“America’s Greatest Need” Sunday Service (9:30AM Onsite & 10:00AM LiveStream)

You are invited to experience, view or listen to our Sunday morning sermon in one of 5 ways.
1) Participate in our onsite worship service which begins at 9:30AM, SUNDAY at 3757 Mill Street.
2) Watch live on the church Facebook page at 10:0AM, SUNDAY by going to: facebook.com/srcmarion  Please “like” our Facebook page for future notifications.
3) Watch the same recording later on Facebook at a time more convenient for you: facebook.com/srcmarion
4) Watch the same recording later on our newly created YouTube channel. Just type in “Second Reformed Church of Marion” when you go to: youtube.com  Or you can click on this link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo3ZNP8OgRarSQXfqzGcn-Q
5) Listen to the audio recording and see sermon outline on our church website: sermons.srcmarion.org


I. Introduction

A. “One Nation Under God” Video (Galatians 5:13)

B. Cycle of Men & Nations (Ecclesiastes 1:9)

C. Curse of Fatherlessness (Malachi 4:5-6)

D. “Act Like Men” (I Corinthians 16:13)

E. “I Sought for a Man” (Ezekiel 22:23-31)

II. Purpose- We can properly exercise our freedom and help restore a Christian culture in America by cultivating the 4 Attributes of godly manhood (and womanhood).

A. Attribute 1- KING

  • Nathan & David (II Samuel 12:1-14)
  • Righteous Man (Proverbs 4:18, 20:7, 28:1)
  • Do you ever exercise a righteous boldness?
  • Abuses: MilkToast Abdicator or IronFisted Tyrant

B. Attribute 2- WARRIOR

  • Paul to Timothy (I Timothy 6:11-12)
  • Shammah (II Samuel 23:8, 11-12)
  • Armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-20)
  • Do you ever fight for a noble cause?
  • Abuses: Passive Wimp or Savage Destroyer

C. Attribute 3- LOVER

  • Major Sullivan Ballou
  • Love Like Christ (Ephesians 5:25-33)
  • Would those closest to you say that you love them well?
  • Abuses: Cold Heart or Harsh Critic

D. Attribute 4- FRIEND

  • Laying Down Life (John 15:13)
  • A Friend Loves & Sharpens (Proverbs 17:17; 27:17)
  • Who are your close friends (if any)?
  • Abuses: Disconnected Loner or User Loser

III. Conclusion

A. Summary

B. Application

  • America The Beautiful- “thy liberty in law.”
  • Questions & Closing Prayer

(The Quest for Authentic Manhood by Dr. Robert Lewis)


  • Do you think we are a nation under God?
  • Where is America in the cycle of nations?
  • Give an example of the curse of fatherlessness.
  • What is meant by the term “act like men?”
  • Give an example of a man “building up the wall and standing in the breach before God for the land?”
  • What is the “King” attribute of godly manhood?
  • What is the “Warrior” attribute of godly manhood?
  • What is the “Lover” attribute of godly manhood?
  • What is the “Friend” attribute of godly manhood?
  • Please give an example of a man who displays one or more of these qualities.
  • What kind of man do you see in the mirror?
  • Would your spouse, children, parents, or close friends say that you are godly king, warrior, lover and friend?
  • Which of these 4 attributes is your strength?
  • Which of these 4 attributes is your weakness?
  • What can you do to strengthen these attributes in your personal life?
  • Which Scripture spoke to you the most and why?
  • What is your biggest “take away” from sermon

“Jesus’ Power Lets Us Live Forever” Sunday Service (9:30AM Onsite & 10:00AM LiveStream)

Title: Jesus’ Power Lets Us Live Forever

Text: I Corinthians 15:3-7, 12-19

I. In the beginning, humanity believed ____________
(Genesis 3:1-5)

A. This led to their/our _______________________

B. To restore our relationship with God, Jesus died and was raised from the dead- Minimal Facts:

C. Jesus died by crucifixion

D. Very soon afterwards, his followers had real experiences that they thought were actual appearances of the risen Jesus

E. The disciples’ lives were transformed as a result, even to the point of being willing to die specifically for their faith in the resurrection message

F. These things were taught very early, soon after the crucifixion

G. Jesus’ unbelieving brother James became a Christian due to his own experience that he thought was the resurrected Christ

H. The Christian persecutor Paul (formerly Saul of Tarsus) also became a believer after a similar experience.

II. Eternal Life- when?

A. In the ______________________
(John 10:10; John 17:3-4)

B. In the ______________________
(I Thessalonians 4:13-18)

III. Conclusion: It’s Your Move

A. Do you believe that there should be a consequence if someone does something immoral?

B. Have you ever done something immoral? If so, your fate is described in Revelation 20: 11-15

C. There is hope!

1) Ephesians 2:8-9

2) John 3:16 ( repentance- Luke 13:1-5)

