Title: Sharing the Life of God
Text: I John 1: 1-10
Theme: God offers eternal life, the life of God, in His son, Jesus Christ.
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- John related Jesus’ glory: He is Eternal Life in Person, vv. 1-2
- Our saving fellowship with God hinges on our Lord’s glory—in His being Eternal God & historic Man in on Person, the Life of God come in the flesh.
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- God reveals Eternal Life thru eyewitness testimony concerning His Son
- God also reveals Eternal Life by those He commissions.
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- In making Christ known, God seeks to bring sinners into saving fellowship, v. 3.
- God’s ultimate goal in making Christ known is JOY, v. 4.
- Joy for all eternity.
Questions for Study
According to Scripture, what is eternal life? Is it a quantity or a quality or…
What is the connection between Jesus Christ & the life…made manifest, I John 1:2.
When do believers first come into possession of eternal life? See John 5:24.
How is the eternal life Jesus gives believers not only a possession, but also power? How, for example, do the Fruit of the Spirit, Galatians 5:22-23, and the gifts of the Spirit, I Corinthians 12, relate to eternal life?