Broken Plate

“Falling Plates” (A Relationship with God)

The SRC Web Team has just published a new page on our church website entitled “Our Salvation” that explains how to have a relationship with God. It is our desire and prayer that our church family will use this online tool as a way to “Pray, Invest & Invite” your friends to consider a relationship with Jesus Christ. Would you please click on “Our Salvation” to view the new page, and then share with friends who would benefit from seeing it? You will find a creative video, written explanation, and suggested next steps. Thank you!

Casa de Refugio Ground Breaking Event (Nov. 19)

There will be a worship service Saturday, November 19, 2:00 P.M. at the Clifton Springs United Methodist Church.  Our own Fred Coisman will bring the message. Mike Davis will also be present.  After a time of worship there, people will be invited to gather for a brief (15-20 minute) ground breaking event at the site for the new church, then return to the CSUM Church for fellowship and refreshments.  The distance between the church and the building site is only four or five blocks. All are invited to attend this special and long awaited occasion.

Intercessors for America

Intercessors for America

Mission Statement- Inform, connect, and mobilize a network of those who pray and fast for America.

Vision Statement- To see God’s purposes for America fulfilled through sustained prayer and Spirit-led obedience

Foodlink Mobile Pantry @ UCM (4:00-6:30PM, Friday, April 1)

Foodlink’s Mobile Pantry delivers food directly to communities in need. Perishable food from Foodlink’s warehouse is loaded onto our 22 ft. truck and delivered to a sponsoring organization. Foodlink staff and volunteers from the sponsoring organization unload, set up, and distribute the food directly to clients.

You must be 18 or older to accept food.

Food will be distributed on a first come, first served basis. We cannot guarantee enough food for all attending.

No income requirement.

No geographic limits.

No ID required.

Rain or shine.

Friday, April 1
Friday, May 6
Tues, June 14
Friday, July 15
Tues, Aug 9


The United Church of Marion, 3848 North Main St., Marion NY

UCoM Foodlink Mobile Pantry Flyer

“The Fellowship” (New Group in Williamson Area Starts Feb. 16)

Group Name: The Fellowship

Community Group Description: Enjoy a time of fellowship and sharing, as we study the book of Nehemiah. Handouts provided, Bibles needed, and inquisitive minds expected. Some homework, at times, may be given out to those who want to study ahead.

Leader: Doug Pierce

Gender: Co-ed

Marital Status: Marrieds and Singles

Age Range: 18+

Time:  7:15 – 8:45PM

Day: Tuesdays (begins Feb. 16)

Frequency: Weekly for 7 – 9 weeks

Childcare: No

Location: Roger & Gloria Bertou, 3629 Eddy Road, Williamson, NY 14589

Contact Info: Doug & Gloria Pierce at 315-589-9123 or; Roger & Gloria Bertou at 315-589-8320 or

New Community Group in Walworth (Starts Jan. 12)

Group Name: Walworth Community Group

Community Group Description: A fun group for all ages encouraging each other to be better followers of Jesus through Bible based discussion, song, prayer, and food in a family environment.

Leaders: Jim and Linda Harden

Gender: Co-ed

Marital Status: Marrieds and Singles

Age Range: All ages welcome

Time: 7:00-9:00PM

Day: Tuesdays (Begins January 12 and run through March 1, 2016)

Frequency: Weekly

Childcare: No

Location: Jim & Linda Harden’s Home @ 2203 Walworth Penfield Rd., Walworth, NY 14568

If you or your family are interested in attending feel free to call the group leader Jim at 585-820-7229 or email him at

“Around the Block” Community Group (starts Sept. 17)

Community Group Description: A small group of Christ followers of all ages gathering together for Nehemiah Bible study, discussion, sharing, prayer and fun.

Leader: Jason & Linda Haak, Conrad & Mimi Richards

Gender: Co-ed

Marital Status: Married & Singles

Age Range: Adults All Ages

Time: 7:00 – 9:00PM

Day: 1st & 3rd Thursdays (starting September 17)

Frequency: Twice Per Month

Childcare: No

Location: Jason & Linda Haak, 3669 Mill Street, Marion, New York 14505

Intercessors Prayer Group (Starts Sept. 15)

Community Group Description: A small group of adults gathering together to intercede in prayer for our nation.

Leader: Sandy Briggs & Audrey Phelps

Gender: Co-ed

Marital Status: Married & Singles

Age Range: 18 and older

Time: 4:00 – 6:00PM (come and go as you are able)

Day: Tuesday

Frequency: Weekly

Childcare: No

Location: Room 1 @ Second Reformed Church

“Breathe” Moms Group

“Breathe” Moms Group
For mothers of children under 5
Begins Sunday May 3rd at 11:00am in Room 3 (seven meetings)
Join us as we meet to take a deep breath, share our journeys and be encouraged. Invite a friend!
Led by Tammy McOrmond