“The Emotions of Christmas: the Savior Loved and Longed for” Sunday Service (9:30 AM in the GYM and 9:45 AM Live Stream)

You are invited to experience, view or listen to our Sunday morning sermon in one of 5 ways.
1) Participate in our onsite worship service in the GYM which begins at 9:30 AM, SUNDAY at 3757 Mill Street.
2) Watch live on the church Facebook page at 9:45 AM, SUNDAY by going to: facebook.com/srcmarion  There are announcement slides and music at the start of the stream while we wait for the right time to join the service in progress.  Please “like” our Facebook page for future notifications.
3) Watch the same recording later on Facebook at a time more convenient for you: facebook.com/srcmarion
4) Watch the same recording later on our newly created YouTube channel. Just type in “Second Reformed Church of Marion” when you go to youtube.com  Or you can click on this link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo3ZNP8OgRarSQXfqzGcn-Q
5) Listen to the audio recording and see sermon outline on our church website: sermons.srcmarion.org

Title: The Emotions of Christmas: the Savior Loved and Longed for

Theme: God contrasts the longings of the old self with the new man in Christ.

Reference: Psalm 14

  1. This humanity longs for life _____________ God.
    1. David begins with the Fool’s Creed, his heart confession, v. 1.
    2. Believers remind unbelievers of God; we’re threats to be silenced, v. 4-5
  2. The new humanity longs for life __________God, v. 7.
    1. This is Advent yearning; that Christ the Desire of nations would come.
    2. V. 7 most clearly longs for and begs “Come, Lord Jesus!”

Questions for Study:

  • Name some recent news events that demonstrate all too well Psalm 14’s diagnosis of our human standing and condition. How does Herod’s reaction to the news of Christ’s birth and his mini pogrom put Psalm 14’s teaching on full display? See Matthew 2:1-23.
  • Do vv. 1-6 apply only to radically sinful, evil people? What suggests otherwise? How does Jeremiah 17:9 echo this?
  • Can you name some Bible characters who witnessed and or suffered at the hands of evil, evil people, who expressed the longings for His coming?
    • Hint: Genesis 4:1; 5:28-29; Luke 1:67-79; 2:27-32; Philippians 3:20; II Peter 2:7-10.
  • How does Hebrews 9:27-28 distinguish Christ’s two advents? What joys are peculiar to each one?
  • Do you long for Jesus appearing? If so, is this a longing for relief from the present distress and witnessing the strutting of evildoers? Or is it that plus the joy of seeing our Lord glorified & honored, of sin being finished & holiness perfected?