Flower City Outreach (FCO) is excited to announce that Mike McOrmond will become the organization’s Executive Director starting on August 1st, 2020. Mike had previously founded Flower City Work Camp (FCWC) in 1985 while the Director of Youth Ministries at Browncroft Community Church and led it for a few years before moving on to other ministry opportunities. McOrmond later rejoined the organization as a charter member of the board of directors for Flower City Outreach when it was incorporated in 2015. For the past two years he has served as the board chairman, before being selected to serve in the paid professional role of Executive Director.
“I appreciate the opportunity to return to a ministry that, by God’s grace, has endured so many years. It is a true joy to see how others have shared the vision and contributed to the flourishing of FCWC,” shared Mike McOrmond. “I hope to build greater unity and cooperative ministry among churches in the greater Rochester area and to facilitate launching new ministries beyond FCWC so ‘that the city might see Jesus.’”
Read the full story here: www.flowercityworkcamp.org/mike-mcormond-to-lead-flower-city-outreach