LIVE SERVICE – We have re-opened at 25% occupancy (85 total in Sanctuary and Balcony), with hand hygiene, social distancing and face coverings.To maintain proper distancing every other pew is closed off. Hand sanitizer is by the entrances, and we have masks if you need one. We will be singing inside, but our fellowshiping will need to be outside. No attendance pads will be passed, and offerings can be placed directly into boxes in the back of the sanctuary. To avoid the need to touch hymnals or pew Bibles, we’ll be projecting the songs and Scriptures on the screen. There will be no Children’s Church, Youth Sunday School or staffed Nursery for now. The Adult General Sunday School class will meet in person after the service (contact Pastor Don) as well as via Zoom for those not able/desiring to attend in person.The Ladies Sunday School class will continue to meet only via Zoom at 11:30AM (contact Judy Rachow). If you have health concerns, are over 65, or just have doubts about attending at this time, PLEASE KNOW that you are loved and we support your decision to be cautious and not attend in person. The order of service will be a bit different to accommodate live streaming on Facebook.
LIVE STREAM – The congregational prayer, sermon, closing song and benediction will be live streamed on Facebook but starting at a new time of approximately 10:00AM. Music is currently restricted by copyright, but we’re working on a licensing solution.
Title: Jesus’ Power Helps Us Be Bold
Text: Acts 4:5-31
Theme: Jesus’ Power Helps Us Be Bold
I. Christ’s _________________
A. Peter & John had been with Jesus, v. 13.
B. Other components convict us of the rightness of Christ’s cause
II. The Spirit’s _______________
A. Peter & John’s preoccupation with Christ’s glory is Spirit worked.
B. Seek the filling of the Holy Spirit
Questions for Study
What are some synonyms for boldness, bold? What are some antonyms?
In what ways were Peter & John bold in Acts 3, Acts 4?
How is their boldness a strong contrast with their behavior between Passover night and Pentecost Day? See Matthew 26:55-56, 69-75; John 20:19, 26.
What changed to make such a difference?
How does Jesus’ power fortify our spirits to make us bold, confident?
Some fortifying actions to consider: I Samuel 17:43-47; 23:16-17; Isaiah 41:10; Jeremiah 9:9:23-24; Luke 10:38-42; John 13:19-20;15:18-25; Acts 4:13; Acts 11:27.
How does having Scriptural warrant for what we must do foster boldness? Put another way, how does knowing we are on the Lord’s errand encourage our confidence to speak or act?
When does boldness become presumption? What is the difference between boldness & brazenness?
Can one be meek and bold at the same time? Moses was the meekest of men (Numbers 12:3); was he also bold? How?