A person’s lifetime commitment to Jesus can impact hundreds. That’s the story for Victor.
Twenty years ago, Victor graduated from Church Planter Training. He had volunteered for Bible League Mexico for years and finally planted his own church. He led the church for four years, then returned to farming. But, being a pastor was his calling, so soon after, he offered to care for an abandoned church in a nearby community.
With the guidance of the Lord, what started as a small gathering of Victor’s family soon turned into a full congregation. Victor served there for 18 years, then passed the torch to another Bible League-trained church planter. He is now in the process of starting another church, one he will eventually pass down to another graduate.
In all his time serving, Victor has watched the Lord work over and over. “I have seen many people receiving our Savior, Jesus Christ, in their hearts. I have seen the restoration of many families and transformation of individual lives. I have seen brothers grow up to be leaders, many who were freed from alcoholism and excruciating poverty,” he says. “God entrusted me to be loyal to the ministry. I have gone through many obstacles during the decades, but God has never left me.”
Through his Church Planter Training, Victor has impacted so many lives across Mexico. He has led churches, mentored leaders, and was even involved in translating the New Testament to the Mixe indigenous language. Praise God for his lifelong commitment!
Finding Faith in Prison
A man’s time in prison leads him to Christ
February 10, 2020
Though 27-year-old Oscar grew up in a Christian family in the Upper West Region of Ghana, he didn’t understand what it meant to have a relationship with Jesus Christ—until he went to jail. A few years ago, Oscar worked for a mobile phone company, and he got into trouble when he made the wrong decision to replace a friend’s sim card. Unfortunately, Oscar’s friend lied.
He recalls, “That wasn’t his card, but it was his employer’s. He then went and withdrew a large amount of money without the employer’s permission.” When the truth came out, Oscar was liable and charged with aiding and abetting. He notes, “I tried to find the man, but the efforts deemed fruitless. At the time, I couldn’t repay the money. Therefore, I was taken to court.” Oscar pled guilty and was sentenced to 27 months in Tamale Central Prison.
One day, a pastor came to the prison to share the Gospel, and he encouraged Oscar to join a Project Philip Bible study there. He regularly began going to the study and really enjoyed the Prison Bible he received. He says, “What I liked the most about that Bible is that it’s easy to read and the lessons are easy to understand. Having the lessons in the Prison Bible has helped us to understand what we are reading and equipped us with how to share God’s Word with other inmates.”
Oscar served 18 months in prison before he was released. Though he still faces stigmas for being in jail, he was able to get a new job through believers who helped to lead Project Philip Bible studies within the prison. But above all, the greatest blessing to him is God’s Word. He beams, “The Prison Bible has changed a lot of Ghanaian inmates, both spiritually and mentally. It’s the Prison Bible that brought hope and transformation to those who felt rejected.”
God’s Word is her Inspiration
Project Philip Bible studies change Albanian woman’s life
February 3, 2020
Natasha, 40, comes from a Roma Muslim family. She is married with three children and lives in Albania. “I tried to follow the rules of Islam, but I found it very difficult to do it all,” she says softly. “However, it was the only way I knew how to seek God. But I didn’t find peace.”
She reveals their money problems led to quarrels at home. “My husband started to hang out with his old friends. This situation caused a lot of stress for me. One day, while I was at home, a woman came and knocked on my door. She talked to me about Jesus. I had never heard that message,” she explains.
Her husband did not want to hear about it. “I was very determined,” she says, “and eventually, I convinced him to go to church with me. As soon as we got in there, we felt a presence that I could not explain but I could tell it was God’s presence. People from the church invited us to be part of a Bible study group. We went regularly and completed the whole Project Philip Bible study.
“Through those studies, God completely changed my life and that of my family. I realized how much God loves me, that He died for me on the cross, and I accepted Him as Lord and Savior of my life. I started reading the Bible every day at home.”
Although uncomfortable at first, her husband also became a believer and the family’s situation changed completely. “We are blessed and happy,” Natasha reports. “The Bible is the inspiration for my life and my family. Through studying and believing in the Word of the Lord, my family and I were saved. Thank you for giving it to me for free because we couldn’t afford it. I like to share the Word of God with my friends. Please, keep on giving all Albanians the opportunity to learn and know about the true God through the Scriptures, as you did with me. May the Lord bless you!”
2019 Ministry Map
Throughout 2019, God’s Word was strategically sent across the globe. Thanks to your support, more than 2 million people were reached with the Word in 40 different countries. Take a closer look at the impact map to see details!
Join Us in Prayer This Month: Download the March Prayer Calendar
Additional Prayer Requests
May the Lord bless the upcoming Project Philip training in Jakarta, Indonesia, among 60 Christian education teachers. Pray that this training will equip these teachers to become more effective in sharing God’s Word with their students. Continue to pray for the residents of this area as they recover from devastating floods in the city last month.
A Bible League-trained Philip (Project Philip Bible study leader) in Mamelodi, South Africa, was murdered recently. Pray for comfort and peace for his wife and two daughters as well as the rest of his family. Please ask the Lord to protect the Philips and trainers as they work in dangerous places.