Covid restrictions are over around here!
What is different?
- We are allowed to have groups in our home!! This weekend we had a group over for a hot dog supper and game night and fire and its all back to normal!! Thank you Lord!
- We as staff are once again invited to eat with the students in the dining hall! This is a big deal as mealtimes are a huge opportunity to build relationships!! Thank you Lord!!
- We on the mobilization department were given the green light to host a whole day to a group of 20 perspective students! This day includes a tour, time with staff in their homes, sitting in on classes, eating in the dining hall and going out for coffee downtown. This is our very first opportunity for a group event for this whole year! Thank you Lord!
- The students are now allowed to have group events. There are only 3 weeks left in the semester, and I bet they probably have one event per day planned to catch up after a whole year. 🙂 Today I went to a baby shower in a room full of people without masks and we got to really visit. Thank you Lord!!
- Masks are off and now Dave gets to see which faces go with which voices in his classroom:) Thank you Lord!
The sky is blue, the grass is green, the plum trees are white with flowers, and the students are all around and quite upbeat.Oh, by the way another 2 praises…Clark just turned 18 and Reece just turned 22, and both of our sons are walking with the Lord and trusting Him. Thank you Lord!!
Just wanted to let you know how we are all doing here at Bible School.
Praising the Lord for always being good, and always carrying us in our storms,
Dave, Kim, Reece & Clark Field