Title: Transitions
Text: Hebrews 11:31-12:2
Theme: Keep Looking to Jesus, the Pioneer & Perfecter of Our Faith
I. Providence
A. Growing, maturing __________s’ lives are often hard; by God’s design
B. Race…set before us = the Christian life.
II. Patience/_____________
A. Simplifying our life: let us lay aside every weight & sin which clings…
B. Identify: since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses…
C. Our great Example, Surety & Sponsor: looking to Jesus…
Questions for Study
Often possessions we buy to enrich our lives bring with them a lifestyle & maintenance we didn’t plan on. To rightly use the possession we enter the lifestyle that goes with it, complicating our lives further. What is one weight, one spiritual hindrance, one life simplification you could, with the Lord’s help, lay aside? How will you keep from backfilling the freeing vacancy?
Are there any sins/sin habits that we allow to own us, our thinking & energy? Are we at least fighting back against them, inwardly condemning them as wrong, offensive to God? Are we praying for Him to deliver us?
II Timothy 2:4, while written especially for church leaders, furnishes every believer a motivation to simplify. What is that motive?
How has the Covid 19 crisis and rulers’ responses made this harder? Easier?
One simple way to set a day’s tone & trajectory of looking unto Jesus is to greet Him & talk to Him even before we get out of bed, then seek Him in His Word before we begin our day’s work. What are some prompts we can build into a day to remind us to keep looking up to Him?
How can our church’s leaders help SRC to live out our text? How can we help them help SRC to live out our text?