Timely Billy Graham Sermon Clip Goes Viral
By Aaron Earls
As uncertainty becomes the new normal, many people are finding comfort in the familiar. One such place is a Billy Graham sermon.
While Graham died just over two years ago, his words from this classic sermon still bring comfort and reassurance to the Christian today.
Hundreds have shared this short clip from Billy Graham on social media.
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Habakkuk said, “Lord please tell me what you’re doing.” And God said, “No, I’m not going to tell you, Habakkuk. Because if I told you what I was doing you wouldn’t believe it.”
If God today told us what He’s doing in the world, we wouldn’t believe it.
Don’t you think God’s given up, and God’s abdicated, and God’s left the throne. He hasn’t.
He’s still on the throne. And those of us that know Him put our trust in Him and Him alone.
I don’t put my trust in Washington. I don’t put my trust in the United Nations. I don’t put my trust in myself. I don’t put trust in my money.
I put my trust in the Lord Jesus Christ.
When all the rest of it fails and crumbles and shatters, He’ll be there.