The first 2 weeks of the semester were…
pretty interesting!
Things are starting to settle down a little and we may soon be starting to feel a rhythm.
Because of Covid, the students aren’t able to meet in groups in the school building, but only outdoors. So since our family has a big enough yard, we have invited students over for us to get to know them, and even for them to get to know each other. We had 50 show up for our bonfire night and they really enjoyed getting to actually be together without masks and just hang out.
The next weekend we had a game night held outside. We underestimated how many people would show up and after the 3 tables were full we had to start up a bonfire for the rest of the people. We can see how they love being together and are really looking for opportunities to spend time together.
Please pray for the students as it gets cold outside to find ways to be able to spend time together as groups. A huge part of Bible School is community and they are trying to make a way, but it sure looks different in these Covid restrictions.
Staff can only have a couple students in our home at a time. Please pray for good ideas and ways to reach out and connect with the students who are really needing it.
1. Dave is teaching Bibliology, where the Bible came from, and the students are learning about the reliability and authority of God’s Word. This is HUGE! They are asking so many questions and meeting with Dave everyday!
2. Dave really enjoys his Hebrews teacher at seminary and is learning so much! He will be using what he is learning in classes here, and also at a church he will be speaking at these next few Sundays.
3. I love spending time with my mobilization team and they make me feel valued and appreciated! We are starting quite a few new initiatives, and it is exciting being in on the action right from the beginning!
4. Clark really likes his welding teachers at college and is acing his work!! He looks forward to going to class and is learning tons! He’s also doing well in his regular 12th grade classes!
5. Reece is busy at buses and taking care of all “his school kids” in masks.
Thank you so much for praying for us in these first 2 weeks! We are each settling into a routine and so thankful to be here, even if this semester looks pretty different with masked faces! God has GOOD GOOD plans for each of us!!!
Partnering with you,
Dave, Kim, Reece & Clark Field