Title: Enrolled in the School of Christ
Text: Acts 11:19-30
Theme: Under God, SRC exists to equip His people for His service.
- ______________ expectation
- Trace that out in the unfolding of events at Antioch.
- Barnabas urged them to be intentional about disciple making
- _______________ expectation.
- SRC always sought to disciple & equip believers for the Lord’s service.
- Our present experience isn’t so strong.
Questions for Study
What is a disciple? Can you give a rough description from what we read in Acts 11:19-30? See also Matthew 4:18-22; 5:1-2; John 6:60-66. Can someone be a Christian yet not be a disciple of Christ?
What is a local church’s responsibility to disciples? What is a disciple’s responsibility to the local church?
Someone described an older Christian he knew, as one year old in the Lord twenty times over. What do you think he meant by that?
From what one reads in Hebrews 5:11-14; II Peter 3:14-18, what is God’s expectation of Christians?
What are ways SRC seeks to make disciples? To equip Christians for the Lord’s service?
Why is it getting harder to find disciple-makers? Why is it getting harder to find Christians willing to be trained to serve?