Title: Debility & Deliverance
Text: Luke 8:26-39
Theme: Jesus is able to deliver Satan’s captives from his hideous power.
- Jesus’ supreme power & authority ______________.
- You’d expect the last things demons wanted was to meet their judge.
- People focus so much attention on gaining power
- Jesus delivered a hopeless, helpless __________________
- Luke 8:27,29. This demoniac depicts every human who is without Christ.
- Illustrations
- Jesus paid the delivery charge, the ransom _______________.
- He exercised complete authority over Satan’s soldiers to command them.
- He’s able to deliver us as readily as he delivered the demoniac.
- Jesus ____________.
- People loved their sinful existence as it was.
- Jesus left, but in mercy left a faithful witness to His grace.
Questions for Further Study:
Do you believe in a personal, evil being called Satan?
Ever had a run in with evil, a dark presence or an evil person? If so what struck you about it/the person?
How powerful is Satan & his army of fallen angels? See: Job 1-2; Luke 22:31-32; II Corinthians 4:3-4; Ephesians 6:10ff; Hebrews 2:14-15. Revelation 20:1-3.
In what ways does Christ save believers from the Evil One? See: Matthew 6:13; I Peter 5:6-9; I John 2:26-27; 5:18-20; Revelation 12:7-12.
How did Jesus overcome the Evil One’s attacks? See Matthew 4:1-11.