Title: Advent Part 2
Text: Galatians 4:4-5, Hebrews 2:9-17
Theme: For us sinners, God sent form Him Who is Son of God and of Man.
- Jesus Christ is _____________ ____________.
- This truth is contained in the phrase, “God sent forth His Son“
- Many scriptures teach Jesus’ divinity, His being God.
- Jesus Christ is _____________ ____________.
- Paul’s words “born of a woman” strongly state that.
- Why was Jesus’ humanity necessary?
Questions for Study
To reinforce the teaching in the sermon, please look up our Heidelberg Catechism questions & answers 12-19. You can find it on our SRC website, Heidelberg Catechism (srcmarion.org)
God’s Word teaches that Jesus is true God & true Man in one Person. Why do some reject this truth or struggle to believe it? How much of people’s rejection of or struggle with this Bible doctrine connected with an over estimate of human intellectual ability?
What warning does God give those who deny that Jesus is God the Son, of the same Divine nature as God the Father? See I John 2:22-25.
What comfort is it to the believer that Jesus is fully God?
What comfort is it to the believer that Jesus is fully Man?
What difference does His humanity make for His Self-Sacrifice on the Cross?
What difference does His Divinity make for His Self-Sacrifice on the Cross?
What difference does His Divine & Human natures make for His service to God and to His people as our Great High Priest?