Title: God’s Son, Our Redeemer and Ransom, Advent Part 3
Text: Galatians 4:4-5, Luke 2:22-35, Matthew 3:13-17
Theme: For His Disobedient People, Our Redeemer Fulfilled God’s Law’s Requirements
- Jesus perfectly _____________ His Father all His life.
- That obedience began already in eternity.
- What did Jesus’ perfect obedience do for believers in Him?
- What Jesus brought to _____________ up on the Cross for us.
- He came to redeem those who were under the law…
- How should we respond to God for such an exquisite Gift?
- Mentally?
- Emotionally?
- Physically?
- Relationally?
- Vocationally?
Questions for Study
What was the price for our ransom from sin & God’s curse?
To whom was it paid?
To redeem someone is to liberate them from their debt & captivity. What freedoms belong to those Jesus liberated by paying our ransom on the Cross?
What are the obligations of those whom Jesus has redeemed from sin & the Curse?
How do Jesus’ miracles of healing illustrate redemption?
How does II Corinthians 8:9 relate to our Galatians 4:4-5 text?
What else did Jesus’ death on the Cross redeem? See Colossians 1:16-20; II Peter 3:8-13.
Why do some refuse to receive God’s free offer to ransom us in Christ? Those who refuse, what does it say about their self-opinion? Their view of God?