News from Tom and Leslie Johnson
Refugee Ministry Update
Thank you so much for your generosity toward our refugee friends! Because of gifts from the US, Canada, and Europe the budget need has been met! We are praising our Lord for your generosity! We plan to use what is left over to pay forward toward the needs of another refugee family coming under the care of the same organization in Ontario. Please let us know if you have questions.
Now that the financial need is met for the family we have been called to help, we would request you join us and all pray urgently for them. There are so many things that can go wrong in such a large transition! And even if the legal, financial, and travel matters go okay, they are facing countless changes: new country, new church, new school, new jobs, new friends, etc. Please mention them to our Heavenly Father regularly. We will keep you posted as we learn of progress in their transition.
We have been busy with other matters as well. For example, last week saw the launch in Washington, DC of a new book which Tom co-edited with a Muslim counterpart, God Needs No Defense: Reimaging Muslim-Christian Relations in the 21st Century. It may be downloaded here. We will plan to send you a more complete newsletter in about a week.