“Jesus’ Power Gives Us Hope” Sunday Service (9:30AM Onsite & 10:00AM LiveStream)

LIVE SERVICE – Per the Governor’s order, churches can reopen with 25% occupancy (85 total in Sanctuary and Balcony), with hand hygiene, social distancing and face coverings.To maintain proper distancing every other pew is closed off. Hand sanitizer is by the entrances, and we have masks if you need one. We will be singing inside, but our fellowshiping will need to be outside. No attendance pads will be passed, and offerings can be placed directly into boxes in the back of the sanctuary. To avoid the need to touch hymnals or pew Bibles, we’ll be projecting the songs and Scriptures on the screen. There will be no Children’s Church, Youth Sunday School or staffed Nursery for now. The Adult General Sunday School class will meet in person after the service (contact Pastor Don) as well as via Zoom for those not able/desiring to attend in person.The Ladies Sunday School class will continue to meet only via Zoom at 11:30AM (contact Judy Rachow). If you have health concerns, are over 65, or just have doubts about attending at this time, PLEASE KNOW that you are loved and we support your decision to be cautious and not attend in person. The order of service will be a bit different to accommodate live streaming on Facebook.

LIVE STREAM – The congregational prayer, sermon and benediction will be live streamed on Facebook but starting at a new time of approximately 10:00AM.  Music is currently restricted by copyright, but we’re working on a licensing solution.

Title: Jesus’ Power Gives Us Hope

Text: Acts 27:13-38

Theme: In Life’s storms, Jesus renews hope as we wait on Him & follow Him.

I. Renewed hope flows from our ____________________ with Him.

A. Always by His Spirit, sometimes by special messengers, the Lord reminds of His Presence with us in the storm.

B. He also revives hope, when by His Word He renews our sense of His calling

II. Renewed hope forms as we honor our _________________ to Him.

A. Paul’s responsibility was two-fold: take heart & give heart.

B. We’re responsible to maintain our Christian hope by the Lord’s means.

Questions for Study

Was there hope before man’s fall into sin?  Genesis 1:28-30

How is hope as necessary to daily life as breathing or eating?

How does Scripture describe hope?  See:  Deuteronomy 28:1-14; Psalm 37; Romans 8:18-25; Hebrews 12; James 5:7-8; I John 3:1-3.

How does the Bible phrase wait on the Lord… speak of Christian hope?

Read Deuteronomy 28:15-68.  How are the threats there basically forms of hopelessness?

What is the difference between Faith & Hope?  Does time orientation (past, present, future) have any bearing on their differences?  Can you have one without the other?  See Romans 5:1-5; Hebrews 11:1.

Christians are called to be peace-makers.  How are we also to be hope-givers?  See what Paul did during the storm at sea, Acts 27:21-36. Also see Exodus 15; Psalm 78:1-8; Malachi 3:16-18; I Thessalonians 4:13-5:11; Hebrews 10:24-25.

How do gratitude & thanksgiving help foster hope?

Online & Other Giving Options

During the quarantine and gradual re-opening, those who seek to worship the Lord through giving offerings are invited to contribute in 1 of 4 ways:

1) ONLINE GIVING– A virus free way to contribute is through our “EasyTithe” online giving platform at: www.srcmarion.org/donate (Rick Kelley would gladly assist anyone who needs some coaching on how to get started.)

2) BANK BILL PAY– Arrangements can be made directly with your bank to automatically send checks to the church office. This service is usually free to use with no postage charges.

3) MAIL– Checks can be mailed to Second Reformed Church, P.O. Box 32, Marion, NY 14505.

4) DROP OFF– Our church office will be open from 8:30AM-12:30PM and 1:30-3:30PM Monday through Thursday.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call the church office at 315-926-4235.

SRC Re-Opening Sunday June 14

LIVE SERVICE – Per the Governor’s order, churches can reopen with 25% occupancy (85 total in Sanctuary and Balcony), with hand hygiene, social distancing and face coverings.

To maintain proper distancing every other pew is closed off.

Hand sanitizer is by the entrances, and we have masks if you need one.

We will be singing inside, but our fellowshiping will need to be outside.

