News from the Lenz Family – June 2021

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We want to thank you for your prayers for our family, specifically regarding all our medical issues over the past few months. Here’s a quick update on all that and a note about what lies ahead.

In April, Krystiana broke her arm in 3 places and had to have pins put in it. She has made a good recovery. Her pins were removed the middle of May and her final cast/brace removed last week. She’s learned to write quite well with her left hand over the last month.

Robyn had a follow-up appointment with a doctor at the University of Michigan hospital regarding some nodules growing on her vocal cords which keep her in a constant state similar to that of laryngitis. The vocal cords have been stressed and are misshapen, which causes further stress. She has been assigned some vocal therapy to retrain the vocal cords and, eventually, as the vocal cords heal the nodules should go away.

I, Levi, had a cardiac ablation on May 18. Unfortunately, the doctor was unable to ablate the target area that is responsible for the tachycardia as it is close to other important structures of the heart; the AV node. If the AV node were damaged during the process of ablating, I could have come home with a pacemaker so the decision was made to leave well-enough alone. However, in the process of seeking out the area to be ablated, another issue did present itself and was able to be ablated. I will presumably be on medication for the tachycardia and arrhythmia until God gives me a new body. I hear there will likely be many other things that will break down on this body in the meantime as well.

The good news is that we have received the go-ahead from my cardiologist and our doctor in Papua New Guinea to return mid-July so preparations are being made for that. We cannot express enough our gratitude for Wakeshma Community Church providing us with a house for the last 5 months. We are working to pack up, again, for our return. Our mission is seeking the government’s approval for us to be able to re-enter PNG (a new requirement thanks to COVID) and once that is granted, we will begin looking for tickets. Your prayers are appreciated for all the details in this upcoming transition; paperwork, reasonable plane fares, negative covid tests, etc. This is a very hard transition for some of our kids, so be praying for them as well.

Thank you all for your prayers, encouragement, and support,

Levi & Robyn Lenz

Serving the North Wahgi people of Papua New Guinea

Facebook: Lenz’s View