Represent Jesus in each of our
spheres of influence.
Recently Dave & I joined about 70 students on a trip to Ethnos Missionary training Center in Missouri. It was an exposure trip for them to see what next steps could look like for them.
We got to have deep and important conversations with our vanload since it was 9 hours one way!
We got to worship with the students there, plus sit in amazing classes like:
Global perspective
13 stages of church planting
case studies relating to culture
intro to learning an unwritten language
Missions in closed access settings
and much more!
We had the gift of a Thai meal where the missionaries taught us about Thai culture and how to eat in a Thai tribal setting. They told us how important it is to learn their language and culture before presenting the gospel.
We were able to spend time with the students there and ask all sorts of questions about the training they are experiencing right now! What are they learning in classes, what is God teaching them?
All of the students there are put in groups led by two staff families during their duration at training. They become family to each other and pray together, study together and play together. All of us from EBI were divided into all the small groups and were able to experience the genuine love in those community groups. It truly is a special thing!
God is so AMAZING and SO worthy to be praised! And we are so grateful to be partnering with you as we all reflect His light in our little spheres of influence!!
Dave & Kim Field