No attendance pads will be passed, and offerings can be placed directly into boxes in the back of the sanctuary.

To avoid the need to touch hymnals or pew Bibles, we’ll be projecting the songs and Scriptures on the screen.

There will be no Children’s Church, Youth Sunday School or staffed Nursery for now.

The Adult General Sunday School class will meet in person after the service (contact Pastor Don) as well as via Zoom for those not able/desiring to attend in person.

The Ladies Sunday School class will continue to meet only via Zoom at 11:30AM (contact Judy Rachow).

If you have health concerns, are over 65, or just have doubts about attending at this time, PLEASE KNOW that you are loved and we support your decision to be cautious and not attend in person.

The order of service will be a bit different to accommodate live streaming on Facebook.

LIVE STREAM – The congregational prayer, sermon and benediction will be live streamed on Facebook but starting at a new time of approximately 10:00AM.  Music is currently restricted by copyright, but we’re working on a licensing solution.

“The Mighty Deeds of God” LiveStream Service (9:25AM, Sunday, May 31)

The May 31 sermon entitled “The Mighty Deeds of God” will be “live streamed” at our normal worship service time of 9:30AM Sunday. However, we encourage you to login at 9:25AM to get settled in and enjoy the piano prelude music. Once again, you are invited to view or listen to our Sunday morning sermon in one of 4 ways.

1) Watch live on the church Facebook page at 9:30AM, SUNDAY by going to: facebook.com/srcmarion  Please “like” our Facebook page for future notifications.
2) Watch the same recording later on Facebook at a time more convenient for you: facebook.com/srcmarion
3) Watch the same recording later on our newly created YouTube channel. Just type in “Second Reformed Church of Marion” when you go to: youtube.com  Or you can click on this link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo3ZNP8OgRarSQXfqzGcn-Q
4) Listen to the audio recording and see sermon outline on our church website: sermons.srcmarion.org


Title: The Mighty Deeds of God

Text: Acts 2:1-37

Question: What exactly are the mighty deeds of God?

I. The Holy Spirit among His people (v 2-3)

II. The Holy Spirit in His people (v 4)

III. The Holy Spirit speaking through His people (v 4b)

IV. The Holy Spirit drawing people (v 5-11a)

V. The Holy Spirit preparing people (v 11b-12)

VI. The Holy Spirit reforming his people (v 13-14a)

VII. The Holy Spirit enlightening people (v 14b)

VIII. Holy Spirit sealing His people (v 37-41)

IX. Holy Spirit uniting His people (v 42-47 especially v 46)


Questions for Reflection:

Receiving the word of the Gospel changes our priorities.

1) Are we speaking boldly the gospel to others?

2) Are we devoting ourselves to the apostles teaching as we should?

3) Are we continuing to fellowship with other believers?

4) Are we praying together?

5) If not perhaps we should ask the most important question of all:

Have we truly taken the Gospel to heart and repented?


“And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost.” — Acts 2:4

Rich were the blessings of this day if all of us were filled with the Holy Ghost. The consequences of this sacred filling of the soul it would be impossible to overestimate. Life, comfort, light, purity, power, peace; and many other precious blessings are inseparable from the Spirit’s benign presence. As sacred oil, He anoints the head of the believer, sets him apart to the priesthood of saints, and gives him grace to execute his office aright. As the only truly purifying water He cleanses us from the power of sin and sanctifies us unto holiness, working in us to will and to do of the Lord’s good pleasure. As the light, He manifested to us at first our lost estate, and now He reveals the Lord Jesus to us and in us, and guides us in the way of righteousness. Enlightened by His pure celestial ray, we are no more darkness but light in the Lord. As fire, He both purges us from dross, and sets our consecrated nature on a blaze. He is the sacrificial flame by which we are enabled to offer our whole souls as a living sacrifice unto God. As heavenly dew, He removes our barrenness and fertilizes our lives. O that He would drop from above upon us at this early hour! Such morning dew would be a sweet commencement for the day. As the dove, with wings of peaceful love. He broods over His Church and over the souls of believers, and as a Comforter He dispels the cares and doubts which mar the peace of His beloved. He descends upon the chosen as upon the Lord in Jordan, and bears witness to their sonship by working in them a filial spirit by which they cry Abba, Father. As the wind, He brings the breath of life to men; blowing where He listeth He performs the quickening operations by which the spiritual creation is animated and sustained. Would to God, that we might feel His presence this day and every day.

