they would stand strong against the schemes of the devil.

Thank you for your continued prayers for us and for the Wahgi church.
Levi, Robyn, Michael, Daniel, Matthew, and Krystiana Lenz