Text: Acts 2:42-47
Theme: Jesus’ power creates & cultivates Body Life, the Fellowship of Brotherly Love.
I. Common ____________ in Christ.
A. We have the same birthday as our risen Lord & so share in His new life.
B. It’s power that is ours in Christ as well.
II. Common ____________in Christ.
A. The newborn believers dedicated themselves to the Apostles’ teaching.
B. Contrast: Biblical truth unifies, false teaching disrupts, fellowship.
III. Common ____________of Christ.
A. The breaking of bread & the prayers sum up other aspects of worship.
B. So is worshipful prayer, both private & corporate.
IV. Common ____________in Christ.
A. Together, learning of-, confessing-, worshipping through Christ fostered hands-on, Christ like compassion, vv. 44-46.
B. A witness of Christ in word, belongingness & charity drew others to Him
Sermon Based Discussion Questions:
How important is Christian fellowship to your walk with the Lord? Were you ever away from Christian community for a time? If so, did that make a difference in your spiritual life? If so, what was different?
The VBS authors chose the phrase “Good Friends” as a means for explaining Christian fellowship & brotherly love to children, churched & unchurched. How is that accurate? How is it insufficient?
Word study: koinwnia /koinonia, the original word rendered “fellowship” in our text, is rendered in other ways in Scripture. Review the following texts which contain the original word in noun or verb form. Is there a common element in the way they render the word? Romans 12:13; 15:26-27; I Corinthians 10:16; II Cor. 9:13; Philemon 6; I John 1:3.
What is toxic to Christian fellowship? See Romans 14:1-15:7; 16:17-18. Ephesians 4:25-31; II Timothy 3:1-5; 4:9-10.
What qualities & actions foster it? See: Ephesians 4:1-16; Philippians 2:1-5. How, by grace, can we incorporate more of these things in our own life?