Charles Haddon Spurgeon :: Morning and Evening (June 19)

ONLINE Vacation Bible School (July 1 – 29)

As posted previously, SRC will NOT be holding an onsite VBS this summer due to quarantine restrictions. HOWEVER, we are working behind-the-scenes to deliver an ONLINE VBS. Our publisher is graciously allowing us a 30 day window to broadcast an online VBS using some of their resources. We will be weaving together an Opening, Song, Bible Story, KidVid and Closing. We are aiming to broadcast during the month of July using the following release dates.
  • July 1- Jesus’ Power Helps Us Do Hard Things
  • July 8- Jesus’ Power Gives Us Hope
  • July 15- Jesus’ Power Helps Us Be Bold
  • July 22- Jesus’ Power Lets Us Live Forever
  • July 29- Jesus’ Power Helps Us Be Good Friends

Mike McOrmond, Deborah Hill and Cara Vanderbrook are still serving as Directors. Mike Sicienski will be heading a team of teachers to deliver our five lessons. David and Denise Skidmore will be recording, editing and publishing our videos. We will share more details as we get closer to July 1.

“Body of Christ” LiveStream Service (9:25AM, Sunday, May 24)

The May 24th sermon entitled “Body of Christ” will be “live streamed” at our normal worship service time of 9:30AM Sunday. However, we encourage you to login at 9:25AM to get settled in and enjoy the piano prelude music. Once again, you are invited to view or listen to our Sunday morning sermon in one of 4 ways.

1) Watch live on the church Facebook page at 9:30AM, SUNDAY by going to: facebook.com/srcmarion  Please “like” our Facebook page for future notifications.
2) Watch the same recording later on Facebook at a time more convenient for you: facebook.com/srcmarion
3) Watch the same recording later on our newly created YouTube channel. Just type in “Second Reformed Church of Marion” when you go to: youtube.com  Or you can click on this link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo3ZNP8OgRarSQXfqzGcn-Q
4) Listen to the audio recording and see sermon outline on our church website: sermons.srcmarion.org

Title: The Body of Christ

Text: I Corinthians 12:12-26

Theme: God designed the fellowship of believers for mutual nurture & care.

I. God designed Christ’s Body (the Church) as He ___________.

A. The fellowship of believers is fearfully & wonderfully arranged.

B. Application of truth that God set believers in the body as it pleased Him

II. God designed Christ’s Body to be _____________________.

A. This is how our relationship to each other comes to be what it is.

B. Application of how members care for one another.

Questions for Study

Context of I Corinthians 12:  today’s “ministry consumer Christians” resemble Corinth’s Christians.  They prefer “brands” of ministry from their favorite preacher; selfish in disputes; selfish in use of Christian liberty & exercise of their spiritual gifts; mixing pop philosophy with spiritual truth of the resurrection, etc.  Paul teaches on Spiritual Gifts in chapters 12-14, around the key theme found in 12:7, To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.  It sums up what our Lord meant fellowship to be.

If Christ is the Great Physician to His Body, the Church, who are His nurses?

Hint:  Hebrews 1:14; Acts 2:42-47; I Corinthians 12:24b-26.  Also, if you have access to a Bible concordance, look up the number of times the word “fellowship” and the phrase “one another” appears.

Someone wrote that the Church is to be a hospital for sinners, not a hotel for saints (other versions of this saying exist).  What are some ways our church lives out the first phrase?  Are there ways we fulfill the second phrase?

How does living out of I Corinthians 12:25-26 testify Christ to the world around us?  What exactly does healthy Body Life show unbelievers?

Are we to extend such ministry to unbelievers?  Why or why not?  Hint:  Luke 10:29-37.  Give other examples of how Jesus answered this question.

