The Lenz’ View – July 2020

Oh Rats…

About a month ago while we started the process of sorting and packing for our return to Papua New Guinea, our co-workers discovered and notified us that our house in the village had been overtaken by rats in our absence. At the last count, I believe they have killed over 30 rats in our house (and that number was slowly rising). We are very grateful for their efforts to eradicate the rat population. We’ve been told that the trespassers have done substantial damage, but the full amount of damage is still to be determined. From photos, it almost looked as if an earthquake had shaken items off the shelves, but nope, that was the rats knocking things over and of course chewing on all of it in the process. Our co-workers have organized a team from our support base to come in to the village next week in order to do a thorough cleaning and also put metal siding on our house to replace the woven pitpit siding. We hope this step will keep them from invading like this again in the future. We hope to have a better assessment of what all was damaged after this next week.




News from the Village…

In early June another 13 Wahgi believers were baptized. What is more exciting is that these people were led to the Lord and baptized by other members of the Wahgi church. This was done while our co-workers were out of the village. We are thankful for Stephen and Wirol who have kept Bible studies and Sunday Bible teaching going. Now that our co-workers have returned to the village, they will be working to further train and encourage these men to continue Bible teaching rather than taking that role again themselves. We have been longing for the day when the church would stand strong on their own feet and the Word of God. It looks as if God is using COVID to help bring that about. Please be praying with us for continued unity in the church and more faithful men and women of God take on responsibilities in the church.

Four young Wahgi believers (Dipa, Kayeye, James, & Lus)

Now What…

We just had a great time visiting my (Levi) family in Missouri. Now that we’re back in Michigan, we will resume packing things to send over to PNG. We still do not have our kids’ passports back. The passport processing centers are still slowly reopening. We were recently advised that once we receive our the new passports, we need to send them off to the PNG Embassy in Washington, DC to have the entry permits transferred over to the new passports. In the past we’ve been able to travel with both old/new passports in hand, but we’re being encouraged not to do that this time around. Please be praying with us for patience as we wait on God’s timing and travel documents.


Thank you for your continued prayers and support,


Levi & Robyn Lenz

Serving the North Wahgi people

of Papua New Guinea

Facebook: Lenz’s View