Dave studies from our home office. He is taking a heavy class online at Trinity this semester, and just finished a very big paper! It is really awesome having him right here at home and I love it!
Reece studies from our living room. He listens to his Bible school classes which are live, on-line. He has a routine down that looks as close as possible to his Bible school morning schedule. 3 more weeks till virtual graduation!
Clark studies 11th grade online classes from his room. Clark has always had virtual online school, so he hasn’t had any school changes. He sure misses his youth group friends and activities, but loves having his brother around!
This month Clark turned 17 and Reece turned 21 !!! We are so thrilled with how they are bringing their thoughts and struggles to the Lord through this Covid time. Like most everyone, they each have lost some irreplaceable things. Reece has lost a lot of his Senior semester, which he can’t have back. Clark has lost a missions trip, but both of them are walking close to the Lord and trusting Him in the middle of it all.
I have SO enjoyed having us four together, enjoying family meals, family church, Easter, evening fire pit, great conversations, laughter, and knowing this is such a sweet time we get to be together that God carved out for us! I’ve been cherishing each day and soaking it all in! Who knew the 4 of us would get to live together again??
We join you in trusting the Lord in the middle of this time, and look forward to seeing how He will make everything turn out for good and His glory!
We send our love!
Dave, Kim, Reece & Clark Field
Grace Covenant Ministries/Annville Institute
April 8, 2020
Dear Prayer Warrior,
The world seems to have stopped, but still moving on. The pace sure has changed. Covid – 19 has curtailed our activities. Most of the events on campus have been cancelled and our trade stores have been closed to abide by suggestions from our elected officials. Staffing has been reduced and utilities shut off in buildings that are temporarily closed. We ask for your prayers for the boys in the Barnabas Home and the women in Lincoln Oaks (the addiction recovery center on campus) which are still operating on our campus. Needs continue and we do look for opportunities to offer a helping hand within our limited resources. The opportunities included distributing some surplus food to local churches to give to needy families. We also were able to help an elderly woman as she had to relocate to a different residence. Our staff is also aiding local congregations with setting up some virtual worship services.
We are still preparing for what we hope will be a busy summer season. There are a lot of unknowns as we do our planning, but we do have the confidence in knowing who controls our tomorrows. Our office is open, and we are available to answer any questions or address any concerns. We are praying that you and your families will stay healthy. It is our desire that all of us will be able to rejoice in knowing that we serve a risen Savior and that He controls our destiny.
We are also very grateful for the financial gifts and the donations of used clothing and household items that are coming in during these uncertain times. We also want to thank you for your prayer support. You are helping us to make a difference in our community. Thank you for partnering with us! We hope you will have a joyous Easter celebration. The church buildings may be empty in America, but we can also rejoice in the fact that the tomb is empty!
Your partner in missions,
Jake Moss
Director of Development
Annville Institute/Grace Covenant Ministries
Dear praying friend,
In one week so much has changed!
#1 Our family moved out of our apartment which was in the main building, and now live in a house at the bottom of the hill on the school property. You should’ve seen all the students who showed up to help us move, it was AMAZING! We love our new home and we have already hosted scads of students.
#2 Because of the virus, the classrooms closed and the students all watched the classes on-line in groups around campus. We got to have our living room full of students every morning this week. Dave taught to an empty classroom, but It was fun seeing Dave live on our tv while the students all watched.
#3 Today, because of the virus, the students are being asked to move home this weekend. The classes will continue to be live streamed every day on-line, but we are so sad to have the school shut down for the rest of the semester. Reece and his class-mates will be missing their banquet, senior project, graduation, and 2 months of Bible School amazing-ness.
#1 Everyone is scrambling to pack and quickly saying many good byes to dear friends.
#2 Many people are scrambling to know where they are actually moving to. We opened our home to a few international students who can’t get home, but dozens more are totally unsure of next steps. There have been Christians in the area who are offering their homes as places to stay.
#3 Everyone is numb with a layer of sadness over everything for all their loss. We all feel that, and know how to pray for them.
#4 Please pray for the students as they continue their classes on-line from home. Please pray for the teachers here as they continue to teach every day in front of a live camera in an empty classroom. Everyone needs prayer these days!
We know that God is so very good. He also does only good. Even though we are hurting, and don’t understand, we know He is always trustworthy, and will work this storm out for good. He alone can do that.
Our love,
Dave, Kim, Reece & Clark Field
Grace Covenant Ministries/Annville Institute
PO Box 340
Annville, KY 40402
Phone 606-364-5151
March 17,2020
Dear Prayer Warrior,
“Be strong and courageous for I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS.” God’s message to Joshua (and us) has been a comforting reflection to me during this past week. With the rest of the world, most of our conversations have been centered on COVID- 19. The news seems to change by the hour. Like most of you, our schools are closed, events canceled, and we also see empty shelves in some of our stores. As we navigate through this changing environment, I am reminded of the many assurances that we have. In Kentucky, we are seeing rebirth in the scenery as daffodils have been blooming and the Bradford Pear trees are now in full bloom. Soon we expect the redbuds to display their beauty all around us. It is great to see some normalcy among all the fluctuating news.
We ask for your prayers that we would have the wisdom as we prepare for the upcoming season. Much of our efforts on campus are now centered on the arrival of volunteer work groups. They will be helping us to finish campus projects like the community fitness center and helping to improve homes of area residents. We also are preparing for the busy summer season as we plan to welcome many new faces to our camps. The camps range from sports to dance and to Vacation Bible School. We thank you for helping us to have these opportunities as we share the good news of Christ’s love for us. We are also very grateful for the financial gifts and the donations of used clothing and household items that are coming in during these uncertain times.
Thank you for partnering with us! Be strong and courageous!
Your partner in missions,
Jake Moss
Director of Development
Annville Institute/Grace Covenant Ministries
CompassCare vs. Cuomo Lawsuit
⚖️New York Senate bill S660 (aka the Boss Bill) was signed into law by Governor Cuomo on Nov 8, 2019.
⚖️The Boss Bill targets the pro-life beliefs of Christian organizations, including churches, by making it illegal to hire or manage staff based on pro-life beliefs and behavior.
A Vision Tour is a 75-minute educational event designed to give pro-life Christians an opportunity to understand how CompassCare reaches and serves women seriously considering abortion. It helps attendees understand if CompassCare is a good way for them to express their pro-life convictions. You will have a chance to meet the leadership, hear firsthand accounts of women served and babies saved from a CompassCare nurse, and learn more about the mission to “erase the need for abortion by transforming women’s fear into confidence.” Light refreshments are provided and children of all ages are welcome to attend.
Join hundreds of fellow believers in prayer for women seriously considering abortion. Sign-up to receive regular prayer requests from the exam room by clicking below.
Buffalo PrayerNet Rochester PrayerNet
Leverage your time and talent on behalf of women and their children. Join the CompassCare team as a volunteer.
Volunteer in Buffalo Volunteer in Rochester