“Breath of Life” LiveStream Service (9:25AM, Sunday, May 17)

The May 17th sermon entitled “Breath of Life” will be “live streamed” at our normal worship service time of 9:30AM Sunday. However, we encourage you to login at 9:25AM to get settled in and enjoy the piano prelude music. Once again, you are invited to view or listen to our Sunday morning sermon in one of 4 ways.
1) Watch live on the church Facebook page at 9:30AM, SUNDAY by going to: facebook.com/srcmarion  Please “like” our Facebook page for future notifications.
2) Watch the same recording later on Facebook at a time more convenient for you: facebook.com/srcmarion
3) Watch the same recording later on our newly created YouTube channel. Just type in “Second Reformed Church of Marion” when you go to: youtube.com  Or you can click on this link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo3ZNP8OgRarSQXfqzGcn-Q
4) Listen to the audio recording and see sermon outline on our church website: sermons.srcmarion.org

Title: The Breath of Life

Text: Habakkuk 3:1-19

Theme: Worship the Lord

I. He ___________ to delight in the Lord’s friendship.

A. He chooses to take pleasure in the Lord, v. 18.

B. How do we delight in the Lord’s friendship to His pleasing & our good?

II. He ___________to declare the Lord’s grace to others.

A. Habakkuk worships the Lord by confessing Him, v. 19.

B. Some forms of confession that are soul-heartening worship.

Questions for Study

The Prophecy of Habakkuk is a prayer conversation between the Lord & the Prophet about the Lord’s plans for His people.  The Lord informed Habakkuk He was about to chasten His sinful people, using the cruel Babylonian army as His scourge. Habakkuk questioned why He would use an unrighteous people more wicked than His own to punish them.  The Lord assures Habakkuk that justice will be done on the Babylonians and His people avenged.  In the final chapter Habakkuk reviews some history of God’s dealings with His people and with their enemies, trembles at what’s going to befall the Babylonians and resolves that, come what hard providences may, he will delight himself in the Lord.

How is Habakkuk 3:17-19 related to Philippians 4:4?

In what way do vv. 18 & 19 describe things that cannot be shaken and are always a fruitful field in which to walk & meditate?

Do we practice this when we struggle under hard providences?  If so, what does it look like in your own life?  What are some tools the Lord has given to help us practice v. 18?  Hint:  Ephesians 5:19-21; Colossians 3:16-17; Psalm 8; 77; 104; 107; 108:1-8.

Ideally, where does sincere worship take us (or transport our hearts & minds, if you will)?   See Colossians 3:1-3; Hebrews 12:22-24.  What effect could that have on us in our struggles?  See the song, Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus.

Onsite 2020 VBS Cancelled!

Due to Covid-19 restrictions and other logistical concerns, the SRC Consistory has reluctantly decided to cancel our VBS program this year. However, there is a small group exploring the possibility of an Online VBS option. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Directors Mike McOrmond, Deborah Hill or Cara VanderBrook.

“Gold Star Mothers” LiveStream Service (9:25AM, Sunday, May 10)

The May 10th Mother’s Day sermon entitled “Gold Star Mothers” will be “live streamed” at our normal worship service time of 9:30AM Sunday. However, we encourage you to login at 9:25AM to get settled in and enjoy the piano prelude music. Once again, you are invited to view or listen to our Sunday morning sermon in one of 4 ways.

1) Watch live on the church Facebook page at 9:30AM, SUNDAY by going to: facebook.com/srcmarion Please “like” our Facebook page for future notifications.

2) Watch the same recording later on Facebook at a time more convenient for you: facebook.com/srcmarion

3) Watch the same recording later on our newly created YouTube channel. Just type in “Second Reformed Church of Marion” when you go to: youtube.com Or you can click on this link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo3ZNP8OgRarSQXfqzGcn-Q

4) Listen to the audio recording and see sermon outline on our church website: sermons.srcmarion.org


I. Introduction

A. American Gold Star Mothers, Inc.

B. Shaking the Earth (Hebrews 12:26-29)

C. Panning for Gold (Job 23:10)

II. Purpose- We can endure hard providences and come forth as gold by emulating 3 Gold Star Mothers in the Bible.

A. Gold Star Mom 1- Hagar

  • First Runaway Crisis (Genesis 16:1-16)
  • Near Death Experience (Genesis 21:10, 14-21)
  • Gold Nugget- Hagar was shaken and swirled in the pan of desperation and discovered God as “The God Who sees me.”

