Grace Covenant Ministries/Annville Institute
PO Box 340
Annville, KY 40402
Phone 606-364-5151
June 12, 2020
Dear Prayer Warrior,
“Be strong and courageous, for I am with you always.” The words that God spoke to Joshua and
Israel as they were preparing to enter a new land are resonating with me as we seek to enter a
new normal. The political and social turmoil surrounding us sometimes seems like we are
journeying into a new territory. We hear a lot of stories of hopelessness and we have our
moments of frustrations. But we also know there is hope because our Savior is accompanying
us through this journey. It is this Good News that we want to share within our community and
Our plans for this summer are constantly being revised. We were planning to offer a virtual VBS
Camp in July complete with crafts. With the new guidelines just released there is a possibility
of having an on-campus VBS. (The terrain of our journey is changing all the time.) The
Veterans Outreach Committee is still planning for their health fair in September.
Last week our Trade Stores were able to reopen with some new restrictions. Also, a small work
group from Zeeland, Michigan is here this week helping to complete the community fitness
center and repair the campus tractor. We are thankful that the nursing home in Annville (that
endured the deaths of 13 residents due to the virus) has now been declared Covid-19 free.
Donations are lower this year which makes us very thankful for each gift as it arrives. It was
very heartwarming to receive a gift from a high school group. They were raising funds for their
trip to Annville this summer. With all the uncertainty and changing guidelines their trip was
canceled. When they were offered refunds for their trip deposit, each student responded to
have their deposit sent to us as a donation. The generous spirit of these students does offer
me hope for our future leadership.
We are available for virtual meetings with you to share our story. Thank you for your prayer
support and partnering with us as we journey together into the new normal. You are helping us
to make a difference in our community. Be strong and courageous for our Lord is with us!!
Your partner in missions,
Jake Moss, Director of Development
Annville Institute/Grace Covenant Ministries