What? Refuge is the youth group of SRC, but is open to teens of other churches and the community. Our meetings usually consist of: meet ‘n greet, snack, announcements, worship time, God talk, games, and talking to friends.
Why? It is our desire that everyone who enters our doors will feel welcome and challenged to grow in a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.
Who? 5th through 12th grade youth from Marion and surrounding communities are welcome to participate.
Where? Refuge meets in the Education Building with Gym behind the Second Reformed Church (3757 Mill Street, Marion, NY 14505).
When? Refuge meets from 4:30-6:00PM on most Sundays during the school year with some special events at other times.
Youthleaders? The Refuge youthworkers for the 2018-2019 school year are: Ned & Shelley Morgan, Linda Kellogg, Kim Reiff, Brandie Combs, John Harden, Mike Sicienski and Mike McOrmond.
Info? Besides talking a Refuge youthworker, you can find out more information by following our Facebook page entitled “Refuge Youth.”