B. Gold Star Mom 2- Naomi

  • Famine, Husband & Sons Death (Ruth 1:1-5)
  • Naomi = Pleasantness / Mara = Bitterness (Ruth 1:13, 19-21)
  • Pleasantness and Nourishment Restored (Ruth 4:14-17)
  • Gold Nugget- Naomi was shaken and swirled in the pan of hardship and God turned her bitterness into joy.

C. Gold Star Mom 3- Mary

  • Shame, Pending Divorce & Possible Stoning (Matthew 1:19)
  • 5 Moves in 12 Years (Nazareth > Town in Judah > Nazareth > Bethlehem > Egypt > Nazareth)
  • Losing Boy Jesus for 3 Days (Luke 2:41-51)
  • “A sword will pierce through your own soul also” (Luke 2:34-35)
  • Watching Her Son Be Crucified (John 19:25)
  • Servant and Magnifier of the Lord (Luke 1:38; 46-55)
  • Gold Nugget- Mary was shaken and swirled in the pan of hard providence which revealed a worshipping servant heart of gold.

III. Conclusion

A. Summary

B. Application

  • Which Gold Star Mom inspires you the most to endure hardships so you can come forth as gold?
  • These trials are only to test your faith, to show that it is strong and pure. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold – and your faith is far more precious to God than mere gold. (I Peter 1:7)
  • Closing Prayer


  • Describe the greatest hardship you have ever experienced?
  • Can you recall a time when God revealed Himself in a deeper way and helped you through a crisis?
  • What can we learn from the example of Hagar?
  • If you are currently in a desperate situation, do you believe that God sees you?
  • What does the life of Naomi teach us?
  • Are you experiencing a bitterness right now where you will trust God to restore and nourish you?
  • What encouragements flow from the way in which Mary endured hardship?
  • In the midst of your hard providence, will you keep serving and worshipping God through it?
  • Which Scripture spoke to you the most and why?
  • What is your biggest “take away” from this sermon?

SRC “Live Stream” Worship Service (9:25AM, Sunday, May 3)

The May 3rd Sunday sermon entitled “Hard Providences III: The Bread of Life” will be “live streamed” at our normal worship service time of 9:30AM Sunday. However, we encourage you to login at 9:25AM to get settled in and enjoy the piano prelude music. Once again, you are invited to view or listen to our Sunday morning sermon in one of 4 ways.

1) Watch live on the church Facebook page at 9:30AM, SUNDAY by going to: facebook.com/srcmarion Please “like” our Facebook page for future notifications.

2) Watch the same recording later on Facebook at a time more convenient for you: facebook.com/srcmarion

3) Watch the same recording later on our newly created YouTube channel. Just type in “Second Reformed Church of Marion” when you go to: youtube.com

4) Listen to the audio recording and see sermon outline on our church website: sermons.srcmarion.org

Title: The Bread of Life

Text: Matthew 4:1-11

Theme: In plenty or in need God calls us to live by His Word.

I. Scripture is given to ___________ us in hard Providences.

A. It reminds us who we are, which is so important.

B. God’s word pictures teach us how His Word fortifies us when tested.

II. His ____________ Word, His Son Jesus Christ.

A. God’s purpose in the trials Jesus endured in vv. 1-11.

B. In this text, Jesus is Supreme Example for dealing with trials.

III. In His ______________, which His Word governs.

A. His Word brought creation into being & operates it.

B. Because Creation is Word created & operated, pondering its testimony can help us cope with hard Providences.

Questions for Study

How does God’s Word feed believers’ souls?  What do our souls need to eat?

How does God’s Word illuminate our souls, our thinking, our navigating?

How does God use His Word to heal/restore our souls, our lives?

How does God’s Word heeded bring positive order & structure to our lives, our schedules, our relationships?  (Alternately put, how does Scripture right our lives, tear down what’s crooked & rebuild righteous pattern). E.g., a person testifies, I used to be a…, but God delivered me from that to be a …

What effect does rightly ordering our lives have?  See: Isaiah 32:17-18