Questions for Further Thought/study:

  • What is holding you back from sharing your beliefs with others? What can you do to overcome this?
  • Why do believe what you believe? Because it makes you comfortable or happy, or because it is true?
  • How prepared are you for the spiritual battles and answering questions about the Christian worldview that test your faith? To strengthen your it, check out rzim.org, crossexamined.org, coldcasechristianity.com, and oneminuteapologist.com

Rocky Railway ONLINE VBS (10AM, Wednesday, July 1)

Rocky Railway ONLINE VBS (10AM, Wednesdays, July 1-29)

Climb aboard for mountains of fun at Rocky Railway! On this faith-filled adventure kids discover that trusting Jesus pulls them through life’s ups and downs. SRC will be broadcasting an ONLINE Version of VBS at 10:00AM on the five Wednesdays during the month July. Our publisher is graciously allowing us a 30 day window to broadcast an online VBS using some of their resources. We are weaving together an Opening, Skit, Song, Memory Verse, Bible Story, KidVid and Closing.

July 1- Jesus’ Power Helps Us Do Hard Things (Mike Sicienski)
July 8- Jesus’ Power Gives Us Hope (Audrey Phelps)
July 15- Jesus’ Power Helps Us Be Bold (Laura DeYoung)
July 22- Jesus’ Power Lets Us Live Forever (Sue Hyland)
July 29- Jesus’ Power Helps Us Be Good Friends (Cara VanderBrook)

You are invited to view our online VBS is one of 3 ways:
1) Facebook “Premiere”– Watch our premiere on the church Facebook page at 10:00AM Wednesdays by going to: facebook.com/srcmarion  Please “like” our Facebook page for future notifications.
2) Facebook– Watch the same recording later on Facebook at a time more convenient for you: facebook.com/srcmarion
3) YouTube– Watch the same recording on our newly created YouTube channel. Just type in “Second Reformed Church of Marion” when you go to: youtube.com  Or you can click on this direct link: youtube.com/channel/UCo3ZNP8OgRarSQXfqzGcn-Q

Daily scripture and memory verse coloring sheets will be available on the church website at: www.srcmarion.org

Deborah Hill, Cara VanderBrook and Mike McOrmond are serving as Directors. Mike Sicienski is heading up our team of teachers to deliver five lessons. David and Denise Skidmore will be recording, editing and publishing our videos.

VBS is for kids young and old so ask your siblings, parents and grandparents to join in the fun! For more info, you can e-mail the church office: 2ndreformedoffice@rochester.rr.com

Rocky Railway ONLINE VBS (10AM, Wednesdays, July 1-29)

ROCKY  RAILWAY- Climb aboard for mountains of fun at Rocky Railway! On this faith-filled adventure kids discover that trusting Jesus pulls them through life’s ups and downs. SRC will be broadcasting an ONLINE Version of VBS at 10:00AM on the Wednesdays during the month July. Our publisher is graciously allowing us a 30 day window to broadcast an online VBS using some of their resources. We will be weaving together an Opening, Song, Bible Story, KidVid and Closing.

  • July 1- Jesus’ Power Helps Us Do Hard Things
  • July 8- Jesus’ Power Gives Us Hope
  • July 15- Jesus’ Power Helps Us Be Bold
  • July 22- Jesus’ Power Lets Us Live Forever
  • July 29- Jesus’ Power Helps Us Be Good Friends

To make it easy for your families you can view skits, lessons, music videos, sing songs and print out coloring sheets for each lesson of the week. Visit our church online at facebook.com/srcmarion

Daily scripture and memory verse coloring sheets will be available on the church website at www.srcmarion.org

At Rocky Railway VBS, you discover Jesus’ power can pull you through life’s ups and downs. With Bible-learning experiences you will discover how to see evidence of God in your everyday life! VBS is for kids young and old so ask your siblings, parents and grandparents to join in the fun!  For more info, E-mail: 2ndreformedoffice@rochester.rr.com.

Mike McOrmond, Deborah Hill and Cara Vanderbrook are serving as Directors. Mike Sicienski is heading up a team of teachers to deliver our five lessons. David Skidmore will be recording, editing and publishing our videos. We will share more details as we get closer to July 1.

