Title: Christ Above All
Text: I Kings 18:17-40
Theme: By decisively defeating the powers of darkness on their own turf, the Lord reveals Himself as God alone.
- The Lord _______________
- v. 21a.
- God sent Elijah to reason with & woo back His unrepentant people.
- The Lord ______________
- Elijah gave Baal’s prophets every advantage to show he’d not rigged the contest.
- While Baal was revealed as a nothing, the Lord revealed His glory.
- The Lord ______________
- Israel confessed her faith publicly, openly before the world, v. 39.
- Elijah “asked for the order”.
Questions for Study
How does our first core value place us in direct opposition to this world’s values & aims, as well as in direct opposition to our old human nature?
How was Jezebel’s campaign to silence God’s prophets/Word bearers & supplant them with her Baal & Asherah prophets a general practice since Satan first approached Adam & Eve in the Garden of Eden?
How is every moral decision we make ultimately a matter of who we truly confess as lord/Lord, as the Ultimate Authority?
Boil it all down, we have two choices of whom we shall serve. Who are they?
How is the decision to believe & trust the Gospel ultimately a matter of believing who is God; of who is True & final authority? I John 1:5-10.