Foodlink Mobile Pantry @ UCM (4:00-6:30PM, Friday, April 1)

Foodlink’s Mobile Pantry delivers food directly to communities in need. Perishable food from Foodlink’s warehouse is loaded onto our 22 ft. truck and delivered to a sponsoring organization. Foodlink staff and volunteers from the sponsoring organization unload, set up, and distribute the food directly to clients.

You must be 18 or older to accept food.

Food will be distributed on a first come, first served basis. We cannot guarantee enough food for all attending.

No income requirement.

No geographic limits.

No ID required.

Rain or shine.

Friday, April 1
Friday, May 6
Tues, June 14
Friday, July 15
Tues, Aug 9


The United Church of Marion, 3848 North Main St., Marion NY

UCoM Foodlink Mobile Pantry Flyer