Title: In the Fullness of Time
Text: Galatians 3:23 – 4:7
Theme: To free His sin-enslaved people, God sent His son.
- God’s everlasting ____________.
- His glory and love are His supreme reasons for our redemption.
- To Ponder.
- God’s eternal _____________.
- But when the fullness of time had come.
- Plan A is and ever has been to save from sins and for Himself, all who believe on our Lord Jesus Christ for forgiveness, eternal life, and peace with God.
- God’s earthly _____________.
- A secondary meaning to when the fullness of time had come.
- How much longer will Americans have religious freedom now?
Questions for Study
People seem to decorate and play Christmas music earlier every year. What might be a reason for this, aside from the commercial aspect? Especially this year, 2020, what might they be looking for the Christmas experience to furnish? Sadly, from a sheer human perspective, what happens when the 12 days of Christmas becomes the 12 weeks of Christmas?
Often people want to exchange gifts loved ones specially selected & gave them, for something they’d rather have. How does this illustrate a spiritual truth? Have we Christians done this to God in gifts He’s sent us?
If our religious freedoms are severely pruned, even fully taken away at some future time, how would we celebrate Christmas? Where would we take our cue? What of Christmas can’t be taken away?