Title: The Breath of Life
Text: Habakkuk 3:1-19
Theme: Worship the Lord
I. He ___________ to delight in the Lord’s friendship.
A. He chooses to take pleasure in the Lord, v. 18.
B. How do we delight in the Lord’s friendship to His pleasing & our good?
II. He ___________to declare the Lord’s grace to others.
A. Habakkuk worships the Lord by confessing Him, v. 19.
B. Some forms of confession that are soul-heartening worship.
Questions for Study
The Prophecy of Habakkuk is a prayer conversation between the Lord & the Prophet about the Lord’s plans for His people. The Lord informed Habakkuk He was about to chasten His sinful people, using the cruel Babylonian army as His scourge. Habakkuk questioned why He would use an unrighteous people more wicked than His own to punish them. The Lord assures Habakkuk that justice will be done on the Babylonians and His people avenged. In the final chapter Habakkuk reviews some history of God’s dealings with His people and with their enemies, trembles at what’s going to befall the Babylonians and resolves that, come what hard providences may, he will delight himself in the Lord.
How is Habakkuk 3:17-19 related to Philippians 4:4?
In what way do vv. 18 & 19 describe things that cannot be shaken and are always a fruitful field in which to walk & meditate?
Do we practice this when we struggle under hard providences? If so, what does it look like in your own life? What are some tools the Lord has given to help us practice v. 18? Hint: Ephesians 5:19-21; Colossians 3:16-17; Psalm 8; 77; 104; 107; 108:1-8.
Ideally, where does sincere worship take us (or transport our hearts & minds, if you will)? See Colossians 3:1-3; Hebrews 12:22-24. What effect could that have on us in our struggles? See the song, Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus.