In one week so much has changed!
#1 Our family moved out of our apartment which was in the main building, and now live in a house at the bottom of the hill on the school property. You should’ve seen all the students who showed up to help us move, it was AMAZING! We love our new home and we have already hosted scads of students.
#2 Because of the virus, the classrooms closed and the students all watched the classes on-line in groups around campus. We got to have our living room full of students every morning this week. Dave taught to an empty classroom, but It was fun seeing Dave live on our tv while the students all watched.
#3 Today, because of the virus, the students are being asked to move home this weekend. The classes will continue to be live streamed every day on-line, but we are so sad to have the school shut down for the rest of the semester. Reece and his class-mates will be missing their banquet, senior project, graduation, and 2 months of Bible School amazing-ness.
#1 Everyone is scrambling to pack and quickly saying many good byes to dear friends.
#2 Many people are scrambling to know where they are actually moving to. We opened our home to a few international students who can’t get home, but dozens more are totally unsure of next steps. There have been Christians in the area who are offering their homes as places to stay.
#3 Everyone is numb with a layer of sadness over everything for all their loss. We all feel that, and know how to pray for them.
#4 Please pray for the students as they continue their classes on-line from home. Please pray for the teachers here as they continue to teach every day in front of a live camera in an empty classroom. Everyone needs prayer these days!
We know that God is so very good. He also does only good. Even though we are hurting, and don’t understand, we know He is always trustworthy, and will work this storm out for good. He alone can do that.
Our love,
Dave, Kim, Reece & Clark Field