Title: The Fork in the Road Before Us
Text: Romans 16:17-27
Theme: Avoid false teachers
- False teachers’ unholy ___________ & ____________
- They contradict what the Apostles taught.
- False teaching attacks the unity created in those who agree with & hold to the one true Faith’s tenets & principles.
- False teachers’ unholy ___________ & ____________
- v. 18
- Method: the key here: they deceive, they seem something other than what they truly are.
Questions for Further Study:
False teachers usually follow a pattern Satan originated in tempting Adam & Eve to forsake the Lord & His way. Read Genesis 3:1-7. Can you see the following in those verses? The false teacher comes as a friendly guide to show a “better way”; he/she questions God’s clear statement (Did God really say…) & seeks to create doubt; he denies God’s plain statement is true; denies His warnings come from His love; he implies God is holding back something that following the false teacher’s teaching will give. He uses half-truths, e.g., knowing good & evil.
How have false teachers pressed the did God really say challenge when it comes to God’s creation of humans: humans as bearing God’s image & likeness; humans as created male or female; marriage as between a man & a woman; God as man’s Provider, Lord, Judge & Law Giver…
How do false teaching & teachers create division, dissension among Christians? What does God say faithful leaders are to do about it?
See: Acts 20:28ff; Romans 16:17b; I Thessalonians 5:20-22; Titus 3:10-11.
Jesus said His words are spirit & life (John 6:63), life giving to those who receive them. What is the fruit or effect of false teaching? Can we tell if a teaching is false by its fruits?