“Jesus’ Power Helps Us Be Bold” Sunday Service (9:30AM Onsite & 10:00AM LiveStream)

LIVE SERVICE – We have re-opened at 25% occupancy (85 total in Sanctuary and Balcony), with hand hygiene, social distancing and face coverings.To maintain proper distancing every other pew is closed off. Hand sanitizer is by the entrances, and we have masks if you need one. We will be singing inside, but our fellowshiping will need to be outside. No attendance pads will be passed, and offerings can be placed directly into boxes in the back of the sanctuary. To avoid the need to touch hymnals or pew Bibles, we’ll be projecting the songs and Scriptures on the screen. There will be no Children’s Church, Youth Sunday School or staffed Nursery for now. The Adult General Sunday School class will meet in person after the service (contact Pastor Don) as well as via Zoom for those not able/desiring to attend in person.The Ladies Sunday School class will continue to meet only via Zoom at 11:30AM (contact Judy Rachow). If you have health concerns, are over 65, or just have doubts about attending at this time, PLEASE KNOW that you are loved and we support your decision to be cautious and not attend in person. The order of service will be a bit different to accommodate live streaming on Facebook.
LIVE STREAM – The congregational prayer, sermon, closing song and benediction will be live streamed on Facebook but starting at a new time of approximately 10:00AM.  Music is currently restricted by copyright, but we’re working on a licensing solution.

Title: Jesus’ Power Helps Us Be Bold

Text: Acts 4:5-31

Theme: Jesus’ Power Helps Us Be Bold

I. Christ’s _________________

A. Peter & John had been with Jesus, v. 13.

B. Other components convict us of the rightness of Christ’s cause

II. The Spirit’s _______________

A. Peter & John’s preoccupation with Christ’s glory is Spirit worked.

B. Seek the filling of the Holy Spirit

Questions for Study

What are some synonyms for boldness, bold?  What are some antonyms?

In what ways were Peter & John bold in Acts 3, Acts 4?

How is their boldness a strong contrast with their behavior between Passover night and Pentecost Day?  See Matthew 26:55-56, 69-75; John 20:19, 26.

What changed to make such a difference?

How does Jesus’ power fortify our spirits to make us bold, confident?

Some fortifying actions to consider:  I Samuel 17:43-47; 23:16-17; Isaiah 41:10; Jeremiah 9:9:23-24; Luke 10:38-42; John 13:19-20;15:18-25; Acts 4:13; Acts 11:27.

How does having Scriptural warrant for what we must do foster boldness?  Put another way, how does knowing we are on the Lord’s errand encourage our confidence to speak or act?

When does boldness become presumption?  What is the difference between boldness & brazenness?

Can one be meek and bold at the same time?  Moses was the meekest of men (Numbers 12:3); was he also bold?  How?

Mike McOrmond to Lead Flower City Outreach (FCO)

Flower City Outreach (FCO) is excited to announce that Mike McOrmond will become the organization’s Executive Director starting on August 1st, 2020. Mike had previously founded Flower City Work Camp (FCWC) in 1985 while the Director of Youth Ministries at Browncroft Community Church and led it for a few years before moving on to other ministry opportunities. McOrmond later rejoined the organization as a charter member of the board of directors for Flower City Outreach when it was incorporated in 2015. For the past two years he has served as the board chairman, before being selected to serve in the paid professional role of Executive Director.

“I appreciate the opportunity to return to a ministry that, by God’s grace, has endured so many years. It is a true joy to see how others have shared the vision and contributed to the flourishing of FCWC,” shared Mike McOrmond. “I hope to build greater unity and cooperative ministry among churches in the greater Rochester area and to facilitate launching new ministries beyond FCWC so ‘that the city might see Jesus.’”

Read the full story here: www.flowercityworkcamp.org/mike-mcormond-to-lead-flower-city-outreach

Grace Covenant Ministries – June 2020

Grace Covenant Ministries/Annville Institute

PO Box 340
Annville, KY 40402
Phone 606-364-5151

June 12, 2020

Dear Prayer Warrior,

“Be strong and courageous, for I am with you always.” The words that God spoke to Joshua and
Israel as they were preparing to enter a new land are resonating with me as we seek to enter a
new normal. The political and social turmoil surrounding us sometimes seems like we are
journeying into a new territory. We hear a lot of stories of hopelessness and we have our
moments of frustrations. But we also know there is hope because our Savior is accompanying
us through this journey. It is this Good News that we want to share within our community and

Our plans for this summer are constantly being revised. We were planning to offer a virtual VBS
Camp in July complete with crafts. With the new guidelines just released there is a possibility
of having an on-campus VBS. (The terrain of our journey is changing all the time.) The
Veterans Outreach Committee is still planning for their health fair in September.
Last week our Trade Stores were able to reopen with some new restrictions. Also, a small work
group from Zeeland, Michigan is here this week helping to complete the community fitness
center and repair the campus tractor. We are thankful that the nursing home in Annville (that
endured the deaths of 13 residents due to the virus) has now been declared Covid-19 free.

