Grace Covenant Ministries/Annville Institute
PO Box 340
Annville, KY 40402
Phone 606-364-5151
March 17,2020
Dear Prayer Warrior,
“Be strong and courageous for I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS.” God’s message to Joshua (and us) has been a comforting reflection to me during this past week. With the rest of the world, most of our conversations have been centered on COVID- 19. The news seems to change by the hour. Like most of you, our schools are closed, events canceled, and we also see empty shelves in some of our stores. As we navigate through this changing environment, I am reminded of the many assurances that we have. In Kentucky, we are seeing rebirth in the scenery as daffodils have been blooming and the Bradford Pear trees are now in full bloom. Soon we expect the redbuds to display their beauty all around us. It is great to see some normalcy among all the fluctuating news.
We ask for your prayers that we would have the wisdom as we prepare for the upcoming season. Much of our efforts on campus are now centered on the arrival of volunteer work groups. They will be helping us to finish campus projects like the community fitness center and helping to improve homes of area residents. We also are preparing for the busy summer season as we plan to welcome many new faces to our camps. The camps range from sports to dance and to Vacation Bible School. We thank you for helping us to have these opportunities as we share the good news of Christ’s love for us. We are also very grateful for the financial gifts and the donations of used clothing and household items that are coming in during these uncertain times.
Thank you for partnering with us! Be strong and courageous!
Your partner in missions,
Jake Moss
Director of Development
Annville Institute/Grace Covenant Ministries