The May 24th sermon entitled “Body of Christ” will be “live streamed” at our normal worship service time of 9:30AM Sunday. However, we encourage you to login at 9:25AM to get settled in and enjoy the piano prelude music. Once again, you are invited to view or listen to our Sunday morning sermon in one of 4 ways.
Title: The Body of Christ
Text: I Corinthians 12:12-26
Theme: God designed the fellowship of believers for mutual nurture & care.
I. God designed Christ’s Body (the Church) as He ___________.
A. The fellowship of believers is fearfully & wonderfully arranged.
B. Application of truth that God set believers in the body as it pleased Him
II. God designed Christ’s Body to be _____________________.
A. This is how our relationship to each other comes to be what it is.
B. Application of how members care for one another.
Questions for Study
Context of I Corinthians 12: today’s “ministry consumer Christians” resemble Corinth’s Christians. They prefer “brands” of ministry from their favorite preacher; selfish in disputes; selfish in use of Christian liberty & exercise of their spiritual gifts; mixing pop philosophy with spiritual truth of the resurrection, etc. Paul teaches on Spiritual Gifts in chapters 12-14, around the key theme found in 12:7, To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good. It sums up what our Lord meant fellowship to be.
If Christ is the Great Physician to His Body, the Church, who are His nurses?
Hint: Hebrews 1:14; Acts 2:42-47; I Corinthians 12:24b-26. Also, if you have access to a Bible concordance, look up the number of times the word “fellowship” and the phrase “one another” appears.
Someone wrote that the Church is to be a hospital for sinners, not a hotel for saints (other versions of this saying exist). What are some ways our church lives out the first phrase? Are there ways we fulfill the second phrase?
How does living out of I Corinthians 12:25-26 testify Christ to the world around us? What exactly does healthy Body Life show unbelievers?
Are we to extend such ministry to unbelievers? Why or why not? Hint: Luke 10:29-37. Give other examples of how Jesus answered this question.