10 Reasons Church Members Don’t Invite Others to Church

SRC Family- From time to time throughout 2019, as your pastor with a focus on church revitalization, I will be sharing resources to encourage and equip us for our work together. Here’s a video and article that will hopefully serve as a reminder for us to “Pray, Invest and Invite” in 2019. Pastor Mike


10 Reasons Church Members Don’t Invite Others to Church

  1. “I just don’t think about it.”
  2. “I’m afraid I’ll be rejected.”
  3. “The music isn’t that good.”
  4. “The preaching isn’t strong.”
  5. “We’ve got too many church problems right now.”
  6. “Our church is already too crowded.”
  7. “Nobody ever challenged me to invite anyone.”
  8. “I don’t know how to start the conversation.”
  9. “It’s the Spirit’s job—not mine—to bring people to church.”
  10. “It’s too far for people to come.”

Some highlights from today’s Rainer Report:

  • When you invite someone to church with whom you have a relationship, they often will accept the invitation.
  • Relationships is the number one factor for someone accepting an invitation to visit a church—not the music style.
  • Introversion is no excuse to disobey the Great Commission.
  • When church members invite others to church, it creates a culture of inviting and builds momentum in the church.