Equipped with the Gospel
Charles was born in the Geita Region in the western part of Tanzania. He is a member of the largest ethnic group in the country, the Sukuma, with an estimated 10 million members. The Sukuma people are known for traditional dances and music and their practice of witchcraft and magic.
“The conviction of this society is that the youth must follow the tribal culture and not foreign cultures,” he says. “They believe Christianity is a foreign culture.” But praise God, Charles was introduced to the Gospel as a teenager when his sister married into a Christian family. He accepted Christ as his Savior and wanted to join a church, but his parents were against it. Every Sunday, they made him work in the field early in the morning to try and keep him from church. But their plan failed. He would do his work, then walk almost seven miles to worship God.
Today, Charles serves as a pastor in Tanzania’s Mara Region, not far from where he grew up. He was excited to learn about Bible League’s Project Philip Bible study and leader training that was being held in his area. “I have 86 members in my church; only 14 had Bibles,” he says. “Some of them had old Bibles that were missing books. We were thrilled to receive Bibles on the day of the Project Philip graduation.”
In addition to receiving new materials, Charles gained a deeper understanding of the Gospel and evangelism through the training. “Previously, my life in ministry was hard because I doubted if everyone could understand my teachings,” he says.
Charles is eternally grateful for the support of Bible League friends like you. “I have vowed to live for Christ and help others just as I have been equipped through others. I want to use the help from Bible League to reach many people with the Gospel,” he says. “Thank you for this important support. We don’t have enough words to thank you, but may our Lord protect you and multiply your vision to help more lost people.”
Haiti has been a hot topic on news outlets for months. The president was assassinated. The country was rocked by a devastating earthquake. Violence and crime dominate the headlines. And Bible League partners in the area aren’t immune to the struggles. Recently a pastor of a Bible League partner church was kidnapped and there was a shooting in another partner church.
While the situation in Haiti seems impossibly dark, the Lord continues to shine His light. On this episode of the Action Podcast, Bilda, the National Director of Bible League Haiti, discusses how God is moving in his country. As he says, “He has rescued us from the darkness and brought us into the kingdom of His Son.”
Listen now! Be sure to subscribe so you get updates and leave a rating so others can find the Action Podcast!
Giving Tuesday was started in 2012 as a simple idea–let’s designate a day that encourages people to do good. What better thing could you do than share the Gospel with someone? On November 30, you’ll read about a pastor preaching with a torn Bible; he’s just one of thousands of church leaders who needs the Word of God. You’ll have the opportunity to join the movement by sending a Bible to someone just like him.
But it’s more than making a monetary gift. Giving Tuesday is also about doing good for your neighbor, your coworker, your friend, or a stranger on the street. This Giving Tuesday, we encourage you to share the Gospel with someone. Pray that God will lead you to the right person so you can tell that individual about the love of God. Let’s use this day to be more than a day of generosity. Let’s use it to tell more people about Jesus.
Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for Giving Tuesday updates and to hear the latest Ministry News and encouragement!
Bible League International Prayer Calendar
Join Us in Prayer This Month: Download the November 2021 Prayer Calendar
Additional Prayer Requests
Please pray for believers and churches across Venezuela. Despite economic and governmental crises, the people of Venezuela are finding hope in the Gospel. Pray for the children whose parents have emigrated to other countries to support their families. A few weeks ago, one partner held a Project Philip Bible study graduation for 300 children! Praise God! Pray for pastors and church leaders who are reaching the country’s most impoverished communities. Pray for peace and healing in that nation.
There was a recent break-in at a partner church in Albania. Nothing was stolen, but things were destroyed. Islam is the majority religion in this area and church leaders believe this was the work of extremists. The church members are not afraid; they still gather, deciding that love should be their answer to the hatred. Pray for their safety as they continue to meet. Pray that the Lord would touch the hearts of these extremists so they will see the love of Jesus through these church members.