Dave and Kim Field – April 2020

Dave, Kim, Reece & Clark Field

We are SO thankful to each of you and your faithfulness to God and this ministry.
This time is so uncertain and we sincerely thank you for continuing to support our family in this time.
We know for many of you it may not be easy and we truly thank you for relying on Christ in this time.

Wisconsin stay-at-home order was extended to May 26. But with it pouring rain every day, it is easy to stay inside. Plus our grass is emerald green! However, it hasnt stopped raining in 3 days straight and our old stone-walled  basement has water leaking in from the walls and floors since we are at the bottom of the hill. We have a squeegee and 2 de-humidifiers running non-stop.


In just a few days, May 16, is graduation for our senior class of EBI. Leadership has decided to have the  graduation ceremony via on-line since it would be too difficult to gather everyone back from around the country/world at a later date for a graduation.

We have been here for 15 graduations, and we never dreamed our son’s graduation would be at home. There have been quite a few disappointments like this, but one by one we take the Lord’s strength and peace for each of them.

The good news is that Dave was voted by the class to be the grad speaker! That is such an honor! Please pray for him as he depends on the Lord and prepares his message, that it would be exactly what the students need to hear during this difficult time for them.

Please also pray for the team who is working on preparing the graduation ceremony right now. They are putting together a thousand little pieces to make the ceremony honoring to the class. I’m not sure how they manage to piece together the worship team, class speakers, awards, message, etc. but there are a bunch of smart people working hard on it right now and we are thankful.

Thank you for partnering with us here at Ethnos Bible School.
Dave, Kim, Reece & Clark Field

I don’t know why I only thought of this now, but I’d like to introduce you to the Senior class project! Every Senior class raises funds for a missionary family and the dollar amount raised is announced at graduation.

Here is the missionary family Reece’s class chose!

Jordan and Jessica Martin

This family recently graduated from here and is now raising support to work among Inuit people groups of Northern Canada!

Reeces’ class was able to do a few fundraisers before they all had to go home, so were able to raise $900. If anyone is interested in donating a gift to this family, just let us know and we will give you the online donating directions.