I. Introduction
A. “One Nation Under God” Video (Galatians 5:13)
B. Cycle of Men & Nations (Ecclesiastes 1:9)
C. Curse of Fatherlessness (Malachi 4:5-6)
D. “Act Like Men” (I Corinthians 16:13)
E. “I Sought for a Man” (Ezekiel 22:23-31)
II. Purpose- We can properly exercise our freedom and help restore a Christian culture in America by cultivating the 4 Attributes of godly manhood (and womanhood).
A. Attribute 1- KING
- Nathan & David (II Samuel 12:1-14)
- Righteous Man (Proverbs 4:18, 20:7, 28:1)
- Do you ever exercise a righteous boldness?
- Abuses: MilkToast Abdicator or IronFisted Tyrant
B. Attribute 2- WARRIOR
- Paul to Timothy (I Timothy 6:11-12)
- Shammah (II Samuel 23:8, 11-12)
- Armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-20)
- Do you ever fight for a noble cause?
- Abuses: Passive Wimp or Savage Destroyer
C. Attribute 3- LOVER
- Major Sullivan Ballou
- Love Like Christ (Ephesians 5:25-33)
- Would those closest to you say that you love them well?
- Abuses: Cold Heart or Harsh Critic
D. Attribute 4- FRIEND
- Laying Down Life (John 15:13)
- A Friend Loves & Sharpens (Proverbs 17:17; 27:17)
- Who are your close friends (if any)?
- Abuses: Disconnected Loner or User Loser
III. Conclusion
A. Summary
B. Application
- America The Beautiful- “thy liberty in law.”
- Questions & Closing Prayer
(The Quest for Authentic Manhood by Dr. Robert Lewis)
- Do you think we are a nation under God?
- Where is America in the cycle of nations?
- Give an example of the curse of fatherlessness.
- What is meant by the term “act like men?”
- Give an example of a man “building up the wall and standing in the breach before God for the land?”
- What is the “King” attribute of godly manhood?
- What is the “Warrior” attribute of godly manhood?
- What is the “Lover” attribute of godly manhood?
- What is the “Friend” attribute of godly manhood?
- Please give an example of a man who displays one or more of these qualities.
- What kind of man do you see in the mirror?
- Would your spouse, children, parents, or close friends say that you are godly king, warrior, lover and friend?
- Which of these 4 attributes is your strength?
- Which of these 4 attributes is your weakness?
- What can you do to strengthen these attributes in your personal life?
- Which Scripture spoke to you the most and why?
- What is your biggest “take away” from sermon