Donations are lower this year which makes us very thankful for each gift as it arrives. It was
very heartwarming to receive a gift from a high school group. They were raising funds for their
trip to Annville this summer. With all the uncertainty and changing guidelines their trip was
canceled. When they were offered refunds for their trip deposit, each student responded to
have their deposit sent to us as a donation. The generous spirit of these students does offer
me hope for our future leadership.

We are available for virtual meetings with you to share our story. Thank you for your prayer
support and partnering with us as we journey together into the new normal. You are helping us
to make a difference in our community. Be strong and courageous for our Lord is with us!!

Your partner in missions,
Jake Moss, Director of Development
Annville Institute/Grace Covenant Ministries

“Jesus’ Power Gives Us Hope” Sunday Service (9:30AM Onsite & 10:00AM LiveStream)

LIVE SERVICE – Per the Governor’s order, churches can reopen with 25% occupancy (85 total in Sanctuary and Balcony), with hand hygiene, social distancing and face coverings.To maintain proper distancing every other pew is closed off. Hand sanitizer is by the entrances, and we have masks if you need one. We will be singing inside, but our fellowshiping will need to be outside. No attendance pads will be passed, and offerings can be placed directly into boxes in the back of the sanctuary. To avoid the need to touch hymnals or pew Bibles, we’ll be projecting the songs and Scriptures on the screen. There will be no Children’s Church, Youth Sunday School or staffed Nursery for now. The Adult General Sunday School class will meet in person after the service (contact Pastor Don) as well as via Zoom for those not able/desiring to attend in person.The Ladies Sunday School class will continue to meet only via Zoom at 11:30AM (contact Judy Rachow). If you have health concerns, are over 65, or just have doubts about attending at this time, PLEASE KNOW that you are loved and we support your decision to be cautious and not attend in person. The order of service will be a bit different to accommodate live streaming on Facebook.

LIVE STREAM – The congregational prayer, sermon and benediction will be live streamed on Facebook but starting at a new time of approximately 10:00AM.  Music is currently restricted by copyright, but we’re working on a licensing solution.

Title: Jesus’ Power Gives Us Hope

Text: Acts 27:13-38

Theme: In Life’s storms, Jesus renews hope as we wait on Him & follow Him.

I. Renewed hope flows from our ____________________ with Him.

A. Always by His Spirit, sometimes by special messengers, the Lord reminds of His Presence with us in the storm.

B. He also revives hope, when by His Word He renews our sense of His calling

II. Renewed hope forms as we honor our _________________ to Him.

A. Paul’s responsibility was two-fold: take heart & give heart.

B. We’re responsible to maintain our Christian hope by the Lord’s means.

Questions for Study

Was there hope before man’s fall into sin?  Genesis 1:28-30

How is hope as necessary to daily life as breathing or eating?

How does Scripture describe hope?  See:  Deuteronomy 28:1-14; Psalm 37; Romans 8:18-25; Hebrews 12; James 5:7-8; I John 3:1-3.

How does the Bible phrase wait on the Lord… speak of Christian hope?

Read Deuteronomy 28:15-68.  How are the threats there basically forms of hopelessness?

What is the difference between Faith & Hope?  Does time orientation (past, present, future) have any bearing on their differences?  Can you have one without the other?  See Romans 5:1-5; Hebrews 11:1.

Christians are called to be peace-makers.  How are we also to be hope-givers?  See what Paul did during the storm at sea, Acts 27:21-36. Also see Exodus 15; Psalm 78:1-8; Malachi 3:16-18; I Thessalonians 4:13-5:11; Hebrews 10:24-25.

How do gratitude & thanksgiving help foster hope?

Online & Other Giving Options

During the quarantine and gradual re-opening, those who seek to worship the Lord through giving offerings are invited to contribute in 1 of 4 ways:

1) ONLINE GIVING– A virus free way to contribute is through our “EasyTithe” online giving platform at: www.srcmarion.org/donate (Rick Kelley would gladly assist anyone who needs some coaching on how to get started.)

2) BANK BILL PAY– Arrangements can be made directly with your bank to automatically send checks to the church office. This service is usually free to use with no postage charges.

3) MAIL– Checks can be mailed to Second Reformed Church, P.O. Box 32, Marion, NY 14505.

4) DROP OFF– Our church office will be open from 8:30AM-12:30PM and 1:30-3:30PM Monday through Thursday.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call the church office at 315-926-4235.