Title: The Gospel Grace of Forgiveness
Text: Mark 2: 1-12
Theme: Jesus Christ has authority to forgive your sins.
- The Greater ______________.
- Vv. 4-5
- In the paralytics’ case, his greatest need was sin forgiveness
- The Glorious ______________.
- He asks them a hard question, v. 9.
- Beyond saving my soul so that I may go to heaven when I die, why is forgiveness so important – more than healing a man’s paralysis?
- The Generous _____________.
- He came to do for us what we could never do for ourselves.
- The operative word here is FRIENDSHIP, which is a two-way street.
Questions for Further Study:
What is forgiveness? A feeling? Some kind of promise, pledge or commitment? I John 1:9 may help guide in answering.
Why aren’t people today very concerned about having God’s forgiveness?
What aren’t they no longer exposed to that would sharpen their concern? See Romans 3:19-20; 7:7. If their wrongdoings didn’t bother their conscience, would they be concerned at all?
Biblically, is sin forgiveness more about getting guilt relief or restoring a relationship?
Jesus warns us, those who seek His forgiveness but fail to forgive others who seek forgiveness for their offenses against them, will not be forgiven. Why? Matthew 6:12, 14-15; 18:21-35.